Chapter 115
"I can't talk about being impatient, but the sooner the matter is resolved, the sooner I can return to His Majesty, and the sooner I can return to the North." Fang Zilan looked indifferent, "Does General Dugu have any advice?"

"I can't talk about advice, but Mr. Fang is young, and I'm afraid he will suffer from a shrewd businessman like Fang Liren." Dugu Xin said kindly, but there was an imperceptible contempt in his tone.

The corners of Fang Zilan's lips hooked slightly, "General Dugu is trying to help me fight?"

Dugu Xin nodded and said: "If Master Fang doesn't mind, I will go with Master Fang."

"I don't mind." Fang Zilan smiled, "Please General Dugu lead the way." After she finished speaking, she made a gesture of invitation.

So Dugu Xin led several people through the front yard, and went to the backyard wing room to meet Fang Liren.

Dugu Xin knocked lightly on the door, and after obtaining the consent of the people in the house, he pushed the door open and led several people into the house.

The light in the room was a bit dim. A young man sat at the table with his back to them, and stood up when he heard the sound.

His appearance is somewhat similar to the Fang Lihui that Fang Zilan has seen, both of which are feminine and handsome, but compared to Fang Lihui, he is less frivolous and frivolous, and more capable and stable.

He pursed his lips slightly, and a pair of slender phoenix eyes swept across the people in front of him, and finally fell on Fang Zilan, "This one must be Master Fang Zilan, right?"

Before Fang Zilan could answer, Dugu said, "Fang Liren, now that the Fang family is here, you should tell me, right?"

"I can say yes." Fang Liren stood up calmly, and said calmly, "But there are too many of you, and my room is crowded, so it's inconvenient to talk."

As soon as he finished speaking, A Wan curled his lips in dissatisfaction, and then pushed Vice General Cao out of the room.

"Can you talk now?" Fang Zilan was the one who spoke this time. Fang Liren glanced at her and said calmly, "There are some things I can only say to Mr. Fang."

"Then there is no other way." Fang Zilan spread out her hands and looked at Dugu Xin with a half-smile, "General Dugu, please."

Dugu Xin let out a cold snort and left.

Fang Liren looked at Zhuge Yu who was standing still, and said with a faint smile, "Didn't this young master hear what I said clearly?"

"I heard it very clearly." Zhuge Yu nodded, smiling lightly, "But Mr. Fang didn't let me go."

Fang Liren suppressed his smile and said seriously, "Master Fang, what do you mean?"

"Fang Liren, if you want to say something, just say it, and if you don't say it, forget it." Fang Zilan glanced at him sideways, and said coldly: "I'm not afraid of anything happening to Warners. If there is something wrong with her, I will escort you to Patriarch Sasan." In front of you."

"Master Fang said it lightly." Fang Liren smiled coldly, "If you hand me over to Patriarch Sassan, the matter can be resolved. You don't need to escort me, I will go in person."

Zhuge Yu's expression became more cautious, and he said tentatively: "Listen to Mr. Fang's implication, there is something else hidden in this matter?"

Fang Liren ignored him, and still looked at Fang Zilan and said, "Since Mr. Fang doesn't shy away from others, then I have nothing to shy away from."

He paused for a while, and then said, "Does Mr. Fang know Lucea?"

When Fang Zilan heard the name Lutheya, she lost her mind for a moment.

The barbarian woman who had long been buried in the desert of northern Xinjiang, she thought that she would never hear her name again in her life.

After a long time, Fang Zilan said slowly, "Yes, she is Shangguan Min's aunt and Damo Mingyue Lussel's younger sister."

Fang Liren asked again: "But Master Fang killed her?"

"Yes." Fang Zilan answered simply, "Why are you asking this?"

"It seems that I did not find the wrong person." Fang Liren seemed relieved, but Fang Zilan was at a loss.

"The one who robbed Warners was none other than the barbarians fleeing in the western region. Their leader seems to be Lutheia's best friend, and they want to avenge Lutheia." Fang Liren said, clenched his hands and hid them under his sleeves. His face turned pale, "They didn't dare to go back to the northern border to seek revenge from Mr. Fang, so they could only rob me and Warners."

Fang Zilan frowned slightly, and asked in doubt: "They thought I would send it to their door?"

Zhuge Yu, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly interjected, "They didn't think so, but forced Mr. Fang to exchange Mr. Fang for Warners."

Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows and said, "But how did Fang Liren know that I would definitely come?"

Zhuge Yu thought about it and said: "No wonder Mr. Fang insists on asking Fang's family to come. If you can kill bandits and save people, you still need someone with the surname Fang. You are the only one in the whole court."

At the end, he sighed faintly: "Hasn't Mr. Fang figured it out yet? Mr. Fang, it's decided that you will definitely come."

"As expected of the owner of the Fang family, he is quite good." Fang Zilan chuckled, but there was no smile in his eyes, "However, exchanging the owner of the northern border for the daughter of a wealthy Persian family is a bad business. "

Fang Liren said, "It's not a loss at all."

"The northern border is as big as three Persians, isn't it a loss?" Fang Zilan said as she sat down on the round stool next to the table and poured a cup of tea leisurely.

"If something happened to Warners and offended the Sassanid family, Persia would definitely lead the army to attack. When the flames of war in the western region would no longer be peaceful, how many people's lives would be lost?" Fang Liren said confidently and plausibly, "If one person's life is used to protect the safety of all people, Isn't this a good deal?"

"Mr. Fang's words are really sweet." Fang Zilan called Mr. Fang sarcastically, which made Fang Liren stunned, watching her mockingly laughing wantonly.

"To put it bluntly, it happened because of Mr. Fang, so why do you want me to be a substitute for the dead?" She tapped her finger on the teacup, her expression full of disdain, "Mr. Being forced to elope with Warners, he had no ability to protect his sweetheart, so he had to make a deal with the gangsters who looked like beasts. Why, neither the glory of Fangfu nor the beauty in his heart would be given up, so he had to use someone else's Has life come to make wedding clothes for you?"

She stood up with the teacup in her hand, flicking her fingers lightly, the surface of the tea in the cup caused slight waves, breaking the original calm on the surface.

The contempt on her face was clear, "To put it bluntly, if the Persian cavalry really came back in the future, Fang Zilan could still fight on the battlefield to protect the people, but what can you do? Don't be poked at the spine and scolded as the culprit The culprit is not bad, can he still hang high like today?"

Fang Liren's expression was gloomy, and he was about to say something, but he saw her raise the teacup and drank it in one gulp, and said in a cold voice, "Mr. Fang wants to live comfortably, but also wants to whitewash the peace with beautiful words. How can there be such a cheap tea in the world?" matter? Take care of yourself."

After she finished speaking, she put the teacup in her hand on the table, and there was a slight sound like a knock, which shocked Fang Liren speechless, so he could only stand still, watching her and Zhuge Yu leave. Going back, unable to respond for a long time.

 Every cause must bear fruit, Fang Zilan: Is this retribution in disguise?

(End of this chapter)

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