Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1222 The handle

Chapter 1222 The handle

Fang Ziqin said thoughtfully: "Queen Miluo has been dead for less than three months. According to Miluo's rules, the mourning period has not yet passed. The king of the country, Mu Churui, proposed to Dejia to marry Qin and Jin Dynasty. Okay, that’s too hasty.”

Qiushui on the side couldn't help but said: "Mother, is it possible that there were rumors at the beginning of the year that Prince Zhongzheng was going to return to the country to visit his relatives, which made their king anxious?"

"You mean, Miluo's priest's prophecy?" Fang Ziqin raised her eyebrows, Qiu Shui pursed her lips and said, "I don't dare to speak nonsense. It's just..."

She didn't say any more, but Fang Ziqin understood clearly and changed her voice when she spoke again, "How is Lan'er today?"

"Third Miss is still silent today. Although Miss Awan is talking to her, she still doesn't respond." Qiu Shui looked worried, "Mother, Third Miss..."

"Let her go." Fang Ziqin stood up and straightened his sleeves. Seeing this, Qiu Shui said in confusion: "Your Majesty, this is..."

"I haven't gone to pay my respects to the Empress Dowager today." Fang Ziqin calmed down, but Qiu Shui was startled.

After the Empress Dowager returned to the palace, she did not know whether it was to avoid suspicion or something else, but she lived in seclusion all day long, avoiding the need to pay greetings from various palaces, and she seemed to be able to live in peace and contentment without interfering with the affairs of the harem.

Fang Ziqin was noncommittal, but rarely went to pay his respects. Except for the Queen Mother, King Yucheng Li Qiyou and Princess Dejia Li Qianning, there was almost no one else in Yuzhang Palace.

At this critical moment, I'm afraid Princess Dejia Li Qianning will be here, but I don't know if she is going to ask the Queen Mother to refuse the marriage, or...

"What, are you afraid of meeting Dejia?" Fang Ziqin glanced sideways at Qiu Shui who was following her. After coming out of Fengyi Palace, she looked worried.

"Your Majesty, Princess Dejia refuses to get married, and everyone in the harem knows this." Qiu Shui said, "If we meet Princess Dejia in Yuzhang Palace at this time, I'm afraid that Your Majesty will also be involved."

"A marriage is a marriage between two surnames. This is especially true for a marriage between two countries." Fang Ziqin looked indifferent, "As the Queen of Dajing, this marriage will be placed in front of me sooner or later. By then Dejia will marry Whether or not to marry is up to your Majesty and no one else is allowed to decide.”

Her voice was neither soft nor serious, but it had an air of calmness and authority, which made Qiu Shui dare not say anything, so she could only lower her head and follow.

When they arrived at Yuzhang Palace, before Fang Ziqin entered, he heard a clang inside, as if something had been broken, and then Li Qianning's voice sounded, "Grandma, I won't marry! Miluo and other wild places are no better than Baiyue. The smoky land is much better. He, Li Shengxuan, can go get married by himself if he likes, don't even think about it..."

"Dejia, don't be presumptuous." The Queen Mother's voice was a bit stern, and Li Qianning said coquettishly: "Grandma, you love me the most, how can you bear to see me marry to a place like Miluo? Moreover, the leader of Miluo is As a concubine, the Queen Mother Lin has always had a quarrel with her. How can I live in such a palace if I marry her? "

She said and knelt down with a plop, "Grandma, please feel sorry for your granddaughter and refuse this marriage..."

When Fang Ziqin heard this, she walked in, walked around Li Qianning who was kneeling on the ground, and bowed respectfully to the Empress Dowager, her greetings drowning out Li Qianning's complaints.

"Queen!" Li Qianning straightened up dissatisfied, looked up at Fang Ziqin and said, "I have never seen you come to my grandmother's palace to greet me on weekdays. You are so attentive today. Could it be that you are here to laugh at me..."

"Xiao Ning." The silent Queen Mother couldn't help scolding, "Don't be rude to the Queen."

Li Qianning curled her lips and turned her head, not looking at Fang Ziqin. She only listened to the Queen Mother say: "Queen, Xiaoning is spoiled by the Ai family. Don't take her words to heart." "Dejia is old. Shang Qing, I will not care about her, but..." Fang Ziqin paused deliberately for a moment, with a sharp look in his eyes, "If Dejia gets married in the future, and is still so ignorant, it will only make people unhappy. People underestimate the royal family of Dajing.”

Her words were an obvious knock. The Empress Dowager and the Queen Mother had been in the harem for many years, how could they not hear it?

So the Empress Dowager immediately looked stern, "Ziqin, what do you mean by this?"

"The Miluo Certificate of Credence was delivered yesterday. I don't need to say anything in it. I think both of you already know it." Fang Ziqin said word by word: "Your Majesty will decide this matter. I don't allow others to comment. It's just that …”

She looked at Li Qianning steadily, and her voice became colder, "If Dejia would rather die, I don't want to force it. After all, the marriage between the two countries is a major national event. If it goes well, a hundred years of peace will be around the corner. If things go wrong, there will be wars and wars, and there is no telling.”

Hearing this, Li Qianning's face turned pale, but Fang Ziqin paid no attention to her meaning and continued talking to himself, "If you don't have the consciousness to do such a big thing, it's better not to do it, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

"Master Fang, I'm stuck in the day and I'm back. I guess there's nothing you can do to send me away." Xiao Xuan'er's expression was as indifferent as ever, but her tone was a little more teasing.

"When did Miss Xiao know about it?" Fang Zilan smiled helplessly, and Xiao Xuan'er curled her lips and said, "I already felt vaguely that something was wrong on the way. After meeting my young lady and uncle, I was convinced. Master Fang is like this. Are you sure I can’t come back?”

Fang Zilan suppressed a smile and said seriously: "I think it's the Mid-Autumn Festival, so you will have to delay a little longer."

"Master Fang is traveling in danger. Even if I want to stay longer, I'm afraid my young lady won't want to either." Xiao Xuan'er said cryptically, and Fang Zilan lowered her eyes and asked, "Are they okay?"

"Everything is fine." Xiao Xuan'er rarely joked, "If Mr. Fang takes care of himself, I think they will be better off."

Fang Zilan coughed lightly, and Xiao Xuan'er looked at her intently and whispered: "I heard that King Yuning and Princess Wuqing will also be present at this year's Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet."

One leaf falls and one knows the autumn of the world, and Qianjinfang is like this. With some clues, you can follow the pictures to find out more information, not to mention the outstanding ones like Xiao Xuan'er, who can immediately judge the direction of the wind whenever there is a disturbance.

Fang Zilan admitted graciously, "Yes. There is something that needs to be dealt with at the Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet."

She said it calmly, but Xiao Xuan'er's heart tightened, but she did not ask further questions, just nodded slightly and said: "I understand. Don't worry, Mr. Fang, I will be in the house tonight and I will guard it tightly." ”

Fang Zilan hummed, "Zheng Yan is here to stay. If you have anything you can ask him to help you with."

"Master Fang, you..." As soon as Xiao Xuan'er opened her mouth, Fang Zilan stopped her, "I can go alone to the Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet."

Xiao Xuan'er took a deep breath, said nothing, and watched Fang Zilan leave the house and go to the palace.

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