The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 511 He Came to Protect His Wife and Children

Chapter 511 He Came to Protect His Wife and Children


Wu Jin's mind is easier to use than force, he can turn Ming Si around every time, and a few words can stir up his anger.

Tong Li studied it carefully and tried a few times, but couldn't figure out what it was.

"Where did you find the person?"

Ming Si shook his head: "No."

Wu Jin said angrily from the side: "That son of a bitch is just a coward, he only dares to hide behind his back and play some tricks, and if he has the ability, he will come out and do a real fight."

There are so many of them now, they don't believe that they can't kill him.

The more Wu Jin thought about it, the angrier he became. When he was alone, the grandson chased and beat him, but now he hides when there are too many people, what the hell.

"Let's not think too much of him. I think this guy is just bluffing. He only brought 300 people. What can he do? It's not enough for me to swallow it in one gulp."

"Okay, okay, let's go back, don't waste time with him here."

Ming Si scratched his head, and felt that what Wu Jin said seemed to make sense.

The most important thing now is to protect Tong Li through this catastrophe. If Mr. Chizhou doesn't come out, they will be unable to catch anyone they want.

As long as it doesn't affect his younger sister Feisheng, he doesn't bother to care about it.

Ming Si said hesitantly: "Or, let's go back first."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sky suddenly changed, and there were gusts of monster wind blowing around, the leaves rustled, and a strange humming sounded in his ears.

Everyone stopped the steps they had just raised and looked around vigilantly.

Bunches of black silk threads slowly spread towards them from all directions.

Ming Si sneered when he saw these things: "Can't help but make a move?"

He thought that Mr. Chizhou would just hide behind his back and act like a turtle, but is this little trick sure to work for them?
Ming Si clapped his hands, raised his head and chest, and said arrogantly: "Don't move, I will clean them up."

His palm waved slightly, and a ball of red flames suddenly ignited in his hand. With the movement of his hand, the red flames flew forward at the fastest speed.

His hell flames can burn everything in the world, and he has never seen anything that his flames cannot burn.

But the flames of hell hit a wall here, not only did not burn, but also disappeared strangely after touching those black threads.

Ming Si settled down and planned to unleash the second burst of flames.

Suddenly, Heishuo in front of him flashed, and before everyone could react, there was no trace of Ming Si in front of them.

"...Where is the Underworld?" Wu Jin jumped up immediately. What happened just now?Why do people disappear in the blink of an eye.

Ming Si's brain is not very easy to use, but his fighting strength is the ceiling among them. If there are no people, how can this fight be fought.

Hei Si was still approaching, Wu Jin had already seen how powerful this thing was, even the underworld could not do it, so he naturally did not dare to act rashly.

The only safe place is... With a whoosh, a gust of wind blew past, and Wu Jin ran behind Pei Jiuyin. Except behind him, he couldn't think of any place that was safer than this.

Wu Jin chuckled: "Ah Li, this thing seems a bit powerful, I can't handle it as a teacher."

The surrounding atmosphere began to become more tense, and the black thread stopped after extending to a certain position.

Wu Jin looked at the dense black silk, and secretly wiped off his cold sweat. That Gouchizhou-jun is really not a fuel-efficient lamp.

The thing stopped for a few minutes without any movement, probably because he was afraid of Pei Jiuyin's existence.

"What does Mr. Chizhou want to do? Do you want to trap us here?"

of course not.

The surrounding black silk didn't move, but the sky above was startled by Mount Tai's aura, and when he looked up, he could see blue water droplets floating above his head.

Before they could figure out what was going on, the drops of water fell on them like raindrops.

Before Tong Li could make a move, Wu Jin drew out his crow-hair fan first, swishing and forming a barrier.

I thought everything would be fine, but when he felt a chill in his body, he knew it was over
Like Ming Sita, Wu Jin disappeared before their eyes.

Seeing the disappearances one after another, Pei Jiuyin suddenly became restless. He held Tong Li's hand tightly, for fear that she would disappear suddenly like those two: "Tongtong."

Tong Li's brows furrowed: It seems that things that Jing Beichen made will disappear when they touch them.

Is it really?

Although the black silk thread won't get close, it has woven the surrounding area into a dense and airy absolute area. The blue water droplets on the top of the head are gathering more and more, and the density makes the scalp numb.

A sword appeared in Tong Li's hand, ready to strike it.

Before she could wave it, Pei Jiuyin grabbed her hand: "Those people will disappear when they touch those things indirectly."

He snatched the sword from her hand, and the blade trembled slightly, bursting out with unprecedented vigor.

"I'll come." He came to protect his wife and children
Isn't Jing Beichen afraid of him?Then let him meet him for a while, Jing Beichen is indeed different from the past, but he is no longer the useless Pei Jiuyin.

He swung his sharp sword lightly, his whole body was upright and inviolable, and the stern aura on his body was enough to make those demons and ghosts stay away.

Tong Li also found that after Pei Jiuyin took the sword, his whole aura changed.

There were drops of water and black threads around him, unable to withstand Pei Jiuyin's coercion, he retreated dozens of meters.

In the end, they all disappeared. Did they scare those things away without even moving their hands?

Her man is getting stronger and stronger.

These things disappeared, but the temperature began to drop sharply.

At this time, the sky also began to snow heavily, and after a while, the heavy snow dyed the surrounding area white.

Tong Li looked around cautiously, but fortunately, except for Xue, she didn't find any threats approaching.

When she withdrew her attention, she found that Pei Jiuyin's body was tense, his forehead was covered with dense beads of sweat, and his pupils had an unbelievable look, as if he saw something terrible, but there was nothing but snow in front of him.

Tong Li called him softly: "Pei Jiuyin, what's wrong with you?"

Pei Jiuyin fell into a nightmare, and he couldn't hear anything except Xuesheng whizzing by.

All eyes were taken away by the scene in front of him, and the memories locked in the depths of his memory began to emerge one after another. He wanted to step back, but found that his legs and feet could no longer move.

Tension, fear, and helplessness constantly eroded his consciousness.

The white snow was stained red with bright red blood, which was a nightmare for him, a nightmare that broke his nerves.

On that day, it was also snowing heavily. When he came back from the court, he thought that his affairs would come to an end, so that he could have time to accompany his princess.

But the first scene when he entered the door made him feel like a thunderbolt.

His princess was standing in the snow wearing a gorgeous dress, her smile was still so beautiful, but the white snow under her feet was dyed a coquettish red by the bright red blood.

(End of this chapter)

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