The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 509 God Makes You Can't Hear, You Can't Hear

Chapter 509 God Makes You Can't Hear, You Can't Hear

Tong Li's face turned cold, and he said in a deep voice, "Pei Jiuyin, don't make trouble, you will delay things like this, so hurry up and untie it."

Pei Jiuyin was full of reluctance, he didn't think there was anything wrong with him: "I didn't make trouble, nothing is important except you."

Before, he only wanted to live and die with her, but now he knows that as long as he is tied to her, there will be no so-called thunder disaster, and now he will not untie it.

With a cold face, Wu Jin walked over to look at the ribbons that bound them, and frowned.

This ribbon looks like just a ribbon on the surface, but
He raised his hand and shook his eyes. The original brown eyes suddenly turned red, and the strange red pupils stared at the ribbon. When he turned back to brown again, he knew it clearly.

"How is it?" Tong Li asked anxiously.

Wu Jin stared fixedly at Pei Jiuyin, and said thoughtfully, "You must have soaked this ribbon in your blood."

If so, it's tricky.

"What?" Tong Li looked at him incredulously, they were together 24 hours a day, when would he drain his own blood?Why I don't know.

But now is not the time to pursue these matters.

"Is there a way to untie it?"

Wu Jin shrugged: "Didn't you try it just now?"

"That's just using external force, you can try it with magic."

Wu Jin snorted, Pei Jiuyin's whole body was entwined with spirits, and with his little magic skills, he couldn't even slap a mosquito to death.

Maybe he will be backlashed, but he doesn't take the risk.

"You'd better persuade him yourself and let him untie the ribbon by himself."

"Saves time and effort."


There was a muffled sound in the distance, and everyone looked over after hearing the sound.

Tong Li asked hesitantly: "Isn't that thunder just now?"

Ming Si: "No."

"Twenty kilometers away, Mr. Chi Zhou led three hundred people scattered around and set up several formations. It is not yet clear what he wants to do."

But it must not be a good formation to make him work so hard.

"We'll come back and tell you, let's be prepared."

Who would have thought that such a situation would occur as soon as I came back.

It's ridiculous, they haven't done anything yet, and they are causing trouble in their own nest. If this goes on, they don't need to do anything at all, just lie down and win.

Pei Jiuyin remained silent. Anyway, he decided today that no matter what they said, he would not untie the ribbon.

Tong Li looked at Pei Jiuyin with piercing eyes. The man's temper became stubborn, and even ten cows could not be pulled back. She could only soften her voice and persuade her: "Pei Jiuyin, tell me what you think."

Ming Si kicked Wu Jin who was watching the excitement: "Go, the words have been conveyed, let's go over there and have a look."

After the two left, only Pei Jiuyin and Tong Li were left in the garden.

Tong Li turned her mind, and instantly transformed into a little woman, with a little pity in her eyes, trying to lower her voice, trying to make her voice softer: "Pei Jiuyin, you hurt my hands, please untie them first. ?”

Pei Jiuyin's heart twitched slightly, just as he was about to move his mouth, suddenly an electric current flashed through his mind, and the feeling of paralysis instantly woke him up.

He knew that this was Tong Li's trick, but hearing her voice, it seemed that it really hurt her.


He knew that he tied it himself, it was just that she couldn't break free, it wasn't too tight at all.

Pei Jiuyin closed his eyes, cruelly turned his head to the side, and did not look at her. His attitude was obvious, but he did not untie her.

Tong Li is really one head and two big.

This stubborn man has a bad temper, if he doesn't tell the reason, he might not let it go.

As usual, she can take her time, but now the situation is urgent and she can't wait.

Then she changed her strategy and calmed down: "Pei Jiuyin, do you think that I want to ascend to Taoism, live forever, and abandon you, and then I have to go through this catastrophe?"

After all, for human beings, the lifespan of a god is endless, and it is estimated that no one will give up the opportunity to live forever.

"you are wrong."

"I'm here for our future."

"If I can survive this catastrophe, then we will be able to..."

Pei Jiuyin: "?"

"What did you say?" He could see Tong Li's mouth moving, but he couldn't hear her voice.

what happened?

Tong Li's mouth moved again, and he spoke a long paragraph, but from Pei Jiuyin's point of view, he still couldn't hear a word.

"I can't hear what you're saying." There were voices around him, but there was no Tong Li's voice.

Tong Li was also puzzled: "Can't you hear me?"

"Now I can hear again." Pei Jiuyin was also very surprised, did he have a hearing problem?

"What did you say?"

Tong Li: "I said we..."

She said a lot, including the reason why she needed to do this this time. She was sure that there was nothing wrong with what she said, but why Pei Jiuyin still couldn't hear it.

Pei Jiuyin was in a hurry: "I still can't hear."

Why can't I always hear it at critical moments.

Tong Li thought for a while, looked up at the sky, and sighed faintly, maybe she guessed why.

"In short, no matter what the reason is, it's for our future, please let go of your hands first?"

A moment of hesitation appeared in Pei Jiuyin's eyes.

"Pei Jiuyin, you can't hear some words, but if you think about what Ming Si said just now, his words already have the answer, don't be fooled by the status quo."

Just now Pei Jiuyin's mind was already occupied by Tong Li's going to leave, he was not afraid of death, he was only afraid that Tong Li would leave him alone, he couldn't accept it.

Now that I think about it, think carefully about what Ming Si said just now, what does it mean that the matter started with him?

Although no, he doesn't know what it means: "Your current affairs are caused by me?"

Tong Li answered him accurately: "No, it's us."

"I'll ask you now, you only need to consider one question, do you want us to be together forever?"

Pei Jiuyin replied without hesitation: "Yes."

This is what he dreamed of.

Tong Li said sternly: "Okay, then untie me."

When it came to untying Pei Jiuyin, he hesitated again.

"Is it really possible?"

Tong Li held his hand tightly, her eyes full of determination: "Trust me."

Pei Jiuyin licked his thin lips twice, and wanted to say no, but seeing the unshakable look in her eyes, his heart was shaken again.

"Pei Jiuyin..." Tong Li continued to urge.

Pei Jiuyin looked at the face that was stained pink because of anxiety, to be honest, he didn't want to, he was determined to die, but the fact is that living and dying with her has become an extravagant hope.

He raised his other hand, his affectionate gaze lingered on her face, slowly groped the back of her head with his hand, and suddenly, he lowered his head and kissed her fiercely.

This kiss was a bit rude, after all, it contained his reluctance, his fulfillment, and he couldn't be calm.

Tong Li responded to him, she knew he had compromised.

The two kissed ecstatically and lingeringly, and just when Tong Li was about to suffocate, Pei Jiuyin let her go.

His deep eyes looked at her greedily, wanting to engrave her beautiful face deeply into his mind.

He opened his mouth and said with difficulty: "Okay, I'm loose."

(End of this chapter)

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