Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1080 Dispersion

Xiahou Yunzhao supported Fang Zilan, "Master Fang, there is no need to be polite. I know that the recurrence of Master Fang's old injury is not a trivial matter, so I won't delay it too much. I just want to ask, Master Fang, does he know where my Yan'er is now?"

Hearing this, Fang Zilan straightened up suddenly, stood not far from Xiahou Yunzhao, bowed respectfully, and then said: "Miss Yan'er entered Linjia Village alone to save someone who was infected with the plague, but unexpectedly she also She was infected with the plague. The disease was so severe that she... did not survive it and was already... dead..."

Xia Hou Yunzhao's body trembled, and Xie Chen walked up to her at some time and held her shoulders, and was about to speak when she heard her say: "Did Mr. Fang...see Yan'er's... dead body with his own eyes? ?”

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes." Fang Zilan still maintained her bowing posture. She didn't dare to look up at them, but said softly: "The plague is coming fiercely. Linjiacun is the place where the plague is most serious. I had no choice but to set it on fire. Village, failed to bring Miss Yan'er back, and I hope General Xiahou will forgive me. If Miss Yan'er hadn't been vigilant about this plague..."

"I see." Xiahou Yunzhao interrupted her coldly, "Follow the matter urgently, Mr. Fang just did what should be done, and I won't blame you. It's just that the name behind her..."

She tried her best to restrain her emotions, but her voice still trembled uncontrollably, "How can it be half as important as a living person?"

"Zhao Zhao!" Xie Chen held her hand tighter, she turned around and buried her head in his arms, and said in a muffled crying voice, "Yan'er... did she leave anything behind..."

"Never." Fang Zilan lowered her head even lower, "General Xiahou, thank you sir, I'm sorry. Please, my condolences."

Xie Chen gently caressed the person in his arms, and sighed for a while, "Time is fate, Mr. Fang don't need to feel guilty. You can find Yan'er for us, it's already very good."

Xiahou Yunzhao raised his head from his arms, looked at Fang Zilan who was still maintaining a saluting posture, like a statue, and said calmly: "Speaking of which, Mr. Fang is destined to be with my Xiahou family. It was Mr. Fang who helped Ayan back then. At home, the same is true for Yan'er now. Thinking about it now, these two children are underground...should have...seen them, right?"

After she spoke, her sobbing sound was mixed with her words intermittently, and after she finished the last sentence, she was already sobbing.

Fang Zilan didn't move at all, just hearing Xiahou Yunzhao's words, she felt a pain in her chest, as if something was falling heavily.She didn't know, if she saw Xiahou Yunzhao's appearance at this time, would she not be able to help telling the truth, so that Xiahou Yunzhao would have someone to hate?

This idea just passed by in a flash, and she knew the answer, it must be yes.

Otherwise, why could she see her tears dripping silently on the ground, fainting into dark flowers?

However, Su Yuexi's bloody face suddenly appeared in her mind, which made her suppress this thought.

She bit her lips until there was a sweet smell between her lips and teeth. When she heard Xiahou Yunzhao's voice, she seemed to have aged a lot in an instant, with an indescribable powerlessness, "Master Fang, you don't have to be like this, you are full of old wounds." , needs to be taken care of. We won't bother you much, and we'll be leaving now." After she finished speaking, Xie Chen left with her.

Fang Zilan raised her head, looked at their backs, and couldn't help stretching out her hands, but her lips were still biting tightly, and she couldn't even touch the corners of their clothes.

It turned out that those who stayed were the saddest.

She slowly withdrew her hand, and suddenly remembered that the person who gave her the medicine in the dream once said that - the years are hard, if you can die, it will be a relief.

At that time, she sneered, saying that if she knew this, she would not be saved.How did the man answer her?
"The nature of being greedy for life and fearing death, no matter how difficult it is, you will survive with five points of desire, three points of unwillingness and one point of fear, year after year, month and day, nothing more."

So she asked again, "What's the remaining point?" "Gu Yong. It's worth remembering just those little honey-like days."

If this statement is true, the honey-like days of her life will probably last longer.

She wiped her eye sockets and chased after her without hesitation. A Wan followed her, and the two of them followed Xiahou Yunzhao and Xie Chen to Linjiacun.

The whole village was burned to the ground by a fire, and the mountains were scorched and desolate.

Xiahou Yunzhao walked to a tree that was mostly burned, with only its roots remaining, and slowly squatted down, holding a handful of scorched earth with a pure white silk handkerchief, wrapped it carefully, and held it in the palm of his hand.

"Yan'er, Aunt Zhao..." She stopped short as she spoke, "No, it's mother, mother is here to take you home." She stood up and put Sipa back into her arms with great care.

In fact, she knew from the day Ayan left that she couldn't keep Yan'er.

For some reason, she suddenly remembered the day when Yan'er left home, she tried to dissuade her as usual, and told her to be careful when she knew it was useless, and to inform her family if something happened.

Like some kind of omen, originally she would only call her Aunt Zhao, but Yan'er, who was pretty but cautious in front of her, seemed to be inexplicable, and called her mother half-jokingly and half-seriously.

At that moment, she suddenly felt that a place in her heart was lit up.She has no children, and Yan'er is an orphan she took a fancy to and insisted on taking back to Xiahou's family. Unfortunately, Yan'er was sensitive and cautious since she was a child, and she was only willing to call her Aunt Zhao.

Why on earth would you call her mother?She couldn't remember clearly, but she clearly remembered her cute appearance when she first saw Yan'er.

Now that I think about it, maybe I was wrong at the beginning.

She thought she could protect Yan'er from the wind and rain, but she forgot that Xiahou's family was already in such dark and rainy weather, how could they avoid it?
After all, it hurt Yan'er.

Xie Chen stood not far behind Xiahou Yunzhao, and did not go forward. It wasn't that he didn't know what she was thinking, on the contrary, he knew better than anyone else.

"Master Xie..." Fang Zilan was interrupted by Xie Chen just as Fang Zilan opened his mouth, "The white-haired man sends the black-haired man, my Xiahou family is used to it, so you don't have to worry about it, Lord Fang."

He stared fixedly at Xiahou Yunzhao's back, and said in a low voice, "Zhaozhao, she will recover soon."

Fang Zilan remained silent, her heart throbbing with pain.Fang Chongzheng once told her that since ancient times, there has never been a good death for a titan.It wasn't until now that she really understood the meaning behind this sentence.

The so-called titans, either died in horse leather shrouds on the battlefield, or died alone in pain, with blood on their hands, how could God make them feel better?

Xia Hou Yunzhao walked to Xie Chen's side, suppressed all emotions, and resumed his usual cold and stern look, "Xie Chen, let's go home."

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