"The people I want to see are all in this yard." Fang Zilan leaned lazily on the back of the chair, stretched out her whole body, half-closed her eyes and said: "Other people, it's clear that you can't see them."

"It's just the others." Awan stopped and raised his hand to wipe his sweat, "You don't even see Mr. Zhuge. What's going on?"

As she spoke, she saw a silk handkerchief thrown towards her. Fang Zilan, who threw the silk handkerchief, wrote lightly: "If you don't want to see it, you will see it. There are so many reasons."

"Master Fang, did you quarrel with Mr. Zhuge?" Cong Rong raised her head from the embroidery and asked cautiously.

"It's nothing." Fang Zilan yawned and changed the subject, "No one has made things difficult for you during these days in Beijing, right?"

Cong Rong thought for a while, then slowly said: "I'm fine, but Mr. Mo, the Queen Mother asked him to enter the palace before, but His Majesty blocked him."

"What does the Queen Mother ask Mr. Mo for?" A Wan couldn't help asking curiously: "And Your Majesty, why would you help?"

Fang Zilan narrowed her eyes, "It's probably the Empress Dowager's intention. I don't think she has any good intentions, so she naturally hides when she can. As for Your Majesty, I worked hard for him in Qiluo City, so he can't help me keep an eye on him?" "

"That's right." Awan nodded, shook the silk handkerchief around, and said in a different voice: "It's almost Double Ninth Festival, why are there no movement in the chrysanthemums in our courtyard?"

"It was already summer when I planted them, and I didn't expect them to bloom." Fang Zilan said, "It's good to be able to live. Let's see in the coming year. This year, we will enjoy the chrysanthemums outside in Chongyang."

"Outside?" Awan frowned slightly, and just as he was about to say something, he saw the housekeeper walking in quickly, "Master Fang, someone from the palace has sent a flower note."

"What flower paper did Chongyang send?" Fang Zilan sat up straight and beckoned, "Bring it to me."

The housekeeper hastily handed over the flower notes and explained: "People from the palace said that because this year is not smooth, the two old people, the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager, please go to the temple outside Beijing to pray on the day of Double Ninth Festival. Pray for blessings in Beijing, we will start our journey tomorrow.”

"Your Majesty means that there will be a banquet to celebrate the Double Ninth Festival?" Fang Zilan scanned the contents on the flower note at a glance, and the housekeeper nodded and said: "That's what the people in the palace mean. After all, the frontline war was tense during the Mid-Autumn Festival a while ago, and Beijing All the celebrations have stopped. Now that the world is at peace, we should have a good celebration."

"Okay, I see." Fang Zilan put the flower paper on the table casually, "Go and answer the people in the palace, and tell me that I will definitely be on time for the banquet. Also, you can ask for me, Chongyang Can relatives be brought to the banquet, and how many people can be brought? Ask clearly."

"Okay." The steward nodded in agreement, and then heard Fang Zilan say: "Thank you for your hard work, please don't forget to give me the reward." After the steward left, A Wan helped Deputy General Cao sit over, "In previous years, during the Double Ninth Festival, you can go from It has never been organized with such a big fanfare, even if it is a palace banquet, it is very simple."

Fang Zilan picked up the teacup and took a sip of water, and said happily: "There are festivals, banquets, fun and rewards, so what to do with so much."

"I found that you are really big-hearted now." A Wan picked up a melon seed, and Fang Zilan smiled, "If you go through the ghost gate a few more times, I guarantee that your heart will be bigger than mine."

"According to Master Xu, those who have died under the iron hooves of Miluo, ranging from generals and soldiers to common people, have their blood been shed in vain?" Fang Zilan said in a cold voice, "Xu My lord's method is only for the present, and the country will never be restored in future generations, how is it different from drinking poison to quench thirst?"

Mr. Xu took a step back at what she said, and most of the other people in the hall were timid and did not dare to step forward to speak out. Only Fang Chongzheng raised his eyelids, looked at the resolute figure, and said in his heart that it really is so. I sighed, I couldn't tell what it was like with mixed feelings.

Wei Subaru stared closely at Fang Zilan, who stood tall and unflinching in front of the crowd, and suddenly there was a kind of heroic spirit in his chest that he would fight against thousands of people.He suppressed his emotions and looked at other places calmly. His eyes happened to meet Zhuge Ming on the other side for a short time. When their eyes met, they both read a tacit relief from each other's eyes.

This group of old foxes in the court, no matter whether they are the peacemakers or the main fighters, are like a mirror in their hearts. If no one stands up, they can only wait for General Shen from the southeast camp to arrive and drag the Miluo people for a while For a while, let them take a breath, so that they can have some confidence whether they are seeking peace or fighting.

But no matter how loud their small calculations are, General Shen must be able to hold back.Therefore, someone secretly wrote a letter earlier to recommend Wei Subaru to go to the southern border, but once Wei Subaru leaves Beijing, whose hands will the camp in the suburbs of Beijing fall into?Nothing more than his brothers.Li Shengxuan knew that many of the Wei family's children were fiercely fighting among themselves, so even though Wei Subaru asked Ying to speak up, he might not agree.

Regardless of Wei Subaru and the immovable generals on the frontier, those who are good at fighting are worthy of use. At a distance, there is Xiahou Yunzhao, and at a distance, there is Fang Zilan.Li Shengxuan knows better than anyone how much blood and tears are hidden behind Xiahou's family staying in the old land of Baiyue.

It's not that Li Shengxuan didn't call, but he didn't dare to call at will.In this kind of near-death situation, if you don't have a mortal heart and a little bit of luck, it is impossible to buy time for the court. It is just a meaningless sacrifice, which will only increase the loss.

What's more, the people in the household department almost wrote the words "no money and can't stand the toss" on their faces. Who would dare to act rashly?This is how these days when the court deliberations are like quarrels in the market.Fang Zilan took the initiative to stand up and let them breathe a sigh of relief.

Fang Zilan's expression was fierce, she turned her gaze away from them, but looked up at Li Shengxuan, and said in a loud voice: "I know that the Miluo people came here this time, they are not kind, they will affect the whole body, and I dare not ask Your Majesty to give me troops to fight back But the military situation is urgent, and if the Miluo people's offensive cannot be stopped, it may not be known if they will come straight at the capital like a rainbow, and it will be too late to say anything by then."

She paused, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, and a confident and free-spirited smile appeared on her face, "Fang Zilan is not talented, but at least she is also the one who conquered the Gilded City. Since I was able to do things that no general of the past dynasties has ever done , so now I want to overestimate my strength, stick to Qiluo City, and fight for your Majesty and the adults for ten days and a half months."

After she finished speaking, she smiled, and solemnly knelt on one knee and said: "Fang Zilan, I would like to issue a military order here, vowing to live and die with Qiluo City. I live with the city, and I will destroy the city."

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