Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1201 Compromise

Chapter 1201 Compromise

Fang Zilan flew up, pointing the plum sword directly at Cheng Zhiyan, causing him to take a step back, "This is impossible..."

"What's impossible?" Fang Zilan raised the corners of her lips. Cheng Zhiyan steadied his figure and looked at her hanging on the railing. His voice trembled unconsciously, "With the poison of flowers and trees, if the sword is put into the ground, it will be corroded... …”

"Zixiu's sword is as extraordinary as his own." Fang Zilan held a sword flower, jumped up, and landed in front of Cheng Zhiyan, "Master Cheng is so confident, but he feels that besides the corpse of King Rongan, there is no one else. No other evidence?"

"What does Miss Zixiu mean by this? I don't understand." Cheng Zhiyan's expression turned cold, and Fang Zilan returned the sword to its sheath with an arrogant expression, "Master Cheng, even if the bones of King Rongan turn to dust tonight, I can't take him away. It can also bring out a message.”

"What's the news?" Cheng Zhiyan said after a while: "I am willing to listen attentively."

"The sky net is vast and sparse," Fang Zilan said word by word: "The death of King Rong'an is a clue. Cheng Zhiyan of Suzhou Prefecture is also a clue. As long as we continue to investigate, one day we can reveal the truth to the world."

"The truth?" Cheng Zhiyan repeated the word and suddenly smiled, "The ghost family Zixiu, the master of Feiling Mountain, the two of them were originally the same as the lower officials. Why are they so righteous and righteous now? "

After he finished speaking, without waiting for Fang Zilan and Hongtai to speak, he continued talking on his own, "Is it because of His Highness King Yucheng? But if His Highness knew what the two of you had done earlier, would he let you go? Instead of that, It is better to go all the way to darkness than to sacrifice merit for crime..."

"Master Cheng is determined to go all the way to the dark side?" Fang Zilan interrupted Cheng Zhiyan rudely and nodded slightly, "If not, I won't be here tonight."

"Master Cheng, you had other options." Hongtai's expression was dark and unclear, and Cheng Zhiyan said quietly: "Hong's wolf army originally had other options, but you, the master, still chose to commit suicide."

He sighed imperceptibly, "Under the power, who doesn't want to call the shots, and who wants to be reduced to an ant under the stairs?"

Li Shengxuan's eyes fell on Fang Zilan, and he said calmly: "I wonder what the Duke of Yue has to say?"

"I can't speak highly of you." Fang Zilan walked up to the crowd with neither humility nor arrogance, and said solemnly: "I have invited you to go to the southern border to fight against the Miluo people and defend Qiluo City."

"What did you say?" Li Shengxuan looked at the people below steadily, only to see her looking up, "The disaster in the southeast has just subsided, and the people still need to recuperate, and there is still no energy left to fight to the death with the Miluo people. For now The only solution is to delay.”

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone was whispering and making a commotion, but she was unaware of it and continued talking to herself, "If I can defend Qiluo City, I can buy time for everyone in the court to find other ways. . Moreover, if the Miluo people cannot attack Qiluo City for a long time, not only will their morale be greatly damaged, but they will also likely detour to the east or west. Once the front line is extended, they will not be able to afford it for a long time. Retreat your troops."

Seeing that Li Shengxuan was speechless for a long time, Wei Subaru stood up and said with a cold expression: "What Mr. Fang said is a good strategy, you can try it." As soon as he finished speaking, someone stood up and retorted: "This is what Duke Wei said. Not bad. We have captured many cities in just a few days. It seems that we are well prepared. How long can even the Duke of Yue hold Qiluo City?"

Hearing this, Fang Zilan turned back to look at the speaker with deep eyes, "Hearing Mr. Xu's words, it seems that he is confident. If there is a better way to defeat the enemy, you might as well tell it and ask your Majesty to make a decision."

Mr. Xu was frightened by her gaze and couldn't help but froze on the spot. However, Li Shengxuan still didn't speak, so he had to bite the bullet and said: "There is no way to retreat from the enemy. It's just that if we ask for peace from the Miluo people now, what else can we do?" There are conditions to negotiate..."

"What conditions?" Fang Zilan interrupted him coldly and asked in a loud voice: "Is it to cede land and pay compensation, or to pay tribute every year?"

Mr. Xu couldn't help but shiver and said tremblingly: "No matter what the conditions are, at least the people can be spared from the pain of war. If there is a chance in the future, it will not be too late to rebuild the country."

"According to Lord Xu, those who have died under Miluo's iron hoof, ranging from generals and soldiers to common people, have their blood been shed in vain?" Fang Zilan said in a voice as cold as ice: "Xu Your Majesty's method is only concerned with the present, and the world will be destroyed in future generations. How is it different from drinking poison to quench thirst? "

Mr. Xu took a step back after what she said. Most of the other people in the hall were also timid and did not dare to come forward to give advice. Only Fang Chongzheng raised his eyelids and looked at the resolute figure. He said in his heart that it was indeed so. I sighed, with mixed feelings and couldn't tell what it was like.

Wei Subaru stared closely at Fang Zilan, who stood as tall as a pine in front of everyone and did not flinch. Suddenly, a kind of heroic spirit surged out of his chest, even though tens of thousands of people had gone there. He suppressed his emotions and looked elsewhere calmly. His eyes happened to briefly meet with Zhuge Ming's on the other side. When their eyes met, they both read a tacit sense of relief in each other's eyes.

The group of old foxes in the court, whether they are the peace seekers or the main war faction, are like a mirror in their hearts. If no one comes forward, they can only wait for General Shen from the southeast camp to arrive and drag the Miluo people away for a while. For just a moment, they can take a breather and gain some confidence whether they want to sue for peace or to fight.

But no matter how loud their little calculations are, General Shen has to hold them back. Therefore, someone secretly wrote a letter earlier to recommend Wei Subaru to go to Shennan. But once Wei Subaru leaves Beijing, whose hands will the camp on the outskirts of Beijing fall into? Nothing more than his brothers. Li Shengxuan knew that many of the Wei family's children were fiercely fighting among themselves, so even if Wei Subaru took the initiative to ask Ying to speak up, he might not agree.

Excluding Wei Subaru and the immobilized generals on the border, those who are capable of conquering and fighting can be used, such as Xiahou Yunzhao from far away and Fang Zilan from close by. Li Shengxuan knew better than anyone how much blood and tears were hidden behind the Xiahou family's stay in the old land of Baiyue. However, how could Fang Zilan, who was strictly guarded and still had to request an order to enter the court, fare better?

It's not that Li Shengxuan didn't call, but he didn't dare to call at will. In this kind of near-death battle situation, if you don't have a certain death intention and have a little luck, you won't be able to buy time for the court. It will be a useless sacrifice and only increase the losses.

What's more, the people in the Ministry of Revenue almost have the words "no money and no affordability" written on their faces. Who dares to act rashly? This is how discussions in the court are like quarrels in the marketplace. Fang Zilan took the initiative to stand up, letting them breathe a sigh of relief.

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