Chapter 493
"there's one more thing."

Tong Li looked at his smiling face, and instinctively told her that this man would not have anything good to say.

Sure enough, Wu Jin's smiling face just now collapsed in the next second: "It's just... I stole this thing for you, if your elder brother finds out, he will definitely not let me go, and you will definitely You have to intercede for me, and it is best to avoid punishment."

"Otherwise I'm sorry for doing so many things for you."

"is not it?"

Tong Li: "."


It bothered her quite a bit.

"What kind of person is my elder brother?"

When Wu Jin thought of the black bread man, he said angrily, "He's just one."

"That's it." He lifted his eyebrows with both hands, pulling them as long as Guan Gong, pretending to be calm and majestic.

"He looks like this, he's very fierce, right? He makes a face all day long, and looks like everyone owes him 800 million. One look can stare at a brat to death..."

Wu Jin didn't know how much resentment she had accumulated, talking about her elder brother's mouth that kept babbling like a machine gun, and it was all words of belittling others...

Tong Li also listened with great interest, after all, this matter was both new and curious to her.

And the person who was stolen, looking at the empty box at this time, knows who stole it without even checking.

But what's strange is that he just closed the box, without any waves in his eyes, and then turned and left the room silently, as if nothing had happened.


During the few days when Pei Jiuyin was in a coma, the whole manor seemed to be covered with a layer of ashes, even all kinds of precious plants and flowers became pale, and the magnificent buildings also inexplicably gave off a gloomy feeling.

Qu Rui stayed by his side for almost a week, using medicine, acupuncture and everything, but the person on the bed still showed no sign of waking up.

It stands to reason that rushing to get angry is not a serious illness, and it can be recovered with a little adjustment, but he... unless he doesn't want to wake up.

No matter how powerful he is, he can't wake up a person who doesn't want to wake up


Where did Tong Li go?

It's not that he didn't send someone out to find Tong Li, but Tong Li is not good at using mobile phones, doesn't take any means of transportation, and knows how to avoid cameras, so it's obvious that people can't find her.

Finding someone like this is like looking for a needle in a haystack, and finding someone back is not easy.

"Jiu Yin, wake up, if you lie down like this, Tong Li will never be found again."

"Although I don't know what happened to you, it's not easy for you to come to the present. We wake up first, no matter what happens, there is always a solution."

"You're not the kind of person who will run away when things happen. Besides, Tong Li is still pregnant. No matter how big the problem is, we'll go get her back first and discuss it carefully. There's nothing we can't handle."

"Jiuyin, don't sleep, okay?"

Qu Rui looked at the man who was sleeping peacefully on the bed, and let out a short sigh. He didn't know how many times he said these words, but he still didn't respond.

Remembering that she still had things to do, she got up and squeezed the corner of the quilt for him, and went to attend to her own affairs.

The moment the door closed, the person on the bed moved his fingers and frowned slightly, as if he had encountered something that bothered him.

In the dream, he didn't know who he was, he didn't know what day it was, and he didn't know where he was.

He looked around blankly, feeling very puzzled, there were white air masses floating everywhere, these air masses kept circling around him, no matter where he went, these strips of air would follow him.

These things don't pose any threat to him, they just haunt him, very annoying.

He started to speed up, running forward non-stop, trying to get rid of the air mass that was entangled with him!

I don't know how long he ran, but he didn't stop until he was exhausted from running, out of breath, and couldn't run anymore.

He sat down on the ground, clutching his head in pain. His head was empty, and there was nothing in it.

He didn't know why he was here, why he ran, he always felt that he had something important to do, but no matter what he thought, he just couldn't think of it.

Here he screamed every day should not work, and the land was not working, and there was a dead silence everywhere, as if he was the only one left in the whole world, and he knew that there must be something wrong.

What's wrong?

Just as he was falling asleep, a voice suddenly came from his ear.

He heard a name: Tong Li.

Who is Tong Li?

Suddenly, there was a shock in the head, and the pain seemed to explode.
And the night sky outside, which should have been pitch black, suddenly glowed red, and the strange red light directly illuminated the entire night.

In addition to the red light all over the sky, the air around the manor seemed to be still. The people who had been monitoring seemed to have noticed something unusual, and everyone ran out to check the situation.

Even if he didn't have any supernatural powers, he could guess that something dangerous was approaching them after seeing this strange scene.

And in the sky above what they couldn't see, a faint mist was slowly rising, enveloping the entire manor in the blink of an eye.

The villa belonging to Pei Jiuyin also became very strange. I don't know if their eyes were dazzled, they seemed to see that house flickering.

They thought they were dazzled and blinked vigorously, but no matter how many times they blinked, the villa was really flickering.

"What's going on?" Several people looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

The next second everyone ran to the villa, and as soon as they got close to the villa, they saw a group of brothers who had fainted on the ground.

Everyone was immediately alert and looked around vigilantly.

Apart from the deathly silence, no threats were found around.

But everyone dare not take it lightly: "Everyone, be careful."

As soon as the words fell, everyone present didn't know what was going on, their bodies softened, and they all fell to the ground indiscriminately.

No matter who the visitor is, anyone who wants to approach this place will faint within ten meters.

And the situation inside the house was worse than they imagined.

The person on the bed seems to be controlled by some kind of force, the whole person is suspended in mid-air, and some kind of light energy is continuously extending from the ground, scrambling to enter Pei Jiuyin's body.

The face of the person suspended in mid-air is very peaceful, without any discomfort, and seems to be enjoying it.

For some unknown reason, the originally still air suddenly became manic, and the reddened deep space was gradually covered by a puff of black air.

Slowly, the black air in the sky gradually formed a personal echelon, each with a terrifying murderous look on their faces.

Perhaps that unknown force also sensed the menacing approach of the enemy, and quickly formed an enchantment, just to block the invading black energy.

The black air failed to invade, but was eroded instead, dissipating between heaven and earth in an instant.

Jing Beichen looked at the Pei family below with a confused expression.

He has been trying his best to find Tong Li these days, but he forgot that there is Pei Jiuyin to deal with.

He managed to break his body shield, but he didn't expect that after he came back, he would stimulate the dragon veins below.

(End of this chapter)

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