Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1191 Yun Yan

Li Shengxuan clenched his fists outside the door, hesitated for a moment, and finally did not force his way in.

Awan inside the door held on to the door frame, took a deep breath, and calmed down before daring to walk over and see Fang Zilan, who was seriously injured and unconscious.

Even though he had heard about her plan, Awan still felt a chill running down his spine when he saw her almost silent on the bed. She was really capable of risking her life. If she had been half an inch longer, I'm afraid she would have died on the spot and even the gods would not be able to save her.

"You are really..." Awan gritted his teeth, but couldn't find a suitable word to describe Fang Zilan. He could only tear open her clothes with trembling hands, and then put his hand on the handle of the knife.

"Is it worth it?" Awan's voice was very soft. She knew that no one could answer her, but she still couldn't help asking.

At the same time, he drew the knife to stop the bleeding and treated the wound in one go. He was afraid that if he was slow for a moment, the person in front of him would lose his life.

After finishing everything, Awan breathed a long sigh of relief, stood up and walked out. Li Shengxuan, who was waiting at the door, looked tense and asked, "How is her injury?"

"It's a critical injury and there's a lot of blood loss. It's unclear whether she can wake up." Awan told the truth, but Li Shengxuan was stunned, "How is it possible, she..."

"I know what your Majesty wants to say." Awan took a deep breath, thinking that the matter was over, she might as well add fuel to the flames and contribute to Fang Zilan's plan.

So she said with a cold face: "Even if Fang Zilan has great martial arts and is the best in the world, he will inevitably be careless and chaotic. If the knife was directed towards her, she would not be seriously injured even if she could not avoid it. But she was blocking it for His Majesty. How can you care so much about the knife? Do you still have time to carefully calculate where you are injured and whether it is serious? "

Li Shengxuan's expression froze, "That's not what I meant..."

"Then what does your majesty mean?" Awan looked at Li Shengxuan aggressively and said angrily: "It was only half an inch. If the knife had been half an inch longer, she would have been killed immediately, and your majesty would not be suspicious here."

"I..." Li Shengxuan opened his mouth, but found that no matter what he said, it was just a guilty conscience. Fang Zilan almost lost her life because of him, but he was deeply suspicious because of her unknown identity...

"If you want me to die, I have to die." A Wan said coldly every word: "If your majesty still can't trust Fang Zilan, why not go in and kill her now, so as to save her from being heartbroken when she wakes up."

After saying that, she left without looking back. She didn't even bother to make any superficial gestures of bowing out, as if she wasn't afraid of offending Li Shengxuan at all.

Her last note was very soft, like a feather sweeping over it, but it made Mo Han's heart sink, and he couldn't help but blurt out: "Sister Lan, no matter what you do, I will stand by your side, even if it is a place of eternal destruction, I I’ll go with you too.”

She knew very well that even with the evidence of witchcraft, it only meant that the death of Princess Erya had nothing to do with her. It was impossible to say that she was not the murderer of Princess Rongan.

What's more, there are both witnesses and physical evidence, and she voluntarily pleads guilty. This is a dead end with no solution.

People who have the same idea as Fang Zilan include Li Shengxuan and Fang Chongzheng. On the day when Li Shengxuan summoned Fang Chongzheng to the palace for an audience, the two of them had already spoken very frankly.

At this time, in the imperial study room, Li Shengxuan stood in front of the window with his hands behind his hands. He didn't know what he was thinking. Xia Houzhang's voice came from behind him, "Your Majesty, Master Zhuge is here." Zhuge Yu saluted, and Li Shengxuan turned around and ordered Xia Hou Zhang retreated first, leaving only the two of them facing each other in the imperial study.

"Has Your Majesty decided to ask Di Rong's delegation to question Princess Erya in the letter of credence?" Zhuge Yu got straight to the point, and Li Shengxuan did not beat around the bush. He nodded and said, "Yes, the letter of credence has been drafted. When Di Rong's delegation leaves, When it comes to Beijing, it will be made public.”

"I'm brave, there may be something wrong with the credentials." Zhuge Yu said seriously: "Although Di Rong's tribe is only a small place, its geographical location is special, right at the junction of the three kingdoms of Dajing, Miluo and Persia..."

He did not continue, but Li Shengxuan knew clearly in his heart that if he turned against Di Rong's tribe due to the question of credential questioning and forced him to form an alliance with Miluo or Persia, he would probably lose more than he gained, and the situation would not be optimistic.

However, the relationship between the two countries has always been getting stronger from strength to strength. Once they bow their heads, it will cause immeasurable consequences. If Di Rong is allowed to pour a basin of dirty water on Fang Zilan, the world will feel that the capital is in the wrong, and hidden dangers will be laid from then on. No matter how he responds, he will be easily criticized.

"I have made up my mind regarding the certificate of credence." Li Shengxuan said firmly, but Zhuge Yu refused to give in. "In this case, how will your Majesty decide the murder of Princess Rongan?"

Li Shengxuan's expression froze, remembering Fang Chongzheng's almost heartfelt words that day——

"Even if there is indeed witchcraft in the world, it would be extremely difficult to prove that someone uses it to control other people's behavior. Moreover, if such claims are allowed to spread in the world, people will definitely panic. If things go on like this, if someone has ulterior motives, If people take advantage of it, the art of witchcraft will become popular, and whether it is true or false, it will easily become an excuse for committing crimes."

"Therefore, I believe that the precedent of using witchcraft to clear away the name of murder must not be set."

Even though Li Shengxuan had always been wary of the Fang family and didn't like Fang Chongzheng very much, he had to admit that Fang Chongzheng had been in the position of prime minister for several dynasties and was far-sighted and far-sighted.

Even Fang Chongzheng has said this, and others are probably even worse and will not believe that witchcraft can control people's hearts. In this case, Fang Zilan must die.

The moment A Wan's figure disappeared, Li Shengxuan finally couldn't bear it anymore, staggered a few steps, leaned against the beam and gasped for air.

As the emperor of the capital, he was arrogant among all the heroes, but at this moment he was extremely depressed. His sharp eyes were like an eagle slowly folding its wings, becoming gray and confused, and his trembling shoulders revealed his emotions, which had always been intangible.

He was filled with fear that he had never experienced before, a fear that he had never experienced before after being in the gate of hell several times.

He never thought that Fang Zilan would block the knife for him, nor did he think that he would lose his composure because of it, but the rage and uneasiness that surged out in an instant overcame all reason, making him not care about hiding his clumsiness, and he raised his sword and killed the assassin.

If the situation was not critical and Fang Zilan fell in his arms, he would have even wished to cut the assassin into pieces...

However, no matter what he did, he could not change the fact that Fang Zilan was now on the line between life and death. He would rather she argued with him endlessly and said bad words, even if she raised eyebrows and glared at him with swords, rather than face her current state of anger.

As long as she can stand in front of him properly and alive, what's the importance of identity? What does it matter what she wants to do, who she wants to protect?

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