Don't ask where people go

Chapter 101 Alliance

Chapter 101 Alliance
Zhong Yao looked at Fang Zilan's almost evil eyebrows and eyes, which were shining brightly like a god, so dazzling that people couldn't look directly at them.

He raised the corners of his lips, picked up the teacup and drank it down, and blurted out a few words involuntarily, "If Lord Fang doesn't dislike it, from now on, the lower officials in the Northern Territory will swear to follow Lord Fang to the death."

"Okay." Fang Zilan put the teacup on the table, "Thanks to Mr. Zhong's favor, Fang Zilan will do his best."

"However, I still have one thing to trouble Mr. Zhong." She took out the written note that Lu Tang had made for her earlier from her sleeve, and placed it on the table, "Mr. Zhong, please submit an apology for Lu Zhizhang. Send the letter to His Majesty, and then attach this written evidence. It says that the Lu family has such an unworthy descendant, and it is really shameful to see His Majesty, so I can only ask Jianbei Protectorate to share His Majesty's worries and make atonement for Lu Tang."

Zhong Yao took the written evidence, and after reading it carefully, he couldn't help admiring: "Master Fang is so smart, so even if Lu Zhizhang feels unhappy, he can only knock out his teeth and swallow his blood, but..."

"There's nothing wrong with it." Fang Zilan saw his hesitation, and said calmly, "Since I'm backing you up, then of course I'll be the villain."

"Lord Fang is frank, I feel ashamed in my heart." Zhong Yao put the paper back to its original place.

Fang Zilan laughed lightly, "Why should Master Zhong be ashamed? Didn't you just say that in the future, in the northern border, you and I will go hand in hand, and Master Zhong will forget it in a blink of an eye?"

"I don't dare to be an official." After Zhong Yao finished speaking, he no longer refused, and accepted the paperwork.

At a certain moment unknown to others, Fang Zilan and Zhong Yao reached an agreement to become allies.

Maybe it's just because they still have good intentions even though they play tricks, maybe it's just because they all have a belief in their hearts that they will never give up until they achieve their goals, or maybe it's just because they are unwilling to bow to the world.

However, none of them who promised at that time ever thought about what kind of beatings they would experience in the face of many changes in the future, whether they could still be young and not afraid of the years.

Fang Zilan and A Wan sat down for a while, then left and returned home.

On the way back to the mansion, the two met many people who came to kowtow in gratitude, and it took them a lot of effort to return to the mansion.

As soon as she got back to the mansion, Awan couldn't help but lamented that it was such a pleasure to do good deeds. Fang Zilan laughed at her child's heart, but she was not annoyed, but just moved to Fang Zilan's side and tugged at her sleeve, "Just now in front of Mr. Zhong, I can't ask you. Are you unhappy because of Huo Sanniang?"

Fang Zilan didn't answer, and A Wan tugged at her sleeves relentlessly, "Don't try to hide it from me, I saw it in the courtroom, you originally wanted to stop Huo Sanniang from seeking death. If you rely on your ability, stop her It's a trivial matter, but you finally stopped, why is that?"

"I'm depressed, half of it is what I said to Master Zhong, and the other half is because of Huo Sanniang." Fang Zilan sighed, and said in a low voice: "You look good, I hesitated."

"If Huo Sanniang didn't sue Lu Tang and the others with her life in court, the matter might not be settled easily." A Wan took Fang Zilan's hand and comforted her softly, "I don't think you did anything wrong. "

"My hesitation is not because I'm afraid that this matter will be difficult to settle, but because I think Huo Sanniang doesn't want to live anymore, and I shouldn't force her." Fang Zilan held Awan's hand back, "Awan, you are still young, and you don't understand the relationship between men and women. Just remember, don't tie your life to a man."

A Wan resignedly let go, with a rather helpless look on her face, "You're still talking about me, so didn't you bet your whole life on the young master?"

"I bet my whole life on the bet, but I didn't bet on him. I wanted to find a way for myself." Fang Zilan said and patted Awan's head. work."

"Then what if..." Awan seemed to have mustered up a lot of courage, and asked in one breath, "I mean, what if the young master lied to you like Lu Tang did to Huo Sanniang, then what should you do?" ?”

"Then I'll kill him." Fang Zilan replied without hesitation, leaving Awan stunned.

"Did I hear you right? You said..." A Wan suddenly covered her mouth with an incredulous expression on her face.

Then she asked as if thinking of something: "Then what if he lied to you and caused you to lose the life of your loved one?"

Fang Zilan still said without hesitation: "Then I will kill him first, and then I will fulfill their wishes for my loved ones."

"You actually..." A Wan's eyes widened in disbelief, "Aren't you going to commit suicide?"

Fang Zilan looked at A Wan's almost exaggerated expression with some amusement, "Why should I commit suicide? Even if I die, I can't get their lives back, can I?"

"Then Huo Sanniang, why did she seek death?" A Wan looked at Fang Zilan in confusion, expecting an explanation from her.

Unexpectedly, she just smiled, "Because she's not me. If it were me, I wouldn't use the method of seeking death to take advantage of Lu Tang. However, if it were me, I wouldn't fall into this situation."

A Wan calmed down, shook her head and said, "Fang Zilan, you are really scary. I'm not you, I just think that Huo Sanniang is also a temperamental woman, who dares to love and hate is admirable."

"You're right." Fang Zilan nodded thoughtfully, "Huo Sanniang is so decisive, and it's not something ordinary people can do."

As she spoke, she suddenly supported her forehead, and sat down on the bed suddenly, trembling involuntarily.

Seeing this, A Wan knelt down and grabbed her wrist, concentrating on her pulse, but her expression became tense after a while, "You took medicine this morning to forcefully suppress the Gu poison, but the poison Shangguan Yu gave you should not be underestimated. If the two collide, I'm afraid you won't feel well for a few days."

"It's okay, at least the matter is over now, and I can rest for a few days." Fang Zilan's face was as pale as paper, and Awan felt extremely cold while holding her hand.

After a while, Fang Zilan said slowly, "Awan, let's forget about the medicine puppet you mentioned to me a few days ago."

A Wan's expression sank a bit, "You're ashamed to say, you're either injured or poisoned, I'm afraid you won't be able to afford it if you make a medicine puppet."

"No, if I make a medicine puppet, I'm afraid I'll fall in front of me. It's better not to do it." Fang Zilan agreed casually, but Awan jumped angrily, "Just say such unlucky words. With me here, it must be I want you to live a long life!"

Fang Zilan reluctantly raised the corner of her mouth, "Okay, it's a deal."

"Don't force yourself." A Wan sighed, took out the silver needle and prepared to give her an injection, "You get a good night's sleep, and don't worry about the sky falling. I'll guard it for you, if it doesn't work, please ask the young master to guard it for you. "

"Silly girl." She let A Wan move, feeling a little warm in her heart.

I don't know when, she has slowly developed a nostalgia for this world, maybe it's just because people are greedy for life and afraid of death, or maybe it's because she doesn't want to part with it.

 Congratulations to Fang Zilan and Zhong Yao for forming an alliance!
(End of this chapter)

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