Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1101 Try your best

Before Xie Chen finished speaking, there was an uproar outside the hall, and everyone in the hall had different expressions.

Fang Lihui's expression changed imperceptibly. He couldn't help but look at Fang Zilan, but saw that she was silent, like a doll.

Did she already know this? Fang Lihui was stunned for a moment, and then realized that if she borrowed the identity of Zhen from Qianjinfang, it wouldn't be surprising if she knew that the temple was misbehaving.

However, when Li Shengxuan came to the throne, Master Yuan was there to help him. Therefore, after he came to the throne, he continued to be favored, which promoted the prevalence of Buddhism to almost its peak. However, there must be a shadow under the glory. As long as it can be hidden, it is the indulgence of turning a blind eye.

But now, Jiangnan Zhongling Temple, which is as famous as Baiye Temple in western Beijing, has been exposed to a scandal. Of course, the world will have doubts. Master Liaoyuan is the first to bear the brunt. How can the Zhuge family behind him escape unscathed?

In addition, before the assassin committed suicide, in addition to King Yucheng, he also shouted for Lord Zhuge...

Fang Lihui felt cold all over his body and did not dare to think any more. Lan Mei, is your so-called Baofang family actually such a Baofang family?

Fang Zilan noticed Fang Lihui's gaze, but kept her eyes lowered, as if she was unaware.

She knew that the matter had come to this, and in Fang Lihui's eyes, she was the instigator behind the scenes. This move was to abandon the car to protect the soldiers at all costs, which was no different from a reckless man.

Not only Fang Lihui, but also Zhuge Yu might hate her. Even if she said she had no idea, no one would think she was innocent.

Zhongling could Qianjinfang not know about such a case? I guess he just wanted to hide it from her. The only people who can hide it from her are Zhen Mier or Wan Jun.

Qianjinfang hangs alone between the court and the rivers and lakes. It is not easy to maintain oneself, and human connections are inevitable. Even if one or two shameful things were hidden, she didn't care.

But how did Murong Qing know that? Today was only the second day of the public trial. Master Ranzhu, who was far away in Zhongling Temple, was brought to court by Mr. Canghai Liu. An assassination was even arranged, which pushed the case to a climax...

This was not a day's work, Murong Qing's plan came much earlier than she expected. It is very possible that the so-called keeping the promise and protecting the Fang family for her is just a part of his plan.

Fang Zilan was uneasy, but as a person in court, she could not act rashly and could only force herself to focus on the case.

"The land belonging to the temple can be exempted from taxes for three years." Xie Chen said without anger: "Zhongling Temple took this as a convenience and expropriated the land of thousands of nearby households for the temple, and then subleased these lands. This makes huge profits."

Only two sentences, but hidden edge. Let’s not talk about the name for the temple to acquire the land and whether it uses all possible means. Let’s talk about how do thousands of families make a living after losing their land? If you have to leave your hometown, you will inevitably have to rent the land expropriated by the temple.

Under layers of exploitation, not only did they lose their land, but they also lost their hearts. After the war and plague, those who thought they were waiting for peace found another kind of persecution.

It's really prosperous and the people are suffering. If they die, the people will suffer.

"Miss Awan." Zhuge Yu knocked on the door and pushed the door open after Awan agreed. When he saw the person lying peacefully on the bed, he felt a little relieved and said softly: "Miss Awan has been guarding you all night. You might as well go and have a rest. I'll replace you with someone else."

"It doesn't matter." Awan shook her head, looking quite tired, "I'm used to it. As long as you are Master Fang, you may be seriously injured and comatose for several days. I can just take a nap while her condition is stable. It doesn't matter. Yes."

"Miss Awan, you've worked hard." Zhuge Yu put the breakfast in his hand on the table, "I'll put the breakfast here. Miss Awan, remember to eat it when you're free."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhuge." Awan suddenly remembered something, stood up, walked to the desk and started writing. After writing, he handed it to Zhuge Yu's hands, "This is the prescription I prescribed. Please help Mr. Zhuge prepare the medicine. I won't wait until later." Fry it and bring it over."

"Okay, I'll go right away." Zhuge Yu looked at the prescription in his hand, "If Miss Awan has any other instructions, just send someone to find me." After saying that, he took the prescription and left.

At the end of the day, Zhuge Yu came to deliver the medicine, along with a plate of cakes.

When A Wan was serving the medicine, she glanced at the pastry next to it. There were a few naive rabbits carved on the round pastry, and some sweet-scented osmanthus flowers could be seen between the soft and waxy skin. It turned out to be a moon cake.

Seeing the moon cake, Awan's expression was a little strange at first, but then he said calmly: "Today is August [-]th, the Mid-Autumn Festival."

"Exactly." Zhuge Yu nodded, "I saw that Miss Awan was guarding Sister Lan every step of the way. She was so worried that she forgot what day it was today, so she asked the chef to make some mooncakes and bring them over. It’s a holiday.”

"Young Master Zhuge has a heart." Awan fed Fang Zilan medicine while talking to Zhuge Yu, "Speaking of which, Mr. Fang and the Mid-Autumn Festival really have no fate. Last year's Mid-Autumn Festival was on the way to the north, and this year's Mid-Autumn Festival is a burden. Seriously injured and unconscious, I don’t know when I will be able to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival safely.”

Her words sounded bitter, but her tone was still lively and playful as usual, but in Zhuge Yu's ears, she felt a little helpless.

"The four realms are not in peace, and the general will not be safe." Zhuge Yu sighed quietly: "If the sea is clear, the river is peaceful, and the world is peaceful, naturally every festival will be reunited and joyful."

"Mr. Zhuge is a person with the world in mind, so he is different from me." A Wan put the medicine bowl beside the bed, took out the silk handkerchief in his sleeve, and wiped the medicine stains from the corners of Fang Zilan's mouth, "I just want to take care of myself." One-third of an acre of land, as long as I want to be happy. Whoever controls the world, the surroundings and the scenery, have nothing to do with me."

Zhuge Yu fixedly looked at A Wan with a gloomy expression, "Although there is nothing wrong with Miss A Wan's words, if everyone thinks the same as you, I'm afraid the world will be in chaos."

"That's why I'm neither a son of a family like Mr. Zhuge who is the first to strategize the world, nor a general who guards the frontier like Mr. Fang, who takes the lead and sacrifices himself for others. I am destined to be a commoner."

A Wan raised the corners of her mouth, with an indescribably complacent look on her face, "Of course, I can do as much as I can. I just need to do what I have in hand. Even if I can't help the world, at least I can do it." Save a few lives."

"That's right." Zhuge Yu smiled in relief, still with a simple and picturesque appearance, "If everyone in the world does their own things like Miss Awan, the world will not be so bad."

"You adults, you just think too much." Awan curled his lips and handed the empty medicine bowl to Zhuge Yu confidently, "Tomorrow will still be this time, please leave it to Mr. Zhuge."

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