Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1055 Possession

Chapter 1055 Possession
On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Fang Chongzheng brought his second daughter, Fang Zitong, into the palace together. After entering the palace, the two went to Fengyi Palace where Fang Ziqin was located, without stopping along the way.

However, when the two of them passed the imperial garden, they were blocked by a few sweeping attendants.

Seeing that it was Fang Chongzheng and Fang Zitong, the female officer standing aside to supervise the work hurried forward to greet her and say hello, "Lord Fang, Second Miss Fang is well." After she saluted, she immediately signaled the attendants who were sweeping to get out of the way.

Fang Zitong stopped at the same spot, carefully looked at several attendants, and saw that each of them was holding a bucket in their hands, and the white flowers in the bucket seemed to be grains of salt.

Seeing this, she couldn't help asking: "Adults, are you spreading salt to melt snow?"

"Second Miss Fang has good eyesight, so she can tell at a glance that they are throwing salt." The female officer looked at Fang Zitong approvingly, and then explained: "It's just that they didn't just throw salt to melt snow."

"Not only for melting snow?" Fang Zitong's eyes flashed with surprise, and he quickly said, "Or for repelling insects?"

"Exactly." The female officer nodded and said: "A few days ago, the gardener in the uterus saw insects when he was tending the flowers and plants, so he told him to sprinkle more salt after the winter snow, not only to melt the snow, but also to repel insects. The emperor The Empress Dowager loves the flowers and plants in the garden, so we have to be more careful in serving them."

"Really?" Fang Zitong had an obvious disapproval expression on his face, "Sprinkling salt to repel insects is understandable, but not all pests can be repelled by sprinkling salt, and the right medicine must be prescribed."

Hearing this, the female officer couldn't help but change her face, and said embarrassingly, "Second Miss Fang said..."

"Zitong." Fang Chongzheng's voice came from the side of several people, neither light nor heavy, but with a shocking power.

Hearing the sound, Fang Zitong walked to Fang Chongzheng's side step by step, bowed his head and said nothing.

Fang Chongzheng was standing under a plum tree, his jade hair crown was tied up meticulously, his beard was neatly grown, and his official uniform cloak was neat and straight, standing upright.

He nodded to the female officer and said: "The way the gardener in the palace behaves has its own reasons. The little girl speaks ignorantly and lies, I hope you don't have the same knowledge as her."

The female officer stood with her hands down respectfully, "Lord Fang is too serious."

But Fang Chongzheng said: "However, even if it is to repel insects, it must be measured. Going too far, hurting the roots of plants and trees for a short-term benefit, is against nature. I am afraid that after the beginning of spring, the garden will not be full of colorful and fragrant flowers. view."

He spoke every word in a gentle and natural manner, but clearly revealing the strictness without anger and prestige.

The coercion from the high-ranking people made the female officer involuntarily lose her composure, and she said with a frozen expression: "What Mr. Fang taught is that we must remember Mr. Fang's teachings."

Fang Zilan's eyes turned red, "Is there no other way?"

A Wan bit her lips tightly and shook her head. Seeing this, Fang Zilan took a deep breath and strode out of the village.

"Fang Zilan, what are you going to do?" Awan quickly chased after her and grabbed her sleeve, "If they know the truth, they won't be desperate. What will happen to you then?"

"Are you going to let me do nothing and just watch them die?" Fang Zilan deliberately lowered her voice, but could not hide the anger in her words. "If I can die with peace of mind, what if I have been kept secret all this time?" A Wan increased his strength in his hands and said without hesitation: "They are born for the ghost sect and die for the ghost sect. They can't help it. If..."

"A Wan!" Fang Zilan grabbed A Wan's wrist and cut off her unfinished words, "But how innocent are the villagers in Taoyuan Village? Are you going to drag them to die together because of the cruelty of the ghost gate?"

"But..." A Wan was so anxious that she was about to cry, "I really can't save them!"

At this moment, Fang Zilan suddenly understood that what A Wan said as if she was deceiving herself was actually just an excuse for herself to feel at ease.

Doesn't Awan know that the villagers in Taoyuan Village are innocent?But she couldn't save her, so she could only close her eyes and listen, and push all the sins to the head of the ghost, rather than her own powerlessness.

"A Wan, if you can't save it, don't save it." Fang Zilan supported A Wan's shoulders with both hands, and said seriously: "You are a medical girl, not a fairy. There are many incurable diseases in the world. Just do your best and obey the destiny. on myself."

A Wan sniffled, "I know, but once you tell the truth..."

She didn't go on, Fang Zilan knew in her heart, "Since the incident has happened, they have the right to know the truth. As for what will happen in the future, none of us can say for sure."

"I'm afraid they will fight to the death when they are in a hurry. Your health has not been well, how can you bear it?" A Wan couldn't help crying, and Fang Zilan comforted her while wiping her tears: "Soldiers will come to block the water." Soil cover. Don't worry, I can still endure."

A Wan wanted to say something more, but saw Fang Zilan's expression turned back, and she said word by word: "Until I see Lord Su Heng, I will not fall down anyway."

"Then..." Awan pursed her lips and summoned up the courage to say, "I will accompany you to explain the situation to them."

"No need, I'll go alone." Fang Zilan raised her hand and rubbed the top of Awan's hair, "If it's true as you said, and they get angry and start fighting, I can handle it."

"How can this be done..." A Wan was about to argue a few words when Fang Zilan took her hand and sent her back to where she lived. "You stay here first and stay away from the limelight with Xia'er for a while. When I see Lu Tian , I’ll come back to you.”

Awan looked worried, hesitated for a moment, nodded in agreement, and then warned: "You must be careful, go and come back as soon as possible."

Fang Zilan nodded slightly, then went out to find Lu Tian and told him everything about the Gu test.

After hearing this, Lu Tian's face was full of disbelief, and he drew his sword and pointed it at Fang Zilan, "Zixiu, you are willing to be a lackey of the imperial court, so be it, but you actually sow discord and bite back, why?"

"You know how much of what I said is true or false." Fang Zilan did not back down, but took a step forward, letting Lu Tian's knife press against her heart, "You have no chance of winning against me. I am completely There is no need to lie to you, and I should know best how you will react after being poisoned..."

"Shut up!" Lu Tian's hand shook, and the knife penetrated halfway, oozing out traces of blood. Fang Zilan still stood motionless, "Lu Tian, ​​it's easy for you to ask me to shut up, but you are here I have been through life and death for so many years, but Master Guimen has never shown any kindness to you, and now he wants to take your life. Are you willing?"

"Zixiu, do you want to die?" Lu Tian gritted his teeth, "Do you think I am the same as you, and will rebel if I say so? This is a ghost gate! I, Lu Tian, ​​am a ghost of the ghost gate in this life, so why should I be afraid of life and death? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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