Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1227 Targeting

Chapter 1227 Targeting

Master Ran Deng remained motionless, but A Wan stood behind him and chuckled, "Master, back then you saved the Yue family, rescued Bai Mo Ci, and smashed Zi Xiu's sign. How did it happen now? Want to help Zixiu and guard her sign again? "

"Don't talk nonsense!" The monk said angrily: "How could Master help Zixiu..."

However, midway through his words, he stopped as if he had suddenly come to his senses, and said in surprise: "Master, you don't really want to help Zixiu, do you?"

"Amitabha." Master Randeng clasped his hands together. Awan had some concerns in his mind and said bluntly: "Master, you can't avoid what is coming. Even if you recite Amitabha 10,000 times, it won't help."

"I know." Master Ran Deng sighed, "I also know why Mrs. Shizi came here. If Zhongling Temple can survive this disaster, those things will be taken away by Mrs. Shizi..."

"Master, you must not!" The monk interrupted Master Ran Deng. Master Ran Deng was not annoyed and just raised his hand to cover his shoulders, "Silly boy, you can't hide."

The monk seemed to be frozen in place, stunned in place. Awan followed his gaze and saw three large boxes placed in the only open space outside the hall.

"That's..." Awan had a vague guess in her mind. She walked over and opened one of the boxes, which contained land deed documents.

The candlelight was dim and unclear. Although Awan couldn't see clearly, she knew clearly in her heart that her guess was correct. These were Fang Zilan's real reasons for going up the mountain.

"Master, do you think that by handing over these, everyone in Zhongling Temple can survive this disaster?" Awan put the documents back, turned to look at Master Ran Deng and said, "Who is the initiator?"

Hearing this, Master Ran Deng said quietly: "People's hearts are full of desires. How can we explain it more clearly than the one who created the figurines?"

Awan pursed her lips and said with a sudden thought: "There is no wind without waves. Even if people's hearts are full of desires, they will not make waves for no reason."

"That's enough!" The monk's eyes turned red and he glared at Awan and said, "Now that the matter has come to this, why is Madam Shizi still so aggressive?"

"Why?" Awan's expression turned cold and he said word by word: "For the sake of this moment, for those who are still fighting for your chance of survival outside the door, even if they die, they can die in a worthy manner, not in an unknown way."

After she said that, she looked around——

The temple is full of people who don't know the truth and only seek protection. The monks who talk about Amitabha without asking the truth are inexplicably matched to the wood carvings and clay sculptures that don't know the truth all over the wall. They even match each other in a creepy way.

Tonight's Zhongling Temple seems to have echoed Fang Zilan's words, "It's hard to live up to its great reputation."

Fang Zilan remained motionless. Just hearing Xiahou Yunzhao's words made her feel pain in her chest, as if something was falling heavily. She didn't know, if she saw Xiahou Yunzhao's appearance at this time, would she not be able to help telling the truth so that Xiahou Yunzhao would have an object of hatred?

This thought just flashed through her mind, and she knew the answer, it would be yes.

Otherwise, why could she see her tears falling silently to the ground, blooming into dark flowers?

However, Su Yuexi's bloody face suddenly appeared in her mind, making her suppress the idea.

She bit her lips until her lips and teeth were filled with the sweet taste. When she heard Xiahou Yunzhao's voice, she seemed to have aged a lot in an instant, revealing indescribable weakness, "Master Fang, you don't have to be like this, you are burdened with old wounds." , You need to take good care of her. We won’t bother you much, so we’ll leave now." After she said that, Xie Chen left with her.

Fang Zilan raised her head, looked at their backs, and couldn't help but stretched out her hand, but her lips were still biting tightly, and she couldn't even touch the corners of their clothes.

It turns out that the people left behind are the saddest ones. She slowly retracted her hand, and suddenly remembered what the person who applied medicine to her in the dream once said - time is difficult, and if you can die, it will be a relief.

At that time, she scoffed and said that if she had known this, she would not have saved her. How did that person answer her?

"It is the nature of people to be greedy for life and afraid of death. No matter how difficult it is, they will survive with five parts desire, three parts unwillingness and one part fear. Year after year, month after month, day by day, it is nothing more than this."

So she asked again, "Where's the remaining point?"

"Gu Yong. It's worth remembering just a little bit of honey-like time."

If this is true, her honey-like time in this life will probably last longer.

She wiped her eyes and chased out without hesitation. Awan followed her, and they followed Xiahou Yunzhao and Xie Chen to Linjia Village.

The entire village was burned to the ground by a fire, leaving the mountains covered with scorched earth and the fields desolate.

Xiahou Yunzhao walked to a tree that was mostly burned except for its roots. He slowly knelt down and held a handful of scorched earth with a pure white silk handkerchief. He wrapped it carefully and held it in the palm of his hand.

"Yan'er, Aunt Zhao..." she said and paused suddenly, "No, it's mother. Mother is here to take you home." She stood up and put the silk handkerchief back into her arms with great care.

In fact, she knew from the day Ayan left that she couldn't keep Yan'er.

For some reason, she suddenly remembered the day Yan'er left home. She tried to dissuade her a few times as usual. Knowing that it was of no use, she casually told her to pay attention to her safety and inform her family in time if anything happened.

As if it was some omen, Yan'er, who originally would only call her Aunt Zhao, seemed to be confused in front of her, and half-jokingly and half-seriously called her "Mother".

At that moment, she suddenly felt that a place in her heart was lit up. She had no children, but Yan'er was the orphan girl she took a liking to and wanted to take back to Xiahou's family to raise. Unfortunately, Yan'er had been sensitive and cautious since she was a child, and she had always been willing to call her Aunt Zhao.

Why on earth do you call her mother? She couldn't remember clearly, but she clearly remembered how well-behaved Yan'er was when she first saw her.

Now that I think about it, maybe I was wrong from the beginning.

She thought she could protect Yan'er from the wind and rain, but she forgot that the Xiahou family was already in the dark wind and rain, how could they avoid it?

After all, Yan'er was harmed.

Xie Chen stood not far behind Xiahou Yunzhao and did not step forward. It was not that he didn't know what she was thinking. On the contrary, he knew it better than anyone else.

"Master Xie..." Fang Zilan just started, but was interrupted by Xie Chen, "My Xiahou family is used to it when a white-haired person sends a black-haired person. Master Fang doesn't have to worry."

He looked steadily at Xiahou Yunzhao's back and whispered: "Zhaozhao, she will be fine soon."

Fang Zilan was silent, her heart aching. Fang Chongzheng once told her that since ancient times, no warrior would end well. Only now did she really understand the meaning behind this sentence.

The so-called warriors are those who either die on the battlefield and are wrapped in horse leather, or they die alone in pain, with their hands stained with blood. How can God make them feel better?

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