Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1059 Falling

"I..." Li Qiyou hesitated to speak, and Fang Zilan continued on her own, "I heard from my father that the so-called exorcising demons and evil spirits in the New Year's drama is to remember the past and cherish the present, and it implies that it is the beginning of the future. Taiping's determination, isn't the prince acting for it?"

Her words were like enlightenment, which made Li Qiyou wake up. As a year-end event, the New Year's Social Opera contains not only good wishes for the new year, but also a brave and fortitude that is not afraid of the past and the future. How can it be just a show muddle along?
"Thank you Miss Fang San for your reminder." Li Qiyou's expression became a little lively, Fang Zilan waved his hands and said, "My lord is serious. If there is nothing else, I will take my leave first."

After she said that, she left straight away, and when she returned to Fengyi Palace, Fang Ziqin walked in after not sitting for a while, "I heard that you went to Lianhua Palace again today to listen to Master Yuan's lecture?"

Fang Zilan nodded, "Next time, if you are free, you might as well go together."

"I won't go." Fang Ziqin sat next to Fang Zilan, and said softly: "The palace is busy at the end of the year, and I can't get away."

Fang Zilan didn't say much, she poured a cup of tea and handed it to Fang Ziqin. After taking it, she took a sip, nodded and said, "That's right, your tea cooking skills have improved."

"What's the skill in cooking tea, it's just to be optimistic about the heat." Fang Zilan answered casually, and Fang Ziqin asked: "I don't know what the heat is today?"

"What do you mean by your mother?" Fang Zilan frowned, Fang Ziqin put the teacup aside, "I think it should be a big fire today, as for the firewood added to it, it should be the firewood named Mr. Xu Yixu."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan suddenly realized that Fang Ziqin was talking about her eccentricity towards Xu Yi in Lianhua Palace, so she turned her head away and whispered: "I don't like Xu Yi."

"What childish things are you talking about?" Fang Ziqin laughed dumbfounded, "You have nothing to do with Mr. Xu, even at the Flower Fair, the person who provoked you was not him, why did you become hostile?"

"Ask knowingly." Fang Zilan snorted heavily, and Fang Ziqin raised the corners of her lips, "Are you doing it for Mo Han?"

"If I adjust, where did you get the chance?" Fang Zilan said casually, but Cao Hong was taken aback, "Boss, did you plan to let me come to the government office to take charge?"

"That's not true." Fang Zilan looked a little more serious, "I didn't want you to get involved in the court, but after the battle in Miluo, I was really scared. I thought about it for a long time. Although the court is dangerous, as long as you let go By my side, I always have the ability to protect, and I don't ask for high officials and generous salary, just being safe and secure."

She paused as she spoke, then hesitated and said, "You don't blame me, do you?"

"How come?" Cao Hong hurriedly said: "As long as I can follow the boss, no matter whether it is the battlefield or the court, my old Cao is not afraid."

Fang Zilan smiled, and changed the voice: "Speaking of which, I have sent someone to repair and decorate your mansion, and you will be able to move in at the end of March. After the spring hunting is over, you can move there."

"Okay." Cao Hong nodded, "It's just right, I also plan to deal with the matter of the craftsmen in the house first, and then it's not too late to move."

"What craftsman?" Fang Zilan frowned slightly, and then suddenly realized: "The one from the Ministry of Industry on New Year's Eve?"

"That's right, it's him." Cao Hong moved closer to Fang Zilan, and deliberately lowered his voice, "The craftsman's name is Lu Chang, and he is a descendant of Master Lu."

"Master Lu?" Fang Zilan gasped, "Master Lu offended the emperor because of his ingenuity when he was in the previous court, and no one in his family survived. How could it be..."

She stopped abruptly in the middle of her words, and said clearly: "Did Ouyang's family keep it secretly?"

"Yes, I heard that he is the posthumous son of Master Lu's nephew." Cao Hong said helplessly: "This man was grateful for the Ouyang family's life-saving grace, so he agreed to change his name and join the Ministry of Industry. After I got him back, I checked I checked the household registration and found something wrong. I happened to know a few brothers whose ancestors were related to the previous dynasty. I made some secret inquiries and finally found out." Fang Zilan's expression was dark and unclear, "Then what are you going to do with him?"

"People from the former dynasty cannot stay." After Cao Hong said, he made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"But he is talented, if..." Fang Zilan didn't continue, and sighed, "It's really a pity."

Cao Hong said comfortingly, "Boss, don't be sorry. After all, even if Lu Chang dies, he won't be used by you."

Fang Zilan asked strangely: "What do you mean?"

Cao Hong explained: "Boss, you may not know what happened to Master Lu's family at the beginning. It is said that Master Lu once swore that his ingenuity would never be used in war, which angered the former emperor, dozens of members of his family lived and died. Made into wooden dolls."

Fang Zilan was seen through her thoughts, she pursed her lips unnaturally, and finally said in a low voice: "I heard that Mo Han is not doing well in Xu's house."

"The list of amnesties for the world on New Year's Eve has been finalized, and Mo Han is among them." Before Fang Ziqin finished speaking, Fang Zilan said in surprise: "Really?"

"Very true." Fang Ziqin smiled even wider, "I have made arrangements for the Fang family. If there is no accident, I can send people away on New Year's Eve, or the first day of the first month at the latest."

Fang Zilan couldn't wait to ask: "Who is going to send Mo Han to the Fang family?"

"Lihui will go in person." Fang Ziqin looked at Fang Zilan who was fidgeting with a smile, "Are you at ease?"

Fang Zilan acted like a good boy when she got a bargain, "Why should I worry about the eldest sister planning a strategy?"

"You, now I know how to call Eldest Sister." Fang Ziqin raised his hand and stroked the broken hair on Fang Zilan's forehead, and said in a warm voice, "You are relieved, but Master Xu will have to suffer a lot."

"Why is Elder Sister looking at me like that?" Fang Zilan's face was innocent, and Fang Ziqin's eyes flashed a playful look, "If you hadn't told King Yucheng about the New Year's drama, I would be reluctant to believe that you are innocent."

"Elder Sister has sharp eyes, I have nothing to say." Fang Zilan shrugged, looking frank.

Fang Ziqin withdrew his hand and straightened his sleeves, "With the temperament of King Yucheng, if he listens to your words, he will definitely work hard, and other people who follow the wind will not be able to relax."

"Eldest sister, I'm not easy." Fang Zilan approached coquettishly, "Look how hard I practice sword every day."

As she spoke, she spread her left hand, and Fang Ziqin held her wrist, "Yes, our Lan'er has really worked hard. Or, forget it?"

"How can it be forgotten?" Fang Zilan clasped Fang Ziqin's wrist with her backhand, patted the back of her hand lightly, and comforted her: "I still have all my skills, but I can't hold a sword in my right hand. It's no big deal to change my left hand."

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