Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1217 Shouting

Chapter 1217 Shouting

The monk calmed his expression and said, "Master, even though what this prince's wife says makes no sense, there is one thing she said that is right."

He paused and said word by word: "The people outside the door deserve to die a worthy death. Junior Brother Bai should not be the only one outside the door tonight."

Master Ran Deng raised his hand as if to stop him, but in the end it didn't fall in front of him, "Are you going?"

"I want to go." The monk clasped his fists and saluted, looking like a Jianghu man. "There are grievances and grievances in the world. I help Zhongling Temple out of kindness. I want to kill Zixiu out of enmity."

After he said that, he walked out of the temple gate without looking back. Awan looked at his back and felt for the first time that the night was so long.

How many people must die before this night can pass?

She didn't know, and neither did the people outside the door.

Bai Moci was so exhausted that he could hardly hold the judge's pen in his hand, but when he saw the person in front of him, he tried his best to push him away, "The Yue family is a common people, and enough people have died, we can't... …”

"What can't you do?" The monk smiled, holding the knife he picked up from nowhere, and blocked Bai Moci's attack, "You can die, why can't I?"

Hongtai on the side said angrily: "If you open your mouth and keep silent, you will die. Why did I end up with you two unlucky things?"

Bai Moci was choked by the two of them and could not speak. Qiqi Aiai said: "I..."

"Okay, don't make trouble like this." Hongtai spat out a mouthful of blood and stood in front of Bai Moci, "It's not a big deal if you can't hold on. I'll hold on for you for a while. It’s okay.”

"As long as I'm here, Junior Brother Bai doesn't need anyone to support him." The monk looked arrogant, but his hands were not idle, and he killed one person in the blink of an eye.

"Not bad." Hongtai nodded slightly. The monk snorted coldly and ignored him, but he heard Bai Moci exclaim behind him, "This is..."

"What's wrong?" The monk turned around suddenly and saw an arrow in Bai Moci's hand, with a cold light.

"No one here holds a bow, where did this arrow come from?" Bai Moci frowned, and Hongtai reminded: "It's not a bow and arrow, it's a crossbow arrow."

Bai Moci was stunned and asked in disbelief: "What did you say?"

Facing a steady stream of killing moves, Hongtai had no time to explain to Bai Mociduo. In fact, when the star-like silver light appeared just now, he vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Even Fang Zilan seemed powerless under that offensive. Such speed and power were beyond human power.

If it is not human, it can only be a tool. He once heard Uncle Sun say that Master Lu of the previous dynasty had made a crossbow called Qiangong Crossbow, which meant that only by destroying a thousand bows could one obtain such a crossbow. Because it is extremely difficult to make, even though it is powerful, it has never really appeared in the world. But tonight...

His intuition told him that it was the Thousand Bow Crossbow.

"If it is really a crossbow..." Bai Moci thought thoughtfully, but the next moment he was pushed away by the monk, avoiding the fatal blow.

"Pay attention!" The monk's face was full of anger, but his eyes were clear with worry. Bai Moci came back to his senses and picked up the judge's pen again, "Brother, in addition to the Jianghu people present tonight, there are also third-party forces."

Su Yun clenched his fists and finally stood up, "Su Yun of the Su family wants to report my father."

In just one sentence, he seemed to have exhausted all his strength. His whole body was trembling slightly, but he still straightened his spine.

Fang Zilan looked at Su Yun with mixed feelings in her heart. The truth he told was similar to her guess. The murder of Su Yuexi's family was closely related to his father.

In addition, the missing persons cases that occur almost every year in the southeast are also related to the Su family. Pharmaceutical companies always need experimental products. "The source of the plague was the fisherman who got the disease." Fang Zilan heard her voice, as if she was out of control, and asked, "Is it related to the Su family?"

"It's irrelevant." Su Yun pursed his lips, "But after the plague, the Su family found many refugees..."

He didn't say any more, but the answer was ready to come out.

Fang Zilan's face turned pale and she said in a cold voice: "Yunshi and other doctors did not keep the prescriptions for treatment back then. If it was for..."

"No." Su Yun interrupted Fang Zilan abruptly, shook his head and said, "The Su family is not here to treat people."

Fang Zilan's expression froze and she couldn't ask any more questions. The person who asked for her was A Wan.

"If it's not for treatment, then why?" Awan gritted his teeth and said, "That was a plague. Do you know how many people died that year?"

"I'm sorry." Su Yun blurted out subconsciously, but even he didn't know why he was sorry. He was not involved and did not know the details.

This apology may be just because his surname is Su. Since you bear the name of your family, you cannot live alone.

"A Wan, that's enough." Fang Zilan couldn't help but stop A Wan, "Master Su doesn't know anything."

"But..." Awan opened his mouth, but couldn't say even a single word. She didn't want to say Su Yun was innocent, but she didn't think Su Yun was guilty either.

She still remembers that every time her master mentioned the Su family, he said that although their methods were extreme, their achievements in medical skills were unmatched by anyone. If they could be passed down to future generations, they would definitely benefit people.

What's the point of using medical skills piled up with human lives to benefit others?

She doesn't understand and doesn't want to understand.

Just like the medicine dolls in the ghost gate who have lost their vitality, it will only make her feel that she is an executioner rather than a doctor.

Fang Zilan reached out and pulled Awan to her side, hugging her gently. Without saying anything, she heard Su Yuexi's name again.

She couldn't help but look over. The jade pendant that should have belonged to Su Yuexi was now lying quietly in Su Yun's hand.

After all, I couldn’t hide it anymore.

Lin Jian stood up as a witness and truthfully told what exactly happened in Lin's village. From Su Yuexi to Xia Houyan, nothing was hidden.

Although Awan knew that Fang Zilan had an internal reason for burning Linjia Village, after hearing this, she was still agitated and could not calm down for a long time.

"So what Duke Xianyue said back then, that Miss Xiahou died of the plague, was all a lie?" Li Qiyou's voice had an imperceptible tremor. Although he was asking Lin Jian, his eyes always fell on Fang Zilan.

Lin Jian lowered his head and said decisively: "Yes."

Just one word is enough to cause an uproar. When Fang Zilan entered Linjia Village alone, she was like a god in the hearts of the people in the southeast.

But now, the surviving witnesses have said that behind the awe-inspiring righteousness, there are just lies, which no one can accept.

It's like a statue of a god. After many years, the splendor on the surface has disappeared, revealing the decay and emptiness on the inside. With a clang, it collapsed and shattered into pieces.

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