Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1199: Care

Chapter 1199: Care

Fang Zilan and Zhuge Yu were sitting on the corridor, looking at the two meticulous people in the pavilion, and whispered: "They look like they are planning, they have caught up with me on the battlefield, they are really murderous."

Her voice was very soft, as if she was afraid of disturbing the two people who were paying close attention not far away.

Zhuge Yu smiled faintly after hearing this, "Fang Liren's wealth and life and the future of the Fang family are all determined by this small abacus and a few thin pages. This is no small matter."

Fang Zilan came next to him with a look of watching the fun, "A Yu, do you believe that even if the two of them were settling ordinary account books today, it would still be like this?"

Zhuge Yu said oh, and with a half-smile, he was obviously asking her how she knew. She raised the corners of her mouth and smiled clearly, "After all, she is a member of the Fang family, and she will spend 100% of her energy on every account. In In their minds, every copper coin is of great significance.”

"Master Fang understands very well." A Wan's voice suddenly rang in Fang Zilan's ears. She turned back to look at A Wan who was holding the medicine bowl, and her face instantly collapsed, "It hasn't been a few hours, and I have to drink medicine again. ?”

Awan put the medicine bowl into her hand, and scolded her with a straight face: "The medicine you drank at noon is already past midnight. It will be dark later, and you still think it has only been a few hours? Hurry up? Drink the medicine."

Under her gaze, Fang Zilan picked up the medicine bowl and drank it all in one gulp, then looked at her with a bitter face. She nodded with satisfaction and took the medicine bowl from her hand.

"Sister Lan, if you feel bitter, I have some preserved fruit here to give you." Zhuge Yu said, taking out a bag from his sleeve, and was stopped by A Wan just as he was about to open it, "The preserved fruit will affect the efficacy of the medicine, so let Master Fang Just be miserable. If you are miserable, you won’t be able to remember to sacrifice your life. If you weren’t miserable, you would have lost your life long ago.”

"Awan." Fang Zilan deliberately prolonged his voice.

Awan snorted and magically took out a plate of cakes from behind, "I saw that you didn't eat enough for lunch, so I asked for cakes from the kitchen. If you feel bitter, just take two bites and squeeze it."

"I knew that little Awan was the best to me." Fang Zilan took the plate with a smile, handed a piece to Awan, gave another piece to Zhuge Yu, and finally took a piece and put it on herself Mouth, shouting sweetness while eating.

Awan couldn't help her, so she simply sat next to her and looked at the two people in the pavilion, "With the two of them like this, when will it be over? It will be dark in a while, so waste your eyes."

"They won't stop until the clearing is complete." Zhuge Yu took a bite of the cake, looking helpless, "I wonder why Fang Lihui is so persistent?"

"This is the first time I've seen Fang Lihui look like this." Fang Zilan swallowed the cake in her mouth and spoke a little slurred, "Last time in the North, I thought he was just a playboy."

"Speak after you finish eating. No one will compete with you." Awan rolled his eyes at Fang Zilan and said quietly: "I know a little about these brothers, but it's just hearsay." "Master Zhuge doesn't need to be so polite." Fang Zilan hurriedly waved her hand, but saw Wei Subaru reaching out to hold Zhuge Ming's arm, "Are you so outspoken?"

Zhuge Ming stood up straight, straightened his sleeves and said, "Master Wei, we are joking." The distant and restrained attitude made Wei Subaru let go of his hand, and without further words, he took the lead and walked up.

Fang Zilan coughed slightly and changed her voice, "Speaking of which, why are all your costumes in cyan color and I am the only one who is in red?"

Zhuge Yu's expression softened a bit, "What do you think, Sister Lan?"

Zhuge Ming, who was listening to their conversation quietly, had a flash of astonishment in his eyes. The name A Yu could only be called by the elder brothers and sisters in the family.

Even in the Zhuge family, there are only a handful of people who can call her by this name. If someone else calls her by this name, Ayu will be annoyed. Moreover, since Shan'er passed away, there is no woman in the world who can be called Ayu. But now seeing the expressions of the two, they have become very familiar with each other after calling each other by this name. Could it be that Ayu has developed a sister-brother relationship with Fang Zilan?

He had a lot of thoughts in his mind, but he concealed them so well that they didn't notice them for a while.

"I think..." Fang Zilan deliberately prolonged her voice, "Ayu, you have a nice bell."

Everyone present was stunned. Zhuge Yu subconsciously tugged on the silver bell attached to the knot, "Sister Lan, is this what you said?" Before he could finish his words, he heard a series of crisp noises falling from the steps. Go down.

Fang Zilan bent down to pick up the bell that fell on the steps with quick eyes and hands, and asked tentatively, "Ayu, are all the knots on your belt slipknots?"

Before Zhuge Yu could answer, a voice intervened, "It's indeed Slipknot."

Several people looked at the speaker at the same time and saw Pei Xiaoze walking down the stairs. He was wearing a lotus green costume and his gentle brows made his whole person look softer. The red tassels on the sleeves hang down, reflecting the faint redness of the silver bell in the palm, which is cold and gorgeous.

Zhuge Yu took the bell from Pei Xiaoze's hand and said, "Thank you, Master Pei."

Zhuge Ming glanced at the red knot loosened around Zhuge Yu's waist, then saluted Pei Xiaoze and said, "I'm careless about leaving my younger brother. Please give me a helping hand, Master Pei."

"Lord Zhuge, why are you so polite?" Pei Xiaoze walked up to Zhuge Yu, pulled the knot around his waist, and restored the belt to its original shape with his fingers flying up and down.

Fang Zilan stared blankly as Pei Xiaoze took the bell from her hand and woven it into the knot, and sighed: "Master Pei is really ingenious."

"Master Fang is so complimentary." Pei Xiaoze finished tying the last knot and breathed a long sigh of relief: "It's just that I have also played the role of Master Zhuge before and he wore the same costume."

Then he turned to Zhuge Yu and said: "Master Zhuge, the knots on this costume are slip knots. You must be more careful when you move to avoid the knots from unraveling and trapping you."

"Zhuge Yu has learned the lesson, thank you Master Pei." Zhuge Yu said solemnly, and Zhuge Ming beside him also thanked him repeatedly.

"I heard about it when I was studying medicine with my master in the capital." As soon as Awan mentioned the word master, Fang Zilan glanced at her silently.

Ignoring her look, Awan continued speaking, "I heard that although Fang Lihui is the legitimate son of the family, his father doesn't like him very much. Instead, he prefers his brothers who are concubines."

"When Fang Lihui was young, the other young masters of the Fang family all invited their husbands to study, but he had no choice but to follow Fang Liren and go to the school of the Prime Minister's Mansion. Fang Liren had no parents to look after him since he was a child, so he had to take care of his uncle, the Prime Minister. , but it is not easy for Fang Lihui’s parents to study under someone else’s roof.”

(End of this chapter)

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