The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 499 Both 'He' and 'She' Come, Two People Meet

Chapter 499 'He' and 'she' are back, the two meet
The driver didn't hear any response, and took advantage of the gap to sneak a sideways glance at him, thinking in his heart that he had saved a strange person.

No matter how much this person asks, he just refuses to speak!
Could it be that he is a dumb person?Either it is a mental problem, otherwise no normal person would come to this kind of place.

He saw that this man looked good, but his brain...

Alas, the driver immediately felt pity for him.

"Little brother, if you don't know the contact information, then I will send you to the police station and ask the police uncle to help you contact your family."

"No need." Pei Jiuyin's lips moved slightly, his voice was slightly hoarse after he had not spoken for a long time, not to mention the cold wind blowing all night, he is still a little feverish, and his throat is dry and uncomfortably dry.

Seeing this, the driver immediately took out a bottle of water from below and handed it to him.

"So you're not dumb. I told you so much, but you didn't reply. I thought you were dumb."

"Hahaha... sorry" the driver smiled heartily.

"Do you want me to help you contact your family to pick you up?"

As soon as he mentioned his family, Pei Jiuyin stopped talking, and stared at the scenery outside with dull eyes.

He came out to look for his family, but he had been looking for three months, and he still hadn't heard from her.

Seeing that he didn't answer, the driver still had a worried look on his face, thinking that he must be someone with a story.

He exhaled the smoke out of his mouth, then turned on the car radio in the car, played DJ music to refresh himself, and let the guy next to him relax.

The deafening music was especially harsh in this small driver's seat. Pei Jiuyin frowned and closed his eyes without saying anything.

Come out of sight.

The driver's body swayed slightly with the music, and suddenly there was a creak on the radio, and the exciting music stopped abruptly, and the voice of a male host came out instead.

"I'm sorry to disturb everyone, but now I'm interrupting a missing person announcement. A Mr. Pei is looking for a Mr. Pei Jiuyin: This Mr. Pei Jiuyin, if you are also in front of the radio, please listen to this message carefully. Because this is related to the harmony of your family, your wife and children are waiting for you at home, please go home as soon as you hear."

The radio host thought it was a man who ran away because of trivial matters at home, so he immediately turned into a peacemaker and began to persuade him to go home and not to worry his family.

Pei Jiuyin, who was lying on the co-pilot, opened his eyes suddenly, thinking that he had heard wrongly, and just when he got up to listen, the driver turned the radio to the next channel.

I never thought that the next channel would be broadcasting to find this Mr. Pei Jiuyin.

"Don't move." Pei Jiuyin looked nervous, and immediately raised his hand to stop the driver, opened his ears, and listened intently to the content broadcast on the radio.

The information broadcast inside is exactly the same as the one just now.

Really are……

Pei Jiuyin suppressed the panic in his heart, fumbled in his pockets with both hands, and took out his mobile phone.

But the phone didn't know if it was against him. In this urgent moment, the screen couldn't be turned on.

"Mobile phone..." Pei Jiuyin dropped his phone and looked at the driver who was driving.

"Lend me your cell phone to make a call."

Seeing his flustered expression, the driver thought something was wrong, and hurriedly took out his cell phone from his pocket and handed it to him.

Holding the mobile phone, Pei Jiuyin pressed a series of phone numbers with trembling fingers, and several times he pressed the wrong number.

It was such a short string of numbers that he had to press for a minute before dialing out.

The phone rang once, and someone answered.

"Has Ah Li gone home?" Pei Jiuyin couldn't wait to ask the people over there.

The housekeeper was stunned for a few seconds when he heard Pei Jiuyin's voice, and the young master called back just a day later.

He asked the person opposite in disbelief: "Master, is it really you?"

"Madam is here, Madam has come back, when will you come back?"

Pei Jiuyin was panting slightly, unable to hide the excitement in his heart, he worked hard to calm himself down: "Let her answer the phone."

He wanted to make sure that Tong Li had really come back.

The housekeeper was a little embarrassed: "Madam, she is asleep, so hurry up and come back, young master."

"In case Madam runs away again..."

"Okay, don't quarrel with her, watch her, and go back right away."

Pei Jiuyin held the phone tightly, as if he was going to crush it in the next second.

"Quick, take me to the airport right away." He didn't think about anything now, only one thought, to go home right away.

The driver looked at his phone distressedly, feeling that the young man was very baffled.

Why do you suddenly want to go to the airport like crazy?

"Hurry up and take me to the airport." Pei Jiuyin kept urging the driver, wishing he could fly home immediately.

"I said, little brother, no matter how fast you go, you have to obey the traffic rules. The speed on country roads can't exceed 40. I'm almost 60 now. Where do you want me to go?"

Pei Jiuyin's black line.

People who are not themselves are troublesome.

He touched his pocket, wanting to throw money at him, but found that he didn't bring any money.

Forget it.

The next time Pei Jiuyin felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, as soon as he arrived in the urban area, he immediately got off the big truck, and then found someone to pick him up.

He asked for a few hundred yuan from the respondent, gave it to the driver, and walked away.

It took Pei Jiuyin 12 hours to get back to the capital, and it was the first time he hated himself for running so far and wasting time on the way back.

As soon as he got in the car, he immediately called the housekeeper.

Fortunately, people are still there.

It was two hours after Pei Jiuyin returned home.

Before the car came to a complete stop, he hurriedly opened the door.

Qu Rui and Pei Liu were talking outside the door. Seeing Pei Jiuyin's sudden appearance, they couldn't help being surprised. After realizing it, they both greeted him with a smile.

But Pei Jiuyin only thought about the woman he loved and hated at the same time, so he took them as transparent people for granted.


He came to the door and put his hand on the doorknob, but for some reason he lost the courage to push the door open.

He was afraid... afraid, what if there was no one inside, what if he was afraid that it was just a dream now?
Pei Jiuyin stood helplessly at the door, and no one came to tell him what to do.


There was a sound at the door, and he subconsciously took a step back.

The door opened slowly.

He opened his eyes wide and watched the door open bit by bit. The first thing that caught his eyes was a pair of petite feet, a light blue tulle skirt, and then a high swollen belly, and then the picture that made his eyes open. The face he thought about day and night.

Pei Jiuyin's legs and feet suddenly became weak, and he supported himself on the wall with his hands, barely able to stabilize himself.

The excitement was uncontrollable, in front of him was really... really his Tongtong, really the Ah Li he had been looking for all along the mountains.

This cruel woman.

How can you treat him like this.

Pei Jiuyin's pupils trembled, and his eye sockets felt sour. His slightly trembling hand touched her cheek, slid across her pointed chin, and felt the heat emanating from her body. Only then did he dare to truly believe that the person in front of him was real.

(End of this chapter)

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