Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1210 Cicada Chirping

Chapter 1210 Cicada Chirping

"Afraid?" Xiahou Mingxun smiled contemptuously. Just as he was about to say something, Xie Chen's voice slowly sounded, "Mingxun, please be careful in front of Your Majesty."

The clear voice fell on everyone's ears, and every word was clearly a beating. It was just unclear whether the person who was beating was Xia Hou Mingxun or Li Qiyou.

"It doesn't matter." Li Shengxuan on the high seat smiled slightly, "Both King Yucheng and the head of the Xiahou family are outspoken people. I don't think General Xiahou will take it to heart such a verbal dispute."

Xiahou Yunzhao put the cup in his hand on the table, raised his eyes and glanced at Li Qiyou opposite, with an arrogant expression, "Everyone here knows why the Xiahou family is here today. King Yucheng does not need to provoke me, the Xiahou family It’s true that you want to hand over the power, and it’s true that your Majesty has chosen the person. But if you want to hand it over to Mr. Fang, it also depends on whether she has the ability to bear it.”

Fang Zilan saw several people coming and going, causing the fire to burn on her body. Naturally, she couldn't pretend to be deaf and mute and stay out of the matter, so she stood up and bowed respectfully, "Your Majesty has not yet made a decision, General Xiahou, don't worry. If your Majesty really chooses me, "How General Xiahou wants to test my abilities is up to you."

Li Shengxuan looked steadily at Fang Zilan, who was neither humble nor arrogant, and Xiahou Yunzhao, who was still in a stalemate, and said calmly: "In this case, General Xiahou will compete with Master Fang. If General Xiahou wins, the Xiahou family will never be allowed to submit the right to step down from office in the future. If Lord Fang wins, he will take over all the power of the Xiahou family. After this, the Xiahou family will stay in the old land of Baiyue and will never be used again."

Fang Zilan suddenly raised her head and looked at Li Shengxuan blankly, "Your Majesty..."

She was interrupted before she could say anything. Zhuge Yu stood up and knelt in the hall, "Your Majesty, please think again."

"You are not joking." Li Shengxuan looked indifferent, while Zhuge Yu was still kneeling straight and showed no intention of getting up.

Xiahou Yunzhao chuckled lightly, "It's just what I wanted." After she said that, she stood up, stopped when she walked in front of Zhuge Yu, turned her head and whispered: "Don't worry, little Zhuge, your majesty knows it well."

Zhuge Yu looked up at Xiahou Yunzhao, and saw her walking up to Fang Zilan, extending her hand in a gesture of invitation, "Master Fang, are you willing to fight with me?"

Fang Zilan pursed her lips into a straight line, but she couldn't say even a word "no". She simply nodded in agreement, "Then I won't be polite. Please give me some advice from General Xiahou."

"Easy to say." Xiahou Yunzhao curled up the corners of his lips and smiled with a bit of a ruthless smile, which made Fang Zilan almost think it was his illusion. When he recovered, he followed Xiahou Yunzhao to the martial arts field of the imperial guards in the palace.

Within two days, a subordinate sent a letter to the capital. When King Rong'an learned the news, he was feeding the budgies in the courtyard. He didn't even raise his eyelids, but lazily asked. ,"How to say?"

The subordinate knelt outside the hospital and said cautiously: "Master Fang wrote in a letter that the pirates were causing trouble, and asked your majesty to ask General Xiahou for help. There is also a plague raging, and she has personally taken people to treat it to appease the people."

"Go to the epidemic area in person?" King Rong'an raised his hand to stroke the bird's feathers, but the bird pecked his hand unexpectedly. He immediately gave the bird a firm grip and the bird's feathers died in an instant.

"Things that are not worthy of being on the table have a bad temper." King Rong'an let go of his hand and let the bird in his hand fall straight to the ground. "So what if it has a powerful beak? After all, it is asking for death."

You are not allowed to bring weapons into the palace, so Fang Zilan and Xiahou Yunzhao both used guard swords.

The two stood on the martial arts field holding swords. Li Shengxuan and other people in the field stared at the two attentively.

Just waiting for an order, the sword blades collided with a metallic sound, and Fang Zilan took a step back involuntarily.

Xiahou Yunzhao pressed forward step by step, while Fang Zilan retreated step by step.

She was undecided and was forced to the sidelines during the hesitation. She would fall if she was not careful.

Xiahou Yunzhao suddenly withdrew his sword, his expression as cold as ice, "If Mr. Fang disdains fighting with me, you might as well say so. Being so absent-minded is too contemptuous." Fang Zilan's expression softened slightly, and he stood firm on the sidelines. .

She looked carefully at the almost arrogant Xia Hou Yunzhao in front of her, but what she was thinking about was Li Shengxuan's undecided words in the carriage that night when she went to steal the imperial edict.

Can he bear the weight of that position? At that time, she said that his accession to the throne meant that from now on, every word and action of the Xiahou family would be watched, and if they were not careful, they might be doomed.

Now, Xia Hou Yunzhao is right in front of him. If she wins and takes his place, she will be the one who will be stared at forever.

She held the sword in her hand tightly, and Xiahou Yunzhao's voice came over her clearly and calmly, "Master Fang, are you afraid?"

She didn't answer, it was an obvious acquiescence.

"If you are afraid, let it be." Xia Hou Yunzhao held a sword flower and put the sword behind his back. "There is a strong enemy in front of me, and I don't even have the courage to fight. Such a person is not worthy of being my opponent, let alone Take over the position of Xiahou family."

"I..." Fang Zilan bit her lips tightly and turned a little pale, "I'm so offended."

As soon as she finished speaking, the tip of the sword pointed directly at Xiahou Yunzhao.

Xiahou Yunzhao did not dodge, but swung her sword straight towards him. When the two swords met, she felt the power coming from the sword body, and slightly raised the corners of her lips, "That's about the same."

She immediately stopped leaving any room and moved towards Fang Zilan with every move.

The two of them returned to the center of the martial arts field after several back and forths. Fang Zilan looked solemn and Xiahou Yunzhao had a determined look in his eyes. It was hard to tell the winner.

Off the field, Xiahou Mingxun stared at the two people on the field intently and sighed, "I haven't seen my sister like this for a long time."

"Master Fang is a good opponent." Xie Chen nodded slightly and smiled lightly, "Your Majesty's vision is indeed excellent."

Their words fell on Li Shengxuan's ears verbatim. He didn't say anything, his eyes still fell on the people present.

Fang Zilan wore a purple dress with long sleeves and a fluttering skirt. She looked like a dancing butterfly in the flowers, less of a battlefield conquest and more of a woman's charm.

She has changed a lot from the confused and courageous person she was when we first met. She is calm and majestic in every move she makes, and is on par with Xiahou Yunzhao.

Even if she loses, she can still afford Xiahou Yunzhao's position.

An almost sudden thought broke into Li Shengxuan's mind. He was shocked at first and then happy. He didn't want to get to the bottom of it, but he knew very well that he couldn't take his eyes away from her.

He watched helplessly as the tip of her sword was pointed at Xiahou Yunzhao's throat, Xiahou Yunzhao's sword was placed on the side of her neck, and they both stopped at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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