Chapter 1230

A Wan's face was full of suspicion, "When did the Queen change her gender and start chanting sutras and praying for blessings?"

"What are you talking about?" Fang Zilan said amusedly: "The capital worships Buddhism, isn't it natural for the Queen to recite sutras and pray for blessings?"

Awan pursed her lips and changed her voice as if she remembered something, "By the way, I have one more thing to tell you."

Fang Zilan saw that Awan's expression was a little more serious, so she couldn't help but sit up straight and asked, "What's the matter?"

"It has something to do with Mr. Xie Yanping, the Yin of Jingzhao Mansion." A Wan looked worried. "He said that Mr. Xu Youtong's house was not an ordinary accident, but someone deliberately set fire to it, and everyone in the house was killed before that. Arson. , just to cover up the truth of the murder.”

Fang Zilan calmed her expression and said quietly: "Awan, what do you want to say?"

"Fang Zilan, someone will find out the truth." Awan held Fang Zilan's shoulders and stared into her eyes, "Master Xie Yanping will not give up. As long as he continues to investigate, one day..."

"Even if there is such a day." Fang Zilan interrupted Awan in a deep voice, "I will not escape."

"But..." Awan hesitated, and finally said: "As far as I know, Mr. Xie Yanping has been kneeling outside the palace for a day. It just snowed yesterday..."

She paused for a moment before saying, "If Mr. Xie Yanping insists on remonstrating, your Majesty cannot ignore it. If the matter becomes serious, officials and even the people of the world will not give up easily."

"The matter has become serious." Fang Zilan's expression was gloomy and unclear. "Dozens of people in the Xu family died overnight. No matter how you look at it, it is a shocking case."

"Then you can still sit still?" Awan's brows knitted together, and Fang Zilan said noncommittally: "Because there are more important things, otherwise why do you think the Empress Dowager suddenly returned to the palace?"

Hearing this, Awan was stunned, "Are these two things related?"

Fang Zilan did not answer directly, but said paradoxically: "If His Majesty goes to Jiangnan in person, someone will be needed in the capital. The affairs of the court can be left to His Highness King Yucheng, and the affairs of the harem can be left to the Queen, but the people in this city... …”

She paused meaningfully for a moment and then said: "We need to be led by a superior person who can stabilize people's hearts."

"Can't His Highness King Yucheng and the Empress control people's hearts?" Awan asked doubtfully: "With their status, isn't it easy to stabilize people's hearts?"

"Not necessarily." Fang Zilan shook her head, "The Empress Dowager has gone through the chaos of the previous dynasty and three generations of emperors, and she can stabilize people's hearts better than any relatives of the emperor."

"So what you're saying is..." Awan's eyes widened, "The Empress Dowager is most likely invited back to Yuzhang Palace by His Majesty?"

Fang Zilan woke up before dawn the next day. Once she moved to the capital, she could stay in the capital. However, she didn't know what the situation in the north was like, so she couldn't let it go.

Thinking about the trivial matter of moving to the mansion again, although Li Shengxuan sent people to help, she was still worried. She was even more afraid that most of the people in the mansion were the eyes and ears of others, and there were not many trustworthy people.

Until Awan knocked on the door and came in. He frowned when he saw her neatly dressed and sitting at the table, "Why did you get up so early? It's still early, why don't you rest more?"

"I got up because I couldn't sleep." Fang Zilan watched Awan put the medicine and breakfast on the table, then sat next to her, and asked curiously: "Are you worried that something will go wrong in the relocation?"

Fang Zilan hummed, and Awan shook his head helplessly, "I said you have been distracted since that day at the palace banquet. What is going on?" "Nothing." Fang Zilan lowered his head, Awan shook her arm and said, "It's okay now that it's come, so why do you have to worry too much?"

"I'm not worried." Fang Zilan still kept her mouth strong, and Awan simply changed the topic, "Speaking of which, we will celebrate the New Year in the capital this year, and there are not many days before New Year's Eve..."

She whispered in Fang Zilan's ear, her voice and tone were full of excited longing, which made Fang Zilan couldn't help but smile. She was still a child at heart.

"It's not the first time for Awan to celebrate the New Year in the capital, and you're still looking forward to it?" Fang Zilan couldn't help but joke, and Awan wasn't annoyed, "The capital is much more lively than Yanzhou City, so of course I'm looking forward to it. What's more, it's just the Chinese New Year. It means that the new year is coming and all bad things will pass."

Fang Zilan smiled noncommittally, but Awan pulled her sleeve as if she suddenly remembered something, "But it's already November, why isn't it snowing in the capital? At this time last year, it had already snowed in the north. I don’t know how many times it has snowed, but it’s much more fun and beautiful than the capital city covered in snow.”

"You, you just know how to play." Fang Zilan reached out and gently scratched the tip of Awan's nose, and said with a smile: "It's okay if it doesn't snow. The roads are slippery in the snow, and it's not convenient for us to move to the mansion."

"That's true." Awan nodded, "But we don't have anything to bring with us when we move to the mansion. The main thing is just to move people there."

"Who says it isn't?" Fang Zilan nodded thoughtfully, "The people sent by His Majesty to help will arrive in a moment. Awan, please go check it out again."

Awan nodded in agreement, not forgetting to remind her to eat breakfast and drink medicine before leaving.

She lowered her head and glanced at the dark concoction. Although she was reluctant, she drank it obediently after breakfast. After all, her health was important.

She finished drinking the medicine and frowned because of the bitterness. She was thinking about discussing with A Wan to make the medicine sweeter next time, when she heard A Wan's voice coming from outside the door, "Master Zhuge, why are you here?"

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, thinking that Li Shengxuan actually sent Zhuge Yu here. She quickly got up and opened the door, only to see Awan and Zhuge Yu standing in the courtyard.

The two of them were waiting to exchange greetings when they heard the creak of the door opening and both looked over at the same time.

Zhuge Yu smiled lightly and said, "Long time no see, is Sister Lan okay?"

"Everything is fine with me." Fang Zilan nodded slightly and walked up to the two of them, "Your Majesty sent Ayu here?"

"Your Majesty originally asked me to come, but King Yucheng took the initiative and sent us two together." Zhuge Yu replied, and Fang Zilan smiled and said: "I can ask you two to help me when I move the mansion. It's really great. What a great honor.”

Awan looked around in confusion, "Where is the prince? Why don't you see him?"

"The prince went ahead and went to the new house to wait." Zhuge Yu took the initiative to answer the question and asked: "Sister Lan, have you packed everything? If everything is in order, we can set off to the new house now."

"Okay." Fang Zilan nodded and told Awan to find Deputy General Cao and prepare to set off.

Zhuge Yu followed Fang Zilan and left from the front yard. A Wan and Vice General Cao asked people to carry their luggage and left the post house from the backyard.

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