Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1003 Seizing Power

The thrilling fight and excessive blood loss made Fang Zilan paralyzed on the horse's back, and soon lost consciousness, but still tied the horse's reins to herself before she fell unconscious, for fear of falling off the horse and dying on the road.

The old horse knows the way, and the horse ran back to the capital with Fang Zilan whose life was hanging by a thread, but was stopped by the guards at the gate of the city.

The guard didn't dare to say much, so he hurriedly moved out of the way, and watched Xia Houzhang take the bloody man off the horse, put him into the carriage, and then drove away by himself.

All the guards were stunned. No one in the capital knew that Xia Houzhang was next to Li Shengxuan, but for some reason, three days ago, he suddenly came to guard the city gate in person, and he stayed unmoved from morning to night, as if he was afraid of missing something.

Now it seems that what Xia Houzhang is waiting for is the bloody man just now, but who is it that can make him so interested?In other words, it made Li Shengxuan care so much.

However, curiosity is nothing but curiosity, no one thinks life is too long, dare to inquire about a little bit at will, and soon it is gone, as if nothing happened.

Xia Houzhang drove into the palace and sent Fang Zilan into Fengyi Palace. Fang Ziqin was shocked to see her like this and took a few steps back, almost unable to stand still.

"Your Majesty!" Qiu Shui supported Fang Ziqin, only to hear her voice trembling slightly, but revealing an undeniable power, "Send the third lady in, and quickly call Wen Ya over. Also, let's say that Fengyi Palace has suffered a catastrophe." Assassin, Miss San blocked the knife for me, life and death are uncertain."

"Hurry up." Qiu Shui called out to the maids in the palace, and they all saluted and retreated.

Xia Houzhang sent Fang Zilan in, Fang Ziqin looked at their backs, and whispered to Qiushui: "I want you, send a letter back to Fang's house, you go in person..."

"Yes." Qiu Shui nodded in response, but there was hesitation in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I can hold on." Fang Ziqin patted the back of Qiushui's hand lightly, signaling her not to worry, "Right now she can't die, even for the sake of the Fang family."

"Qiu Shui understands." Qiu Shui saluted solemnly, and when he trot out, he bumped into Wen Ya who was rushing over. The two apologized to each other, and then went their separate ways.

As soon as Wen Ya entered Fengyi Palace, he saw Fang Ziqin sitting upright on the phoenix throne, with a cold expression that he had never seen before.

"I've seen the Empress..." Fang Ziqin interrupted Wen Ya before he finished greeting, "Mr. Wen, you don't need to be polite. I called you here to save my little sister's life."

"I will do my best." Wen Ya bowed, Fang Ziqin looked at him firmly, "What I want is not only to do my best."

Wen Ya was stunned for a moment, Fang Ziqin continued, "Whatever your master doesn't want, I will. Her fate is decided by me."

Hearing this, Wen Ya's expression changed imperceptibly, "What does the empress mean by this?"

"Mr. Wen doesn't have to pretend to be confused in front of me." Fang Ziqin stood up, walked in front of Wen Ya, and said in a deep voice: "I know that Mr. Wen has always been a person who knows current affairs. Today, I might as well say something Open, I know what Mr. Wen has done in the past and what kind of person he is. If Mr. Wen can save the younger sister's life, I promise to keep it secret, and the Fang family will be very grateful to Mr. "

"If I can't do it, empress..." As soon as Wen Yafu opened his mouth, Fang Ziqin cut him off, "This palace will not do anything, but if Miss Awan accidentally heard something... "

She didn't continue, Wen Ya's hands hidden in her sleeves clenched into fists, "What kind of result does the Empress want?"

Fang Ziqin turned sideways slightly, leaned close to Wen Ya's ear, and said softly: "I want her to be safe and healthy, and to appear in front of people as usual."

"I didn't! I didn't seduce Fang Yuhan!" Cong Rong retorted, her voice timid but without hesitation, "As you said, I have a bit of beauty, but this beauty is not only useless, but also makes me almost I was forced to marry as a concubine by Zhuangtou. You said I seduced Fang Yuhan, it is better to say that he was in collusion with Zhuangtou. I thought he saved me who was drugged by Zhuangtou, but I didn’t know that all this was premeditated, and I had nowhere to go escape."

When Fang Zilan heard this, she already had some calculations in her heart. She looked up at Fang Lihui, "I admit that what Mr. Fang said is reasonable. A woman is beautiful, and if she learns something, she can always find a way out. However, Miss Cong was born in a peasant family. I'm afraid I can't learn anything except work every day. What's more, even if Miss Cong learns something, I'm afraid it won't be able to change today's situation."

Fang Lihui put away his folding fan and turned his head to look at Fang Zilan. Her eyes were shining with determination and loneliness intertwined.

I just heard her seriously say: "The fate of a person cannot be changed just by learning something. If you compare fate to an opponent, you have to keep moving forward step by step. The farther you go, the more chances you have to contend with it. It is good to learn something, but it only increases your winning chips and cannot completely determine the final result."

She sighed suddenly as she spoke, "Things are not easy, Miss Cong's situation has already determined her status as a weak person. Under this status, her beauty is no longer capital, but has become the reason for being scrambled for. I think Mr. Fang is not ignorant of the truth that a man is not guilty, but a woman is guilty."

Fang Lihui was slightly stunned, "Master Fang, is she speaking for her?"

"I'm not speaking for her." Fang Zilan put her hand on Cong Rong's shoulder and said firmly, "I just believe her."

Cong Rong turned her head in disbelief, staring fixedly at the person in front of her, her eyes filled with surprise, "Master Fang, are you willing to believe me?"

Fang Zilan nodded, "However, it's one thing for me to believe you, it's another thing for you to have evidence to prove that what you're pregnant with is indeed Fang Yuhan's flesh and blood. Without evidence, I can't help you."

"Master Fang!" Fang Lihui's voice was full of unbearable anger, Fang Zilan stood up and looked directly into his eyes, and asked coldly, "Young Master Fang, you don't want to face the truth?"

"Even if what she said is true, not to mention Mrs. Yuhan's daughter of the Wang family is about to give birth, how will she react if she knows about this matter? Let's say her father, the new Duke of Bei, and her uncle who is an official in Beijing, will let How is the Fang family doing?" Fang Lihui tightly held the folding fan in his palm, his bony hands trembled imperceptibly, "Master Fang, no matter how much the truth is, I can't give her this fairness, and I dare not give it to her."

"I won't let Mr. Fang trade the entire Fang family for this fairness." Fang Zilan's expression was very calm, but the expression in his eyes was indescribably certain, "But if the truth is so, then no one can obliterate it."

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