The surrounding air instantly became condensed.

Tong Li's eyes suddenly became fierce, and he asked coldly, "How do you know him?"

This man knew her so well that she had to wonder if this man had been monitoring her life.

Is he really as simple as her nominal master?
There are also strange people who appear around her.

Who the hell are these people.

Wu Jin's heart skipped a beat, did he say something wrong again?Why did the little girl question him again?

Before he could answer, Tong Li's face was immediately covered with a frost, suspicious, and began to boldly guess: "Are you in the same group as the man who approached me before?"

That person had teamed up with Pei Jiuyin to abort her child.

The so-called master in front of him knows everything about her, so does he also know who that inexplicable man is?

What is his purpose for appearing now?

Wu Jin began to doubt life. After thinking about it, he didn't say anything, and he didn't reveal any flaws. How did he get involved with Ming Si?

It is impossible for him to admit that he knew Ming Si.

Wu Jin's eyeballs rolled around, and he didn't speak very fluently: "You...what are you talking about? Who is it? I haven't been here for long."

Tong Li stood up and looked at him condescendingly, subconsciously protecting the child in her womb, and becoming more wary of him: "You haven't shown up for so long, what's the purpose of showing up now."

Wu Jin frowned, scratching the wall anxiously.

Well, I haven't said anything yet, and now I have become a bad person.

What to do now?
Tong Li snorted coldly, stepped forward, went to the door and picked up her umbrella, wanting to leave here.

"Hey, where are you going? Don't go, I haven't finished talking." Wu Jin couldn't let her go, so she got up quickly to stop her.

After finally catching a single person, if the person runs away, then what's the point of his coming here.

Tong Li turned her head and gave a cold look, Wu Jin was stared at and stopped, lowered her head and touched the tip of her nose.

"If you're not going to tell me the truth, then don't tell me anything and don't bother me." She won't touch him, but don't bother her either.

Wu Jin smiled, feeling bitter in her heart, why did he take care of her with so many things.


He even smashed the pot and slapped his thigh: "Okay, okay, what do you want to know, I will tell you everything I can say."

Tong Li paused when she walked out, then looked back at Wu Jin suspiciously.

"you sure?"

Wu Jin sighed again, there was too much helplessness today, if he sighed a few more times, his life would be shortened for a few years.

"What are you still doing in a daze, come here." Everyone is worried, what a little ancestor, more difficult to deal with than a kid, if it is a kid, he will slap him away.

Hum hum.

Tong Li looked at Wu Jin's helpless back, and returned to her position in doubt.

Before he sat down, he asked directly, "Who the hell are you?"

Wu Jin raised her hand and immediately stopped her, picked up her teacup and scratched gently: "You can only ask me three questions, and I will answer you truthfully. You should think clearly about what you want to ask, and don't waste these three times." Opportunity."

Tong Li pursed her lips tightly, lowered her eyes, and thought seriously. ....
"Who is Pei Jiuyin?"

Pfft... Wu Jin spouted tea ten meters away, almost vomiting blood and dying.

This aunt doesn't play with him like that.

Wu Jin took a deep breath and coughed twice: "You can only ask about yourself, others are not allowed."

Tong Li rolled his eyes at him, and didn't say earlier,

She continued to think deeply.

Wu Jin put down the tea in his hand and didn't dare to drink any more, for fear that if she asked something, he would choke on himself again.

"Why is the child in my womb doing this?"

Wu Jin covered his head, whimpering non-stop in his heart, he counted

I get it, this girl is not a fuel-efficient lamp at any time.

"Ahem... this child, um..."

"Let me give you an analogy."

"One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, you know what that means."

"When there are two kings on a mountain, and neither of them obeys the other, and everyone wants to be the king of the mountain, the only way is to kill the other, and then the whole mountain belongs to it."

"But, these two mountain kings are equal in strength. If they fight, it will be the mountain that will be unlucky."

"Your two children are equivalent to two mountain kings, and you are the top of the mountain."

"If you are an invulnerable mountain, you can let them kill you in your territory, and the moves they use can't hurt you."

"But you are an ordinary mountain now, as long as they make a move, your mountain will be turned upside down."

"And it doesn't stop there, they're going to eat all the food in your mountain until that mountain becomes a bare mountain without any life."

"The last possibility is that the nutrition on the top of the mountain will be eaten up, and the two kings of the mountain will be starved to death..."

"At the beginning, if you can be more ruthless and drive these two tigers out, nothing will happen to the mountain."

Tong Li understood, and asked casually, "Why are they so powerful?"

There was an imperceptible smile on the corner of Wu Jin's mouth: "This is the second question, are you sure you want me to answer this?"

Tong Li: "..."

"never mind."

After a while he asked again, "Who am I?"

Lu Tianxue told her that she came to cross the catastrophe, so what was her previous identity?
"Teacher... I don't think you should be obsessed with these one-sided things. These are all illusory things. If we want to ask, we should ask something real."

Tong Li: "?"

"Who was the person who wanted to help me and hurt me last time?"

Wu Jin sighed quietly.

Forget it... she can tell if she wants to know.

"That's your second brother."

"He is the elder brother who loves you the most. That kid doesn't want you to suffer a little bit, take a little detour, even if you are brave, he will pave the way for you."

"But, no matter how hard he tries, a person's ability is always limited. He can't help you much, but he still does his best."

Wu Jin thought of the underworld who was still locked up, and suddenly explained to him with conscience: "Because of helping you last time, he has already been locked up."

"Don't blame him, all he did was for you to have a good result in the future."

Wu Jin spread her hands: "But it's obvious that you won't listen to him no matter when."

"Perhaps this is destined."

Tong Li was taken aback for a moment, never expecting this to happen.

Her brother?

If that person was replaced by his elder brother, then the tone he spoke to her was indeed very familiar, and he still hated iron for being weak.

"I see."

There is only one problem left.

In fact, she wanted to ask about Pei Jiuyin more, but she couldn't.

He didn't want to ask or know about the person in front of him.

"Do you know how to deal with Chi Zhoujun?" This person has been standing beside the two of them. If she really can't survive, she also hopes to give Pei Jiuyin a peaceful world.

Wu Jin sat silently, and began to think about whether this was a problem?

Ok! ...forget it? .
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