Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1124: Death

Fang Zilan secretly screamed in her heart, but Li Qiyou didn't give her a chance to move. He pressed her head in his arms, tightened his arms around her, and then stood up holding her in his arms.

Although Li Qiyou's face was still slightly red, he looked generous and did not shy away from suspicion. Mu Chuji was startled, and then chuckled, "I don't know that the prince is also a romantic person."

Li Qianning, who was following Mu Chuji, was about to have a fit, but stopped when she saw it was Li Qiyou, "Brother Emperor, you..."

She hesitated to speak, her eyes fell on the person in Li Qiyou's arms, "Who is she? You... you actually..."

Fang Zilan rarely saw Li Qianning frustrated, let alone like this. She clearly wanted to tear her apart, but because she was in Li Qiyou's arms, she couldn't even finish her words.

So she couldn't help but laugh. Although she didn't make a sound, her body was shaking visibly. Li Qiyou, who was holding her, said in a serious and warm voice: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Seeing Li Qiyou cherishing the woman in his arms so carefully, Li Qianning couldn't help but get furious. She took a step forward to pull her out of his arms to see where this vixen came from.

Unexpectedly, Li Qiyou was already prepared. He turned sideways to avoid Li Qianning's hand and frowned: "Xiao Ning, don't mess around."

"I'm not messing around." Li Qianning's outstretched hand stopped in mid-air and said angrily: "Brother Emperor, why do the two princesses in your palace still mess around with the maids and lose their decency? Do you know, if Li... …His Majesty learned that…”

"I know." Li Qiyou interrupted Li Qianning in a deep voice, "But Xiaoning, do you know what you are doing?"

As he spoke, he looked steadily at Mu Chuji, who was watching the excitement, "Your Highness, King Qi, what are you doing here?"

"Same as the prince." Mu Chuji stood in front of Li Qianning calmly, confronting Li Qiyou and said, "tryst."

Before he finished speaking, Li Qianning blushed and glared at him fiercely, but he was completely unaware, "Don't you think the prince also thinks that the secluded place here is an excellent tryst..."

"Mu Chuji, shut up." Li Qianning sternly stopped Mu Chuji's last words. He curled his lips and said, "Qianning, you don't dare to admit it, do you?"

What he said was quite frivolous, even Li Qianning's expression changed, "Mu Chuji, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting." The smile on Mu Chuji's face grew wider, "I came here today just to tell Princess Dejia that your Majesty has approved the marriage between the two countries."

After saying this, he raised his hand and brushed the ends of Li Qianning's hair, dusting off a petal. "Soon, I will address you as princess and royal sister-in-law."

"Mu Chuji, you..." Li Qianning's face turned pale, and Mu Chuji raised his eyebrows, "I haven't had time to congratulate the emperor's sister-in-law, but she is dissatisfied..."

A crisp sound of "pop" stopped Mu Chuji's words. Li Qianning's hands trembled slightly, but she slapped her without hesitation, "Mu Chuji, if I were your royal sister-in-law from now on, I would definitely make your life worse than death."

"Okay." Mu Chuji looked at Li Qianning's red palm and said with a smile: "The emperor's sister-in-law is happy, whatever happens is fine. Just don't hurt yourself, I will feel bad for you."

He looked affectionate and said half-truths and half-false jokes, which made Li Qiyou intolerable, "Your Highness, King Qi, please leave."

"Your Highness King Yucheng, don't worry, I have that intention." Mu Chuji calmed down, "Today, you and I will just pretend that nothing happened." It's almost the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the two sides haven't reached a conclusion yet. Fang Zilan couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

That day, she was sitting on the roof, looking at the increasingly round moon, feeling a sense of loneliness in her heart. How many years has it been? She didn't even have a good Mid-Autumn Festival, she was born to be busy.

"Sister Lan." Zhuge Yu's voice came from under the eaves, and Fang Zilan jumped down from the roof neatly, "A Yu, you want to see me if you have anything to do?"

"It's just a matter of peace talks." Zhuge Yu straightened his sleeves, and Fang Zilan looked at him briefly. She saw a tired look on his face, and she said helplessly: "It's not settled yet?"

"The new emperor of Miluo sent someone to deliver new peace negotiation conditions." Zhuge Yu's expression was dark and unclear, "The general conditions have not changed, but one has been added."

"What?" Fang Zilan asked subconsciously. Zhuge Yu lowered his eyes and said, "Send Prince Zhongzheng's son Murong Qing to the capital as a hostage."

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, then realized: "Isn't this condition too specific to Murong Xun? Can he agree?"

"Murong Xun complained that he was ill. I didn't see him at the banquet just now." Zhuge Yu sighed lightly, "If you add this, sincerity will be enough, and other conditions cannot be too demanding."

Fang Zilan frowned slightly, "The new emperor of Miluo is really cruel, isn't he afraid that Murong Xun will be forced to rebel?"

"Not to mention Murong Xun, this condition itself is a hot potato." Zhuge Yu pursed his thin lips tightly, "Once Murong Qing enters our capital, what will happen in the future..."

He did not continue, but Fang Zilan's heart tightened. If Murong Qing had any trouble in Dajing in the future, it would not only solve Mu Churui's major problem, but also give Miluo an excuse to send troops.

"It seems that Sister Lan has also thought of it." Zhuge Yu's expression darkened, and Fang Zilan nodded, "But the current peace negotiation conditions..."

"This is the best we can get at the moment." Zhuge Yu calmed his expression and said, "I have sent a letter back. Everything is decided by your Majesty."

"No matter what, we tried our best." Fang Zilan breathed a long sigh of relief, "That's it, let's leave it to fate."

"Sister Lan, do you believe in destiny?" Zhuge Yu suddenly raised the corners of his lips, and Fang Zilan also smiled, "Of course I don't believe it. What I believe is that my destiny is determined by me and not by nature."

"If you really have it up to you, why do you think that every Mid-Autumn Festival..." Zhuge Yu was interrupted by Fang Zilan impatiently when he was halfway through his words, "A Yu, you really don't want to open any pot."

"After the peace talks are over, if there are no accidents, Dajing will be able to maintain stability for at least ten years." Zhuge Yu's smile became even brighter, "I think Sister Lan will be able to spend every holiday in the future happily."

"I accept your auspicious words." Fang Zilan said as if remembering something, and asked: "Ah Yu, you said that the incense in Baiye Temple is strong, is it really that effective? If it is really effective, why is your wish for peace in the world, sea, Qinghe, and the world? It still hasn’t happened yet?”

"The so-called wish comes from the heart, and we hope to become a king in the dying moon. If it doesn't last for many years, how can we call it a wish?" Zhuge Yu raised his eyebrows and raised his lips with a wide smile, "I can afford to wait, and I will definitely see Hai Qinghe in my lifetime. The world is at peace."

Fang Zilan murmured in a low voice, "Yes, if it can be realized easily, what is the wish?"

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