Ming Xiang coughed lightly, "Master, the household registration document is fine, it's just the identity certificate from the Chamber of Commerce..."

She paused as she spoke and whispered: "When the Fang family sent someone to deliver it, it was written clearly that the person on it was a woman and must be a businesswoman."

Fang Zilan was stunned, she had forgotten this matter. Originally, for the sake of convenience, she asked the Fang family to create a Chamber of Commerce identity for her. At that time, she never thought that she would be traveling with Li Shengxuan, so she did not create a few more identities as backup.

It's good now. Without the status of the Chamber of Commerce, Li Shengxuan and Xia Houzhang can only follow her as guards or attendants. She doesn't mind, but...

"I don't mind." Li Shengxuan said leisurely, and Fang Zilan asked subconsciously: "What don't you mind?"

"Eat soft food." Li Shengxuan said it so naturally that even Fang Zilan was stunned, "What did you say?"

Next to him, Xia Hou Zhangyi suddenly changed his expression and tried to dissuade him: "Sir, you must not do it."

"Why not?" Li Shengxuan raised his eyebrows, and Fang Zilan took a deep breath, "Sir, stop joking."

Li Shengxuan calmed down and looked at Fang Zilan steadily, "I'm serious."

Seeing the stalemate, Awan tugged on Mingxiang's sleeves with a wink, "Miss Mingxiang, I suddenly remembered that the fried medicine is still on the stove. I'm afraid it's going to burn. Can you accompany me to take a look? ?”

Mingxiang nodded and left with Awan. After they left, Fang Zilan no longer suppressed her emotions and said sternly: "I will set the rules after we agreed. What do you mean?"

"I'm just sharing your worries." Li Shengxuan's face was calm and Fang Zilan clenched his fists, "No need. In my heart, you are my brother-in-law. Even if you change your identity, it will not change."

Li Shengxuan's expression froze, "You don't remember at all?"

Fang Zilan asked doubtfully: "Remember what?"

"Nothing." Li Shengxuan calmed down, and Fang Zilan did not ask further questions. Instead, he said: "Time is pressing, let's exchange information first. What did you find out?"

"Mountain bandits often collude with local officials, especially in Feiling Mountain." Li Shengxuan walked up to Fang Zilan, picked up the pen and paper she put on the desk, and sketched out a simple map with just a few strokes.

"There are many mountain bandits among the gangsters, and they have always had the habit of worshiping the top of the mountain." Fang Zilan said while looking at the picture: "The bandit leader of Feiling Mountain should be the culprit. If he is killed, the Feiling Mountain bandits will be wiped out, and the land of Jiangnan will be destroyed. It calms down a lot.”

"Let alone the collusion between officials and bandits, it is the bandit leader of Feiling Mountain..." Li Shengxuan pursed his lips, and then said: "The Cunning Rabbit has three caves, let alone a maze like Feiling Mountain?"

Fang Zilan was silent for a moment and then changed the topic, "You said before that you were sure there was something secretly done in the Jiangnan Camp. What's going on?"

"After the Jiangnan camp was established, we fought against bandits and bandits." Li Shengxuan's expression was dark and unclear, "They all ended in failure."

"Is this why you have some tricks?" Fang Zilan snorted, and Li Shengxuan sighed softly, "You have never fought against mountain bandits, so you may not know well. Dajing has never been defeated."

"What do you mean?" Fang Zilan raised her hand and frowned slightly. Li Shengxuan pulled another piece of paper, and the pen tip changed and became much sharper. Li Shengxuan explained: "Mountain bandits are unlikely to be successful. The court will suffer losses in one or two battles, but it will never be defeated."

Fang Lihui's voice was not loud, but he had an intimidating aura, "Everyone here should know that those who own more than 10% of the Fang family's business have the right to speak in the Fang family. Therefore, I dare to ask Mr. Fang, what do you think about my successor as the head of the family? Do you have any objections?"

"No." Fang Zilan shook her head and said seriously: "The person I entrust with the business in the North is you, not the Fang family."

There was something in her words. Most of the people present had been working in shopping malls for many years, so how could they not hear what she meant. Immediately, no one dared to say anything more, and the opposition gradually dissipated.

"Since everyone has no objections, then I, Fang Lihui, am the current head of the Fang family." Fang Lihui wiped away his cynical and dissolute appearance before, with a sharp expression, "effective immediately."

Fang Zilan said nothing, and the elders who enforced the rules did not dare to object. They exchanged glances with each other and prepared to leave.

Unexpectedly, before they even got up, they heard Fang Zilan say: "The tea at Mr. Fang's house is good. It's a pity that you haven't tasted it yet."

After saying that, she lowered her head and glanced at Cong Rong, who was still kneeling in front of her. She stretched out her hand to help her up and motioned her to sit back down. Then she said: "Miss Cong's matter has not been resolved yet. Please be patient." , wait a little longer.”

"This..." the leading elder said hesitantly: "Miss Cong has already said that she was coerced by others and slandered Li Hui. What she said before is not credible, why do you still..."

"You can't believe it?" Fang Zilan interrupted him coldly, "Isn't this elder curious that there are so many young men from aristocratic families in the capital, why does Miss Cong insist on slandering Young Master Fang?"

Seeing that the elders who enforced the law did not respond, she asked directly, "Qingshui Village on the outskirts of Beijing is the Fang family's village, right?"

Although it was a question, she had no doubt about it, and her determination made several elders who were enforcing the rules look frozen.

After a while, one of them said: "Yes, it seems that the village head bullied the villagers. We will definitely find out and give an explanation to Miss Cong."

"It's too late." Fang Zilan took some time to straighten his clothes, "Since I've intervened in this matter, it's not your turn to explain it to anyone. When my people find out, they can handle it how they should. Even if it's in court, it's okay. It’s okay.”

The leader of the law enforcement elders lowered his voice and said angrily: "Master Fang, your business in the north is now in the hands of the Fang family!"

Fang Zilan glanced at him sideways and asked, "So what?"

"If the Fang family's reputation is damaged, the business will also be damaged." The leader of the law-enforcement elders said sadly: "If there is prosperity, there will be loss, and there will be loss. Don't you understand, Mr. Fang?"

"It is precisely because I understand this truth that I want to get to the bottom of it." Fang Zilan sat back in her seat with a tired look on her face. Yan. The Fang family has been in business for so many years. Could it be that they have learned to cheat and cheat? No wonder it has gone downhill in recent years and is not as good as before. "

"Master Fang, be careful what you say!" Several elders who enforced the law were very angry, but Fang Zilan remained calm and calm, "There is a knife beside the word sharp. The Fang family must be careful not to hurt themselves. It is too late to regret. .”

Fang Lihui took a deep look at Fang Zilan, who looked indifferent, and said in a deep voice: "Since Mr. Fang has said so, this matter is related to our Fang family, so we cannot just sit idly by and ignore it. Please wait patiently, uncles."

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