Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1086 Decision

Fang Zilan frowned slightly, "I have always had a quarrel with you, and I heard that His Highness King Yucheng personally sent you a wedding. You..."

"The imperial brother is the imperial brother, and you are you." Li Qianning said categorically: "You and I have leverage on each other, so I can't rest assured that you are left in the capital."

"The handle?" Fang Zilan laughed dumbly, "The princess is referring to that tryst..."

"Shut up." Li Qianning interrupted Fang Zilan's words sternly. She said helplessly: "Princess, since you have told me the truth, I will keep it secret and won't reveal even a word."

"The only people worthy of trust in this world are dead people." Li Qianning looked coldly, "I think Miss Fang San is reluctant to die, so you might as well accompany me for this journey. From now on, you will be in Dajing and I will be in Miluo, and we will never meet each other. That's not a good idea. ?”

What's good?Fang Zilan cursed angrily, but then she thought about it. The poison on her body was related to the high priest of Miluo. If she could take this opportunity to meet the high priest of Miluo, she might gain something unexpected...

"If you don't say anything, I'll treat it as if you agreed." Li Qianning concluded decisively, her tone revealing irrefutable power, which made Fang Zilan look like she had no choice but to nod aggrievedly.

That's fine, just take it as an opportunity to leave the palace.Fang Zilan comforted herself like this, but she didn't know that after Li Qianning turned around and left Fengyi Palace, she showed an almost triumphant smile.

Ji Ningtian was right. Only when Fang Zilan disappears forever can Li Qiyou's thoughts be cut off.Her royal brother should not be tied down by anyone.

Thinking of this, Li Qianning held the marriage decree in her hand tightly. Even if she married Miluo, she would not leave Fang Zilan to make trouble here.

Therefore, when the Miluo delegation left the capital, not only Murong Qing was accompanying them, but also Princess Dejia Li Qianning's escorting procession, which was so majestic and majestic.

On top of the city tower, Zhuge Yu stood beside Li Shengxuan, "Your Majesty, will you let Murong Qing return home now?"

"It's just for the time being." Li Shengxuan snorted coldly, "Under the public opinion, Mu Churui, the leader of Miluo Kingdom, had no choice but to allow Murong Qing to return to the country to visit relatives. But after he and Dejia get married, Murong Qing will continue to serve in Dajing. quality."

"The Lord Miluo will not let Prince Zhongzheng go." Zhuge Yu's voice was very soft, but Li Shengxuan ignored his words. He just stared at the thin figure below and got into the carriage with the help of people around him.

Zhuge Yu followed Li Shengxuan's gaze and said, "His Majesty finally agreed and asked her to send the bride on behalf of the Queen."

"Do you think she will come back now that she's gone?" Li Shengxuan looked disappointed, and Zhuge Yu was also silent.For some reason, he longed for her to come back from the bottom of his heart, but also hoped that she would never come back again.

Fang Zilan seemed to feel something. She stood on the carriage and looked back. She was too far away and couldn't see the people on the tower clearly, but she knew that the person in the middle of the crowd, like stars over the moon, must be Li Shengxuan.

She suddenly remembered that before leaving, she gave the plum sword to Fang Ziqin and asked her to give it to Li Shengxuan, but he returned it, saying that he wanted her to put herself first.

"After all these years, you kid still hasn't changed at all. Whenever you get worried, you shut yourself up in the pharmacy." Wen Ya said and walked to Awan and sat down.

Awan's expression was dark and unclear, and she said listlessly: "Master, tell me honestly, are you taking advantage of Fang Zilan?"

"Use?" Wen Ya laughed dumbly, "Awan, everyone in the ghost sect is a chess piece in the master's hands, nothing more than that."

"But doesn't the young master like Fang Zilan?" A Wan asked puzzledly: "Since you like it, why do you still need to use it?" "Like and use are not the same thing." Wen Ya rubbed A Wan lovingly He raised his head and said softly: "These are two things. They exist at the same time and are not contradictory."

"I don't believe it." Awan pushed Wen Ya's hand away in disgust and curled his lips, "Master, you will lie to me."

"Silly boy, you will understand when you grow up." Wen Ya said helplessly: "Everyone can never leave his complete heart in someone else's hands for what he has to do."

Awan retorted reluctantly: "But Fang Zilan's heart is all about the young master..."

"Maybe before." Wen Ya interrupted her quietly, "But not necessarily now. Fang Zilan is now in a high position as a minister, and she has to take care of far more than just the young master."

"But no matter before or now." Awan argued with reason: "At least Fang Zilan was sincere, but what about the young master?"

"Awan, we can't tell the difference between the young master and Fang Zilan." Wen Ya's expression became a little darker, and his tone became a little more warning, "But remember that you met Huangfulin in Hong'an Pavilion today. We can’t tell Fang Zilan.”

"Master!" Awan stood up angrily, stamped his feet and left.

But Wen Ya said, "Where are you going? Fang Zilan hasn't seen you all day. If you don't go to see her, she should be anxious. Come with me to Fengyi Palace."

There was an undeniable power in Wen Ya's tone. Ah Wan was still thinking about Fang Zilan, so she could only follow him angrily to Fengyi Palace.

"Miss Awan?" Qiu Shui looked at Awan who was standing absentmindedly at the door and called out tentatively.

Awan came back to her senses and saw that Wen Ya had already walked in and was looking back at her.Qiu Shui next to her waved her hand and said, "Miss Awan, the Queen and Master Fang have invited you in."

"Oh." Awan responded dully, looked at Wen Ya who was looking serious in the back room, and hurriedly followed him in.

After Wen Ya took Fang Zilan's pulse, Fang Ziqin exchanged a few words with him and asked about the situation.After a while, Fang Zilan said that she was tired and sent him and Fang Ziqin away, leaving only Awan.

There was no one around, and Awan felt uncomfortable being stared at by Fang Zilan. She couldn't help but say: "There is no one else now. If you have something to say, just say it. Why are you staring at me like this?"

"How is the young master these days?" Fang Zilan asked directly, but Awan was stunned.

Seeing that Awan had no reaction, Fang Zilan simply asked more bluntly, "Did you go to Hong'an Pavilion with Wen Ya today?"

"How did you know?" A Wan looked like he had seen a ghost, and Fang Zilan chuckled, "How come I don't know when you were bold enough to openly quarrel with your master?"

"Of course I don't have the courage to quarrel with Master." Awan sat on the edge of the bed dejectedly, "You guessed it right, I went to Hong'an Pavilion with Master."

Fang Zilan didn't speak, and Awan continued, "I saw that the young master is not in good health today, but it was the master who asked for the young master's pulse. I am not very clear about the specific situation."

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