"What nonsense!" Zou Hongqi's voice was a little more angry, but he deliberately lowered it a little bit, "If it's Master Fang, would it take so much trouble? Those powerful adults above us, kill the people below It's as easy as killing an ant, why do you do such a thing that gets you angry?"

Qian Qian was so trained that he lowered his head, but he still couldn't help asking: "Then what do you mean, my lord?"

"Intuition." Zou Hongqi closed his face, and said in a low voice, somewhat distracted: "After handling cases for so many years, I always have an intuition."

Qian Qian's face was full of disbelief, and Zou Hongqi glanced at him resentfully, "You've been with me for all these years, why haven't you made any progress?"

"My lord, I feel that this matter is too mysterious..." Qian Qian fell silent when he met Zou Hongqi's gaze.

The intuition of others may be mysterious, but their intuition of the Minister of the Ministry of Justice has never made a mistake, just like the gougou clouds before the rain, the low-flying swallows, and the noisy frogs, like omens.

"It's going to rain." Zou Hongqi's voice came faintly, pulling back Qian Qian's thoughts. He muttered, "Summer is almost over, why is it still raining?"

"One autumn rain and one cold." Zou Hongqi's sigh made Qian Qian a little confused, "My lord, it's not autumn yet."

"Just wait and see." Zou Hongqi seemed to be talking to himself: "This autumn in Beijing may be three points colder than in previous years."

Fang Zilan was puzzled. Logically speaking, Pei Juqing had been in the officialdom for many years, so there was no need to embarrass her over such a matter. After all, it would not look good on anyone if it was delayed for too long.However, no matter how she thought about it, the Ministry of Revenue remained unmoved. After two days of delay, she finally accepted the document, but there was still no follow-up.

While she was waiting for news from the Ministry of Finance, she was planning her days.Who would have thought that neither of them would have waited, but instead they would have heard the news that the Miluo people were raising troops to invade.

"Old Cao, what did you say? The Miluo people came to attack?" Fang Zilan was shocked, and the document in his hand fell to the ground, but he didn't notice it, "Why so suddenly?"

"Emperor Miluo died of illness, and the new emperor ascended the throne. In order to establish his prestige and avenge his shame, he sent troops to attack." Vice-General Cao looked anxious, "The Miluo people came so fiercely that our army was caught off guard."

"Liwei? Shame?" Fang Zilan's expression froze, and he had some calculations in his heart.The chaos in the southeast was stabilized. The new emperor of Miluo wanted to take advantage of the fire, but he had a good idea.

Zhuge Yu asked next, "Who is the commander in chief in Miluo?"

Vice-General Cao replied: "The Zhongzheng King of Miluo, Murongxun, is the commander-in-chief. He led [-] troops to the south of Dajing."

"One hundred thousand? When did Miluo have so many soldiers?" Fang Zilan's expression was gloomy, and Zhuge Yu said in a solemn voice, "Murong Xun, the King of Zhongzheng, turned out to be him."

"Murong Xun, the King of Zhongzheng, is the uncle of the new Miluo Emperor?" Fang Zilan looked at Zhuge Yu, who nodded, "More than that, Murong Xun has always been known as the Miluo God of War, and the original Miluo coach Murong Chen is him It’s just that he hasn’t been on the battlefield for more than ten years in order to protect his wife’s health, so he didn’t expect that he would personally lead the army this time.”

"Murong Chen, is he the one who died at the hands of Lord Wei?" Fang Zilan's voice was very soft, but Zhuge Yu still heard it. His voice was a little deep, "Yes, that's him." His shoulders trembled slightly as he spoke, Fang Zilan suddenly thought of Zhuge Shan, bit her lip immediately, turned to Deputy General Cao and asked, "What's going on in the palace?"

Deputy General Cao hurriedly said: "Your Majesty heard the news and hurriedly summoned Lord Wei to the palace. Before entering the palace, Lord Wei ordered someone to come to me, and let me and the boss inform you, so that you can know."

"Master Wei is thoughtful, I really want to thank him if I have the opportunity." Fang Zilan sighed softly, "It is inevitable to fight Miluo, but I don't know who His Majesty will send to fight?"

"Inevitable? I don't think so." Zhuge Yu calmed down and said in a low voice: "Sister Lan, you and I have just returned from the southeast land. No one knows better than you and me what is going on there. Dajing may not be able to fight a war."

"But if we don't fight, wouldn't we be able to make peace?" Fang Zilan looked stern, "If you just give in and let the mermaid go, you won't even have the leverage to negotiate."

Zhuge Yu seriously analyzed: "General Shen of the southeast camp has been calming down the refugees. Now that he has heard the news that he must reorganize the army before rushing to the southern border, he has lost his chance. The Dugu family garrison in the western border can't move without authorization, and the troops in the northern border can only rush to the southern border. It’s too far away, and the Huangfu’s family will definitely not be able to catch up. Lord Wei of the camp in the suburbs of Beijing once fought with the Miluo people, and it stands to reason that he knows the Miluo people best, but now he is shouldering the responsibility of guarding the capital, and I’m afraid he has no skills at all.”

"Hearing what A Yu said, only I, the Duke of Yue, who is capable of fighting, can take a leisurely stroll, which is worthy of use." The corners of Fang Zilan's lips curled up slightly, "However, it is Lord Wei that His Majesty called into the palace urgently."

"If we really want to fight, it must be extremely dangerous. Master Wei is in command, and I am a little more sure than you." Zhuge Yu said mercilessly, Fang Zilan still just smiled, "In Ayu's opinion, how sure can you be?" a bit?"

Zhuge Yu didn't answer, but Vice General Cao couldn't help but whispered: "Actually, it's almost the same."

Hearing that Fang Zilan's and Zhuge Yu's eyes fell on Deputy General Cao at the same time, he boldly said: "When Murong Xun led the army, Lord Wei was still a half-grown child, and he had never fought against him before. In other words, the boss is similar to Master Wei."

"But Master Wei is the one who defeated Murong Chen after all, and he is more sure than I am." Fang Zilan said lightly, but Vice General Cao disapproved, "Boss, you are the one who defeated the Gilded City. Da Jing is the first one, how can he be so presumptuous?"

The expression on Fang Zilan's face froze for a moment, and then he smiled and said: "Old Cao, you can use the word self-deprecating, as expected, you will be admired for three days."

Zhuge Yu was also taken aback, how could he have forgotten that the person around him was the only general who defeated Gilded City in so many years.Could it be that just because she is a woman, does he feel that her chances of winning are less than Wei Subaru?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling a little ashamed, "That's right, maybe Sister Lan, you are more confident."

Fang Zilan didn't speak. In fact, she was very contradictory. While wishing to fight the Miluo people, she also hoped that Li Shengxuan would not approach her. After all, given her current physical condition, she might not be able to survive this battle.

"Boss?" Deputy General Cao tentatively called her, she collected her expression and said, "Everything is arranged by His Majesty, we just need to obey orders."

Zhuge Yu looked at her sideways and shook his head secretly, since when did she only obey orders?

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