Ming Xiang lowered her eyes, with a hint of imperceptible disappointment in her voice, "After I handed the plum sword to the master, she left quickly."

Zhen Mier's red lips curled slightly, "Lan'er won't let you follow her. If you just keep following her, can she still drive you away?"

"Master said that if I dare to follow, he will break my legs." Ming Xiang was rarely angry, and Zhen Mier chuckled, "Lan'er is trying to scare you, she is reluctant to break your legs. ”

Mingxiang pursed her lips and said, "Miss Mi'er, let's go now..."

When she didn't say anything, Zhen Mi'er said, "Well, Lan'er must have gone to Jiangnan Camp. It's too late for us to chase her now. Why not go to Feiling Mountain for her to make sure that Miss Awan is safe and sound."

"But..." Ming Xiang opened her mouth, and the smile on Zhen Mi'er's face became even brighter, "You didn't go to Feiling Mountain with Lan'er?"

Ming Xiang nodded, and Zhen Mi'er looked at her amusedly, "How come a girl who is usually so smart and smart loses her mind when it comes to Lan'er? Where can't she go while I'm here?"

Mingxiang hesitated for a moment and said, "Then Mr. Wan knows that Miss Mi'er..."

"You're not old, so you have a lot to worry about." Zhen Mier smiled and shook her head, "He is already on the way."

"What..." A look of shock flashed in Ming Xiang's eyes, and Zhen Mier casually took the horse's reins from her hand, "Are you still not leaving?"

Seeing Zhen Mi'er about to leave, Ming Xiang couldn't help but tugged on her sleeves and whispered, "What should we do in Zuiyue Tower? There are many adults in the building, they..."

She hesitated to speak, but Zhen Mi'er suppressed a smile and whispered to her: "His Majesty, General Zhou Lang of the Southeast Camp, and Young Master Lihui of the Fang Family are all here, so why should we worry?"

"Your Majesty..." Ming Xiang exclaimed, and Zhen Mi'er quickly covered her mouth, "Lan'er doesn't want too many people to know, but after tonight, I can't hide it anymore."

At this time, Fang Zilan rushed to the Jiangnan Camp without stopping, her heart was in a mess, and she was thinking about this.

She didn't know how much Li Shengxuan had found out now, but it was not a good thing to reveal his identity almost as a last resort. If someone from the Ghost Sect is lurking secretly, they can take advantage of the chaos and take action, killing him without knowing it.

After all, when he left Beijing, Ji Ningtian ordered Wen Ya to give Awan the poison to kill Li Shengxuan. With his suspicion and distrust of her and Awan, he would definitely send others.

Although there are no Ten Kings of Hell anymore in Ghost Gate, there are still a few useful killers. Moreover, the stance of the Hong siblings and their bandits is unclear. Once they turn against us, it will be difficult to deal with them. Will Li Shengxuan be okay?

Thinking of this, Fang Zilan hesitated for a moment, and her hand on the horse's reins loosened a little, as if the horse would turn around in the next moment, either back to Zuiyue Tower or to Feiling Mountain.

However, Yin Quanzhang's words before falling from the building still rang in her ears. She wanted to believe Li Shengxuan, Zhou Lang and Fang Lihui, not to mention that Ah Shi was alone in the Jiangnan camp and needed her more than anyone else.

She has lost enough people, Ah Shi can't let anything happen to her again.

As if he had made up his mind, Fang Zilan whipped up his horse and rushed to the Jiangnan camp when the sky was dim, and sneaked in quietly.

The female official on the side saw Fang Chongzheng and Fang Zitong, and hurriedly stepped forward to greet them, "Master Fang, Miss Fang is well." After she saluted, she immediately signaled to the attendants who were sweeping the house to get out of the way.

Fang Zitong stopped where he was and looked at the attendants carefully. He saw that each of them was holding a bucket, and the white flowers in the bucket looked like grains of salt. Seeing this, she couldn't help but ask: "Are the adults spreading salt to melt the snow?"

"Second Miss Fang has good eyesight and can tell at a glance that they are spreading salt." The female officer looked at Fang Zitong approvingly, and then explained: "It's just that they are spreading salt not just to melt snow."

"Not just for melting snow?" A flash of surprise flashed in Fang Zitong's eyes, and he quickly said clearly: "Or for repelling insects?"

"Exactly." The female official nodded and said: "A few days ago, the gardener in the womb saw insect damage when he was maintaining flowers and plants, so he told him to spread more salt after the snow in winter, which can not only melt the snow, but also repel insects. The Emperor The Queen Mother cares about the flowers and plants in the garden, and we must take care of them even more carefully. "

"Really?" Fang Zitong's face showed clear disapproval, "There is nothing wrong with spreading salt to repel insects, but not all insect pests can be expelled by spreading salt, and the right medicine must be prescribed."

Hearing this, the female officer couldn't help but change her expression, and said sarcastically: "What Miss Fang Er said is..."

"Zitong." Fang Chongzheng's voice came from beside several people. It was neither light nor heavy, but it carried a shocking power.

Upon hearing this, Fang Zitong walked to Fang Chongzheng's side, bowed his head and said nothing.

Fang Chongzheng was standing under a plum tree, his jade hair crown was tied up meticulously, his beard was neatly grown, his official uniform and long cloak were neatly straight, and he stood upright and majestic.

He nodded to the female official and said, "How the gardener in the palace behaves has its own reasons. I am ignorant and talk nonsense. I hope you will not be as knowledgeable as her."

The female officer respectfully lowered her hands and said, "Master Fang, you are serious."

But then I heard Fang Chongzheng say: "But even if you are driving away insects, you have to be cautious. Going too far is not enough. It is against nature to harm the roots of plants and trees for temporary benefits. I am afraid that after the beginning of spring, the garden will not be able to see the colorful flowers and fragrant flowers." "

Every word he spoke was gentle and natural, but he clearly showed the severity of being calm and authoritative.

The pressure from the high-ranking person made the female officer involuntarily lose her composure and said with a stern expression: "Master Fang taught you that we must remember Master Fang's teachings."

It was just a small episode in the imperial garden, but when it reached the ears of the Empress Dowager, she was shocked.

The Empress Dowager still asked the secret guard calmly: "Too much is not enough, it hurts the fundamentals and goes against nature. Is this really what Fang Chongzheng said?"

The secret guard nodded hurriedly, "Yes."

The Empress Dowager waved her hand to signal that he could go down. The nanny on the side came to her side and whispered in a low voice: "Too far is not enough. If the person from Qiankun Palace is determined to get to the bottom of it this time, I'm afraid our Pei family..."

Before Mammy could finish her words, the Empress Dowager knew exactly what she meant and said softly: "Fang Chongzheng is indeed very powerful. Everyone in the court, not even the Aijia and the Emperor, can think as clearly as he does." . If this case continues to be investigated, once it harms the foundation of the imperial court and violates the system of ministers, the ministers of the family will rise up and rebel, and the capital will be in danger."

Hearing this, Nanny's eyes were filled with worry, "Madam, what should we do now..."

The Empress Dowager composed herself, regained her composure, and snorted coldly: "That's all, go and inform Wang Quanrui and ask his brother Wang Quanzhi to find a scapegoat to take the blame and close the case."

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