Chapter 1078
"After the Baiye Temple murder, Chu Xiang surrendered himself and died in prison. It was Chu Bin who took away the body for him." Fang Zilan didn't see any expression on his face, but his words were cold, "At that time, Princess Wuqing He didn't show up, Ji Ningtian didn't show up, and the other old people from the previous dynasty were also silent and didn't dare to move. Only Chu Bin, at a young age, endured everything."

"How do you know..." Hong He asked in a daze, but Fang Zilan didn't answer her at all.

If Fang Zitong hadn't been wronged and imprisoned, Chu Bin had not come forward to mediate with Jing Zhao Yin's house, she probably would never have known.There are so many people who, because of her, either lost their lives, or hibernated in the mountains, and endured the infamy they shouldn't have suffered.

"Miss Honghe." Fang Zilan asked in a deep voice when she heard her own voice, "I heard that you have no respect for Ji Ningtian in your words, why are you still willing to serve him..."

"Who is loyal to Ji Ningtian?" Hong He sternly interrupted Fang Zilan's words, with a grim expression on his face, "The Red Wolf Army has always been loyal to General Zhenbei and King Pingnan..."

She didn't say Princess Wu Qing, as if as long as she didn't say the name, she didn't have to face the fact that she might have been abandoned.

"General Zhenbei Pingnan Queen?" Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "Did she ask you anything?"

Hong He pursed her lips, and said after a while: "Never."

She suddenly smiled as she spoke, "It's a coincidence that my elder sister had just passed away at that time, and my brother and I discussed taking the wolf army to disarm and return to the fields. After that, I hid in the countryside under my name, so I could live a peaceful life."

She paused, "At that time, my brother and I received a letter. The sender claimed to be a former member of Pingnan Palace, and the letter was Mrs. Qin Ji's suicide note that she kept on her behalf."

"What did you say?" Fang Zilan stared at Hong He in disbelief, as if trying to get some clues from her expression, but she couldn't see anything.

"Ms. Qin Ji said in her letter that she and General Zhenbei Pingnan Wang and his wife, the only wish in this life is to have mountains and rivers forever. If the world is settled, the old department can disperse on its own, and there is no need to be loyal to anyone." Hong Hong He Yue spoke in a softer voice until it was almost inaudible behind.

"General Xiahou's words are serious, we dare not." Zhuge Yu got up and bowed to Xiahou Yunzhao, "If General Xiahou was not here, how could we have wiped out the pirates so quickly..."

"Stop." Xia Hou Yunzhao waved his hand and said with a sharp expression, "Zhuge boy, let me tell you the truth, I have searched for all the southeast land except Lin Family Village and King Rong'an's land."

As soon as she finished speaking, King Rong An, who was watching the bustle on the other side, waved his hands and said, "What is General Xiahou's intention? I didn't hide Miss Yan'er from your family. If you don't believe me, you can come to my fief to search .”

"No need." Xiahou Yunzhao raised her eyebrows, and said with a soft snort, "I forgive you for not having the guts."

"General Xiahou, how can you be rude to the lord?" As soon as the person next to King Rong An opened his mouth, he pushed him back. He looked at Xiahou Yunzhao with a sneer and said, "The people below are ignorant, ignorant... "

Xiahou Yunzhao glanced at the pair of master and servant with disdain, and then turned his attention back to Zhuge Yu, "Linjia Village has been completely burned down by Lord Fang, which is convenient for me. I don't have to look for it anymore. But where is Yan'er?" Who can give me an explanation?" "Master Fang must have his own reasons for setting fire to the village. Miss Yan'er may not be in Linjia Village..." As soon as Zhuge Yu's words of defense left his mouth, he was interrupted again by Xiahou Yunzhao. , "Not necessarily? Yan'er herself wrote in the letter that she is in Linjia Village. Could she lie to me?"

Zhuge Yu remained silent, only listening to Xiahou Yunzhao continue, "I know Yan'er's temperament best. If the plague in Lin Family Village is not eliminated, she will not leave easily."

"Maybe it's because something happened to the Lin Family Village, and it's possible that Miss Yan'er left?" Su Yun spoke cautiously, but Xia Hou Yunzhao didn't answer, stood up and walked to the center of the hall.

Her eyes swept over everyone in the hall one by one, and she said in a solemn voice: "No matter what happens to me, I want to see people when I am born, and I want to see corpses when I die. My daughter raised by Xiahou Yunzhao, no matter whether she lives or dies, she must never be unaware. Not white."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left, leaving everyone in the hall to look at each other. King Rong An was the first to probe and said, "I heard that Mr. Fang fell into a coma after he came out of the Lin Family Village. Could it be that he was infected with the plague?"

"Your Majesty Lao is concerned. Mr. Fang is just overworked, and his old injuries have recurred, and he fell ill. He is not infected with the plague." Zhuge Yu looked at King Rong An and smiled slightly: "This time, Lord Lao came to Mushan in person. Guan, it’s really hard work.”

"Mr. Zhuge's words are wrong. Mu Shanguan is within my fiefdom, and it is my duty to do it, but..." King Rong An deliberately paused as he spoke, and dragged his voice: "Original Mu Shan The guard general Mo Bin rebelled and has not been dealt with until now. I don’t know why? I also ask Mr. Zhuge to enlighten me.”

"Your Majesty is joking, how can I, how can I teach you?" Zhuge Yu said calmly with a smile on his lips, "Your Majesty has not explained it, so we naturally dare not dispose of it at will. Besides, Lord Fang promises that the Mo family will make up for it." , I am not very clear about the inside story. But Mr. Su came one step ahead of me, presumably he knows a thing or two?"

Su Yun saw that he was misfortune, and threw the words to himself unceremoniously, but he still had a smiling face on his heart, "I'm just a civil servant, and I don't know anything about dispatching troops. How could Mr. Fang know?" Let me know? If you say you know the inside story, you should talk about Deputy General Cao who is beside Mr. Fang."

King Rong An saw that Zhuge Yu and Su Yun were dismissing everything you said, so he simply asked, "Deputy General Cao has been guarding Master Fang for the past two days, and I heard that he questioned the bodyguard who entered the village with Master Fang. Head, I don't know if you asked something?"

"The escort said that when he entered the village with Mr. Fang, there were only a few seriously ill people left in the village, and they couldn't make it through in a few days and died." Zhuge Yu smiled, and said softly: "Mr. Fang is afraid The smell of corpses spreads and the plague spreads, so this is the wrong plan to set fire to the village."

When he was talking, he kept staring at King Rong An, and at the end he pretended to be casual and asked: "But how did the prince know that the person who entered the village with Mr. Fang is a bodyguard?"

King Rong An was stunned for a moment, and asked instead, "Isn't it?"

Zhuge Yu did not answer. King Rong'an frowned and looked at the people around him. He knelt down before asking the sinner, "My lord, please calm down. I only found out about this when I accidentally heard General Xiahou talking to his men a few days ago." Since it was General Xiahou who said his inner thoughts, there must be nothing wrong..."

(End of this chapter)

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