Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1035 Clues

Fang Lihui put a smile on his face, but still looked cynical, "As long as Miss Zhen is not afraid of damaging the reputation of Qianjinfang, I am not afraid of damaging the reputation of the Fang family."

"Famous?" Fang Zilan chuckled, "What is that? I can create it, and I can destroy it."

Hearing this, Li Shengxuan couldn't help but said: "If the truth can be found out, it will not be difficult for the Fang family or Qianjinfang to clear their names. What is difficult is that you just said that you would not let go of the people behind Yin Quanzhang. What is this? meaning?"

"I know your people are trapped." Fang Zilan said quietly: "But my people are not."

"What do you mean?" Li Shengxuan and Fang Lihui asked in unison, but Fang Zilan didn't answer, but looked in the direction of the door and said loudly, "Since you're here, come in."

Li Shengxuan and Fang Lihui looked at each other, and they both saw doubts in each other's eyes, but Fang Zilan glanced at them, "You two, please go your own way. There are some words that you don't want to hear."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Mingxiang push the door open, and a man was behind him—it was none other than Lin Jian, the head of the bodyguard who went to Linjiacun with her during the plague.

Only then did Li Shengxuan and Fang Lihui realize that Fang Zilan had other plans, and besides her was not only Mingxiang, but also other people.But the eviction order has been issued, and it is not easy for them to stay longer.

Since Lin Jian walked into the guest room, his eyes were red, staring at Fang Zilan, as if he wanted to stare her out of a hole.

Fang Zilan still sat upright, until the other people in the room left, only she and Lin Jianhou were left, and then said: "Everyone is here, sit down and talk."

Lin Jian clenched his fists and slowly sat opposite Fang Zilan, "Are you really..."

"In this world, who else knows about your ten-year agreement with Duke Xian Yue, except Duke Xian Yue himself?" Fang Zilan interrupted Lin Jian's words and slapped the plum sword on the table, " Even if you don’t recognize me, you should still recognize this sword, right?”

"You're not dead?" Lin Jian's voice trembled, and Fang Zilan nodded slightly, "I'm not dead, but I couldn't fulfill the ten-year agreement with you. King Rong An, I didn't kill him."

She said with a self-deprecating smile, "Even, I don't want him to die like this."

"You didn't kill King Rong An, who was it..." Lin Jian stopped abruptly after speaking halfway.

Fang Zilan poured a cup of tea and handed it to Lin Jian, "Sure enough, King Rong An didn't die of illness."

Master Liao Yuan sat upright and said: "When the poor monk burned incense this morning, he saw the incense mist shaped like a lotus flower. He thought it was a visit from a distinguished guest, so he prepared tea here to wait for them."

Fang Zilan didn't speak, just picked up the teacup and took a sip.At the side, Mo Han took a sip of tea just like her.

"Master's tea is really good." Fang Zilan put down the teacup slowly, "But..."

She didn't go on, Master Liao Yuan smiled slightly, "Master Fang might as well just say it straight."

"Although this tea is good, but it is not picked at the right time, it will inevitably taste astringent." Fang Zilan said lightly: "If you wait patiently for a few days, you can get spring tea and cook it like this, it should be excellent."

"This tea was sent by His Majesty." Master Liao Yuan still had a smile on his face, "The poor monk really didn't expect His Majesty to be so impatient."

There was something in his words, Fang Zilan's expression tightened, "What does the master mean by this?"

"It's just chatting, Lord Fang, don't be nervous." Master Liao Yuan smiled, and said softly: "I don't know why Master Fang is here today?"

Fang Zilan said calmly: "Listen to the scriptures and meditate." "Master Fang has something on his mind. Even if he is listening to the scriptures, I'm afraid it will be difficult to calm down." Master Liaoyuan said: "But since Master Fang is here at Baiye Temple, the poor monk should be the one for Fang." Sir, relieve your worries."

Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, "I don't know how the master will relieve my worries?"

"Master Fang is a man who fights and kills. He is good at arranging troops, so it is most suitable for heart-to-heart chats." Master Liao Yuan saluted and said, "Master Fang, would you like to have a game with me?"

"It's not that I don't want to." Fang Zilan showed embarrassment, "It's just that I don't know how to play chess, and I don't even know the rules deeply."

"It doesn't matter. A game of chess is like a battle between two armies, Mr. Fang is as good as he wants to be." Master Liao Yuan stood up and took the chessboard and chess box over.

Fang Zilan was hesitant, and Master Liaoyuan smiled slightly and said, "Master Fang is acting as if he is facing a formidable enemy, which makes a poor monk seem reckless."

"Master's words are serious." Fang Zilan took a chess box and put it in his hand, reached out and took out a chess piece, holding it tightly in his hand.

"Forget it, I don't want to embarrass Master Fang." Master Liao Yuan looked at Mo Han and said, "If Master Fang is really unwilling, you can ask Mr. Mo beside you for help."

"Help?" Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, and then blurted out: "Master, you want to use one against two?"

Master Liao Yuan nodded slightly, "It's not impossible."

Fang Zilan couldn't help laughing, "The master may not know that my cousin has never been proficient in chess since elementary school, but..."

She suddenly stopped in the middle of her speech, and she changed her voice, "It doesn't matter whether you win or lose in a heart-to-heart talk, I am rigid. Since the master has spoken, then Mo Han, you can come with me."

After saying this, she placed the chess box between the two of them, and Master Liaoyuan said, "Please."

Fang Zilan dropped the first ball without any hesitation, Master Liao Yuan immediately dropped the ball, and Mo Han picked up a ball and placed it next to her.

Among the three, Fang Zilan made the fastest move, almost without thinking every time.After Mo Han got married with Master Yuan, if there were any deficiencies, he would make up for them, so he was the slowest person to settle.

As for Master Liao Yuan, although the first few moves were a little slow, the rest of the moves were not too fast and slow, maintaining his own rhythm, quite leisurely.

In less than an hour, the chessboard was filled with three people.Fang Zilan took a deep breath, and was about to remove the lost chess piece, but was stopped by Master Yuan.

Fang Zilan withdrew her hand, raised her eyes and looked over, "The master feels that the situation is anxious and there is no need to fight again?"

"One is that the situation is really anxious. The other is..." Master Liao Yuan paused after speaking, "The poor monk already knows the thoughts of Mr. Fang and Mr. Mo, and there is no intention of fighting again."

"Oh?" A look of curiosity flashed in Fang Zilan's eyes, "Please enlighten me, Master."

"Master Fang has a lot in his chest, and he grasped the overall situation properly. Mr. Mo is meticulous and pays attention to the details." Master Liao Yuan sighed: "You two cooperate well, and the poor monk feels ashamed."

"Master, one against two is very rare." Fang Zilan said apologetically, "Mo Han and I bully the few with more, even if we win, it's still a victory without martial arts."

"Lord Fang is more serious about victory and defeat." Master Liao Yuan said noncommittally: "On the battlefield, it is normal to seek victory. But if it is in peacetime, you don't have to be too victorious. People have impermanence, water has an impermanence, eight Seven wins and seven losers are the last game."

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