Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1207 Alertness

Chapter 1207 Alertness

Murong Qing stood up slowly, feeling that his legs were weak. As soon as he took a shaky step, he saw a hand stretched out in front of him, "Your Majesty, please drive."

Murong Qing was stunned for a moment, then raised her head to look at the owner of her hand - Fang Zilan. Her expression was indifferent, with no hint of impatience.

Tao Zhiwei, who was following Murong Qing not far behind, raised her eyes and looked over. The nanny beside her already said, "What are you doing, Master Fang?"

Fang Zilan gently raised the plum sword, raised her eyebrows and said: "I'm just doing my duty. Grandma, do you have any opinions?"

The nanny took a deep breath, and before she could speak, she heard Fang Zilan say: "If you have any objections, please hold it back. I am the Duke of Jingyue, and it is not the turn of Miluo's nanny to come and discuss the rules with me."

"Master Fang, please calm down." Tao Zhiwei suddenly spoke out, her tone and tone were measured and elegant, "Ms. I can discipline you openly and honestly, but I hope Master Fang won’t take offense.”

Fang Zilan glanced at Tao Zhiwei and was about to say something when she saw Murong Qing put his hand into her palm and said softly: "Your Majesty, I'm here."

Fang Zilan lowered her head and looked at Murong Qing. There was no trace of fatigue in his eyes. His black and white pupils were clear and resolute. They were extremely beautiful eyes.

"Your Majesty, you're welcome." Fang Zilan took Murong Qing's hand, ignored the various looks from the people around him, walked straight to the carriage, and put Murong Qing on the carriage.

Tao Zhiwei's face turned pale, but she still followed step by step, like a delicate porcelain doll, stepping onto another carriage.

On the way back, Fang Zilan didn't walk very fast, but she was used to marching and didn't often rest on the way. After a day of walking, not only Murong Qing and Tao Zhiwei who were sitting in the carriage were exhausted, but the maids and servants walking beside them were even more exhausted.

"Zhuge Yu, you go to Jingzhao Yin Mansion and tell Xie Yanping." Li Shengxuan interrupted Zhuge Yu without anger, "I want him to conclude the case of Xu Youtong's embezzlement within seven days."

Like a slap in the face, Zhuge Yu didn't react for a long time. It wasn't until Li Shengxuan's figure gradually faded away that he quickly walked into the room as if he had just woken up from a dream.

Fang Zilan was not surprised when she saw Zhuge Yu, and smiled self-deprecatingly, "Why, Lord Zhuge is also here to question me about the affair of Xu Mansion?"

Zhuge Yu sighed after hearing this, "I have been to Prince Yucheng's Mansion and met the prince."

Fang Zilan lowered her eyes, "Is he okay?"

"You should know the importance of your own actions better than others." Zhuge Yu said quietly: "Fang Zilan, are you crazy?"

It was rare for him to call Fang Zilan by his first name like this. She opened her mouth, and her rebuttal finally turned into a thin cry, "The person who died was Mo Han..."

"You are unwilling to accept your grievance, aren't you King Yucheng and the Xu family?" Zhuge Yu frowned slightly, "You know clearly that someone is planning it, and King Yucheng and the Xu family are just pawns in it, why bother..."

"So what if I know?" Fang Zilan angrily cut off Zhuge Yu's last words, "Even if it happens thousands of times, I won't regret it."

"Fang Zilan!" Zhuge Yu clenched his hands into fists, "Do you have to be so extreme?"

"Zhuge Yu, let me ask you." Fang Zilan blurted out without thinking: "When Zhuge Shan passed away, if you had the ability, wouldn't you have killed Wei Subaru?" Zhuge Yu's face turned pale, as if he had a deep heart. A buried thorn was moved by someone, causing the whole heart to bleed, and the pain was unbearable.

Fang Zilan suddenly realized that she had made a mistake, "Ayu, I..."

"Yes, I have thought about it." Zhuge Yu spoke very quickly, as if he was out of control, "Do you know? I have had the same dream more than once. In the dream, I killed Wei Subaru, and my hands were full of blood, but There is no pleasure at all, just endless nothingness.”

He paused, took a deep breath, and continued: "Killing Wei Subaru will not solve any problems, but will cause endless troubles. I will not kill him, no matter whether I am capable or not."

Fang Zilan felt a strong sense of powerlessness in her heart. Zhuge Yu was right, killing people could not solve the problem. So what if she killed everyone in the Xu family? Mo Han will not come back alive, but the Jiangnan corruption case will have endless troubles without anyone to investigate.

Thinking about it this way, Mo Han would never forgive her...

"His Majesty just ordered me to tell Mr. Yin Xie of Jingzhao Mansion that the case of Xu Mansion's leakage must be concluded within seven days." Zhuge Yu's voice was a little lower, "The matter has reached this point, and Your Majesty is still protecting you."

"Your Majesty is not protecting me." Fang Zilan calmed down and said softly: "Your Majesty originally issued a secret order to ask Mr. Xu You to go to Jiangnan to investigate the corruption case. Now..."

She hesitated for a moment, then continued, "Only by cutting through the mess quickly can the next adult who goes to Jiangnan to investigate the corruption case take the lead. Otherwise, he will have no choice but to be led by the nose."

Fang Zilan said unceremoniously: "Mother Xing, let me remind you that when you stand on the land of my capital, you must abide by the rules of my capital."

Grandma Xing couldn't help but widen her eyes and asked, "What are the rules?"

"When I am in charge of the army, my words are the rules." Fang Zilan sat on the horse and shook the whip in his hand. "Anyone who violates the rules will be dealt with according to military law."

Grandma Xing was surprised and said: "Master Fang, we are not your soldiers, how could you do this?"

"Of course you can't stand military law, but they can." Fang Zilan glanced at his soldiers and said, "Send Miluo's distinguished guests to their carriages and horses."

As soon as she finished speaking, the soldiers surrounded Miluo's maids and servants. Seeing this, Tao Zhiwei couldn't help but said: "Master Fang, wait a minute. I have long heard that Dajing is a country of etiquette. How can you force us to break Miluo's rules?"

"Mrs. Crown Prince, let me ask you, are people more important, or are rules more important?" Fang Zilan said solemnly: "What's more, if we miss the time to enter Beijing, who will bear the consequences?"

Tao Zhiwei was stunned for a moment, repeating the first half of Fang Zilan's words in her mind. She pondered for a while before reacting. She couldn't help but glance at the maids and servants around her. As expected, their faces had either light or heavy signs of exhaustion.

However, she was still dissatisfied in her heart. Her deep-rooted thoughts since she was a child, as well as her respectable face as a Miluo noblewoman, were nothing in front of Fang Zilan. It was like a tall tower reaching the sky, which was suddenly shaken. Although it did not collapse, it seemed a little more shaky.

Fang Zilan didn't pay attention to Tao Zhiwei at all. Seeing that she was silent, she motioned to Meng Tingyang to help Murong Qing get into the carriage first, and then said to Grandma Xing: "Grandma Xing, please ask Madam Prince to get on the carriage."

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