Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1147 Hand over

With the support of Qiu Chan, Fang Zilan slowly walked out of the wing. As soon as she went out, she saw King Rong'an standing with his hands behind his back, followed by many guards. The boy who opened the way in front was cursing.

Mrs. Wang Quanrui, who came over after hearing the sound, looked unhappy. Wang Xianhui, Xu Yi and others were also standing beside her. The maid and servant stood in front of them, blocking the way of King Rong'an and his party.

The two sides were in a standoff, and Fang Zilan walked over slowly. Seeing her coming out, Mrs. Wang hurriedly greeted her, "Good boy, how are you? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere else?"

"Thank you, Madam, for your concern." Fang Zilan bowed weakly, but she couldn't even stand firmly and relied on Qiu Chan's support to prevent her from falling.

Seeing this, Mrs. Wang also took advantage of the situation to hold Fang Zilan's arm. Then she realized that the heat on her body was unusual, and she couldn't help but exclaimed, "Do you have a fever?"

King Rong'an looked disdainfully and casually nodded to the person next to him, "You, go check Miss Fang San's pulse."

The doctor who was called said yes, but before he could get closer, Qiu Chan shouted sharply: "What are you doing? Mr. Wen just performed an acupuncture on my young lady..."

Before she could finish her words, she was grabbed by King Rongan's guards and detained. Without her support, Fang Zilan staggered two steps and fell to the ground.

The doctor stepped forward and grabbed Fang Zilan's wrist, and after a concentrated diagnosis, his expression suddenly changed, "This..."

Wen Ya and A Wan came next, "What did Dr. Cai Cheng diagnose?"

When Wen Ya called him by his first name, Cai Cheng broke out in cold sweat on his forehead and hesitated to speak.

King Rongan, who had been watching, lost his patience. The boy next to him understood and shouted, "If you have something to say, just say it. Why are you hesitating?"

"This... Miss Fang San has lost both her energy and blood. She is afraid that she will not live forever." Cai Cheng was so frightened that he closed his eyes and stamped his feet and said, "Even if I can survive this winter, I'm afraid it will be hard to reach thirty."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Qiu Chan's eyes turned red on the spot, and she rushed out to fight Cai Cheng.

Fang Zilan stared at Cai Cheng in disbelief, tears welling up in her eyes, "How could it be..." The despair in her eyes did not seem to be fake, which made everyone present sigh.

King Rong'an's guard relaxed for a moment, Qiu Chan tried her best to break free and ran to Fang Zilan, "Miss..."

Fang Zilan struggled to stand up with Qiu Chan's support, her tears streaming down her face with determination, "Thank you, Dr. Cai, for telling the truth."

"Miss Fang San, I'm really sorry..." Cai Cheng couldn't help but Fang Zilan suddenly became much calmer, "Since you call me Miss Fang San, you should know that I am the daughter of the Fang family of the Prime Minister's Palace. Although I am weak, He cannot take care of himself, but he is not someone who can be intimidated by just a few words."

Cai Cheng quickly waved his hand and said: "Miss Fang San, this is not a threat, it's just that your body is indeed in a state of exhaustion..."

"So what?" Fang Zilan intercepted his last words, her voice trembled slightly, but she still said word by word: "Do your best and obey fate. No one can tell how long I can live."

Mo Han in the crowd suddenly raised his head when he heard this sentence. For some reason, the seemingly fragile Miss Fang San and his Sister Lan seemed to overlap together, as if they had never left. Fang Zilan met Mo Han's gaze. Although it was only for a short moment, they already understood each other tacitly. Then she bowed and said solemnly: "The flowers are blooming very well today, but I am very tired, so I am not here." I’m disturbing everyone’s enjoyment.”

After saying this, she said goodbye to Mrs. Wang and saluted everyone present one by one. However, before the ceremony was completed, she could no longer hold up and fell over again. Amid everyone's exclamations, she was finally sent back to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Fang Zilan walked up to Ouyang Zirou and saluted: "Your Majesty, when Miss Ouyang improved the crossbow, although I was not fully involved, I can still see her talent and intention. If the arsenal was handed over to her, The capital's military preparations can be expected. As a general who protects the country and protects the territory, I can rest assured."

"The Duke of Yue said this..." As soon as Li Shengxuan started to speak, he was interrupted by the imperial censor who had just given his advice, "Your Majesty!"

As he spoke, the imperial censor fell to his knees with a plop and kowtowed hard, "Your Majesty, this matter concerns the armament of the capital and must not be trivial..."

"Child's play?" Li Shengxuan stopped him and snorted coldly: "Sun Yushi, don't think that just because you are young, you can rely on your old age in front of me. If you are so stubborn and unclear, I will allow you to You immediately resign as censor and return to your hometown to retire."

Sun Yushi was stunned for a moment. Su Yun next to him seemed to have finally come to his senses and walked out quickly, "Your Majesty, Sun Yushi is old and it is common for him to have low energy. He..."

Su Yun was halfway through his plea when he saw Li Shengxuan raised his hand and said: "For the sake of Sun Yushi and the Yushitai people who have worked hard for many years, I will give you a face and give an explanation to the civil and military officials of the dynasty, so that Ouyang The young lady will take over the arsenal with all due authority."

Su Yun frowned slightly, "Your Majesty means..."

"I have just said that the generals have the most say in matters of armaments. Since only the Duke of Yue's statement is not enough to convince the public, then let all the aristocratic families guarding the four realms come to express their views." Li Shengxuan said without anger: "Baiyue As long as more than half of Xiahou, the southeastern camp, Dugu in the west, Huangfu in the north, and the Duke of Yue and the Wei family in Beijing agree, Ouyang Zirou can take over the military workshop, otherwise he will never be allowed to serve as an official in the court. "

Fang Zilan reacted suddenly. No wonder Li Shengxuan said before that it was the best time to help Ouyang Zirou. It turned out that he was waiting for her here.

She can definitely help Ouyang Zirou get Zhou Lang's approval vote from the Southeast Camp. General Baiyue Xiahou's approval vote, as long as Li Shengxuan speaks, there will definitely be no problem. Including her vote, there are already three votes.

The Wei family just wanted to see what Wei Subaru wanted, so the vote might be in doubt. But that old fox in the north, Huangfulin, may not be willing to take a stand, so he is most likely to abandon his vote. In other words, the Dugu family's approval vote must be won.

Fang Zilan kept calculating the votes in her mind until the end of the court. She was a little distracted and even Ouyang Zirou didn't respond when she called her.

"Master Fang!" Ouyang Zirou tugged on Fang Zilan's sleeve. Only then did she notice the person next to her, "Zirou, what's wrong?"

"I'm...a little worried..." Ouyang Zirou said, "Although Mr. Fang is here to help,..."

She let out a long sigh and changed her voice, "With my mother's attitude, let alone asking Mr. Wei to help me, I would be satisfied without asking Mr. Wei to object. As for the rest..."

She didn't say any more and was silent for a while. She lowered her eyes and whispered, "Master Fang, do you think I will never be able to serve as an official in the court?"

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