Chapter 1018
Fang Zilan thought like this, pushed the door and walked out of the guest room. From a distance, she saw Li Shengxuan and Xia Houzhang, who seemed to be looking for something. Awan said impatiently: "Isn't it just a purse? Your husband is rich in the world, and he still cares about it. Just a wallet?"

"Miss Awan's words are wrong." Li Shengxuan stood in front of Xia Houzhang who was about to explode, "Even if you are sitting on mountains of gold and silver, you should be diligent and thrifty, otherwise there will always be a day of exhaustion. What's more, I Not rich in the world."

A Wanxiu frowned slightly, and whispered softly: "If you are not rich in the world, who would dare to call it..."

"What did you say?" Xia Houzhang seemed to be unable to bear it any longer, and said angrily, "My husband didn't ask you for help, but you took the initiative to come here, and you still have to say that there is nothing, what do you mean?"

"I..." A Wan was at a loss for words for a while, but she saw Fang Zilan walking over unhurriedly. Before asking for help, she heard her say: "Are you looking for this thing?" The purse on the bed dangled before their eyes.

Seeing this, Xia Houzhang blurted out: "Why is it with you..." Halfway through his words, he suddenly realized something was wrong, and quickly kept silent.

Li Shengxuan's expression froze, and then he realized that he didn't pay attention last night and fell on the bed.He pursed his lips, stepped forward and said, "Thank you, this thing is indeed mine..."

"Wait." Fang Zilan made a false move, avoiding Li Shengxuan's hand reaching out to take the purse, "It's empty words, how do I know this purse must be yours?"

Li Shengxuan was silent for a moment, and said: "There is a plum blossom embroidered in the purse."

"Plum blossom?" Fang Zilan opened the purse, and as expected, there was a crooked little flower embroidered inside. If the number of petals hadn't matched, she would have found it hard to believe that it was actually a plum blossom.

Li Shengxuan looked at the disgust on Fang Zilan's face, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips, "How, can you believe it now?"

"I believe it." Fang Zilan curled her lips and said in a drawling tone: "Your taste is really different."

Hearing this, Li Shengxuan smiled even wider, "I didn't expect that the person who gave me the purse back then was like this——different from others."

Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, "The person who gave you the purse is very important to you?"

"Don't you know?" Li Shengxuan asked instead, Fang Zilan asked strangely, "What do I know?"

"It's a custom in Beijing that sweethearts give purses to each other as a token of love." Li Shengxuan explained, and Fang Zilan said very naturally: "Oh, so it was my eldest sister who gave you a gift, no wonder you are so precious."

Before she finished speaking, Li Shengxuan coughed suddenly, causing her to ask in confusion: "Did I say something wrong? But my eldest sister's embroidery work should not be so bad..."

She paused for a moment, then suddenly realized: "By the way, my eldest sister and you were engaged since we were young, so it made sense at that time..."

"It's over here." Li Shengxuan calmed down, and said softly helplessly: "It's not a gift from your elder sister."

"What?" Fang Zilan didn't seem to hear clearly, but before she could ask again, Li Shengxuan took back the purse, "Anyway, thank you very much."

Fang Zilan was confused and didn't understand why Li Shengxuan thanked him. If it was because the thing returned to its original owner, he had already said it when he saw the purse, and there was no need to say it again.

In the early morning of the second day, Fang Zilan selected several deputy generals to guard the city, while he himself led the troops out of the city to fight against the Miluo people.

The two sides stood still, and her eyes stopped on the body of the Miluo general. It really wasn't Jiang Hanze, but a good-looking young man, about seventeen or eighteen years old.

The young man sent someone to call the formation and said he wanted to fight her alone.She was not surprised after hearing this. She rode up to the Miluo people and said to the young man: "Who is coming? Tell me your name." "Woman?" The young man looked at her carefully from top to bottom, as if she was completely Not hearing her words, he asked casually: "Who are you?"

Fang Zilan raised her voice and said, "Dajing, Fang Zilan."

"Grand Duke of Jingyue?" The young man looked at her with interest, "It's you who destroyed the Gilded City?"

Fang Zilan did not answer, but raised the plum sword in his hand and pointed it at the young man, "I never fight against unknown pawns."

The young man smiled slightly, "Miluo, Mu Chuji." As soon as he finished speaking, he was already approaching.

Fang Zilan blocked his attack casually, but was shocked in her heart, Mu's family name is Miluo's surname, Mu Chuji?If she remembers correctly, it should be the younger brother of Miluo Xindi, the king of Qi, Mu Chuji.

"It's no wonder Jiang Hanze can't please you." Mu Chuji raised his eyebrows and curled his lips, "I'm going to attack you, I'm right this time."

Fang Zilan smiled coldly, and suddenly turned from defense to offense. The plum sword in his hand was aggressive, and went straight to Mu Chuji's face.But he dodged with one hand on the saddle in a calm manner, "My sister is so handsome, where did I learn from?"

"You're young, and you're glib." Fang Zilan backhanded a sword and stabbed him in the forearm when he sat back on the horse and was unsteady, "I think your skill with your hand may not be as good as your skill with your mouth just in case."

Mu Chuji didn't care about the injury on his arm at all, and said with a leisurely smile, "Sister, would you like to come back to Miluo with me?"

"The mourning of the Miluo country has not yet passed, so it's okay to add another stroke if you want." Fang Zilan's moves were fast and ruthless, full of hostility, "Are you right, Your Highness King Qi?"

"You..." Mu Chuji was overwhelmed by her overwhelming murderous intent, and with a stunning effort, the armor on his chest was cut, and he immediately took a few steps back.

Fang Zilan quickly caught up with him, without giving him a chance to breathe, and blood spattered everywhere amidst the flickering cold light.

Mu Chuji fell off his horse in order to avoid the critical point. The lieutenant behind him rushed up anxiously, but Fang Zilan picked him off the horse with a sword.

She shook off the blood on the sword, and said every word in a haughty manner, "Anyone who violates our capital will be killed without mercy." After she finished speaking, she raised her hand, and Vice General Cao led all the soldiers to swarm up,

The Miluo people charged forward and rescued Mu Chuji back in a frenzied manner, fought and retreated, defeated and returned to the camp.

Seeing the cheers behind Fang Zilan, she couldn't be happy at all.Now that Mu Chuji is seriously injured, and Jiang Hanze is also seriously injured, Murong Xun will definitely rush to the Qiluo city...

As a result, the Miluo army merged into one, menacing.Can you hold on for a month?

She spat in her heart, not allowing herself to think about such frustrating things again, and turned back to Qiluo City.

After returning to the city, Fang Zilan had no time to rest. First, he asked Deputy General Cao to count the casualties, and then went to General Shen's mourning hall to burn a stick of incense, "General Shen, don't worry, I will do my best to defend Qiluo City. One day , we will drive the Miluo people out of Dajing and regain their lost ground.”

(End of this chapter)

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