Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1233: Mediocre

Chapter 1233: Mediocre

"What are the conditions?" Fang Zilan's other hand hidden in her sleeve clenched a little tighter. She didn't know why she asked, but she knew that she wanted to give Hongtai a chance, and maybe give herself a chance.

"You." Hongtai looked at the person in front of him steadily, "When I come back, I will take you away. You can go anywhere..."

"Come back alive." Fang Zilan interrupted Hongtai, neither accepting nor rejecting.

"Okay." Hongtai opened his mouth and said only one word.

"As long as you come back alive..." As if out of control, Fang Zilan whispered: "No matter what it is, I promise you."

Hongtai froze on the spot, his eyes full of astonishment, and even more unable to hide his joy, "Are you willing..."

"If you say one more word, I will regret it." Fang Zilan said, and the hand holding the document moved closer to Hongtai, "Keep it."

"You keep it for me." Hongtai reached out and covered Fang Zilan's fingers, "My wealth and life are all yours."

"Glib tongue." Fang Zilan snorted with a straight face, but did not refuse anymore, "I will accept your wealth and life. I must, must come back alive."

"I promise you." Hongtai let go of his hand and walked away without looking back, waving to Fang Zilan as he walked.

Fang Zilan watched helplessly as Hongtai's figure disappeared, and Awan came over holding her horse, "You and him..."

"Awan, do you think Hongtai was seriously injured?" Fang Zilan pulled the horse's reins and stopped Awan from talking.

"It's more serious than your injury." Awan watched Fang Zilan get on his horse and couldn't help but said: "Your injury is not light either."

Fang Zilan turned a deaf ear and said, "I'm afraid Hongtai won't be able to come back."

The meaningless words made Awan frown, "What do you mean?"

"If my guess is correct, all the people on this road are from the ghost sect." Fang Zilan said, tearing open the blood-stained purple outer shirt, revealing the plain white mourning clothes underneath.

"What are you..." Awan looked at him blankly. Fang Zilan threw away his shirt and straightened his sleeves. "No one in Zhongling Temple can survive. Hongtai can't survive either. In this case, leave them a thought." , so what’s the harm?”

Awan's eyes widened suddenly, "Did you summon the ghost gate?"

"The ghost sect wants to kill me, why do I need to call him?" Fang Zilan said quietly: "The Queen's decree is intended to win over people's hearts and protect ordinary people."

A Wan looked at Fang Zilan in disbelief and asked: "Aren't people in the Jianghu considered ordinary people?"

"If they had never attacked Chu Bin, I could treat them as ordinary people and save their lives." Fang Zilan looked coldly, "But they harmed Chu Bin, how could I let them live?"

It was like a basin of cold water was poured down on the head. It was clearly midsummer, but Awan felt that his whole body could not stop being chilled.

She remembered that when she was at the Ghost Gate, she had heard someone say that Zixiu killed everyone who hurt Chu Bin. At that time, she just listened casually, but now that she saw it with her own eyes, she realized how terrifying it was.

"What about Hongtai?" Awan's face turned pale, "Even if he doesn't treat you very sincerely, at least..."

"I risked my life to save the Hong brothers and sisters once." Fang Zilan said lightly, "Now, it's his turn to return the favor to me." Fang Zilan pondered for a moment, and the relationship between Ji Ningtian and King Rongan was quite secretive. There are also few people in the Ghost Sect who know the truth, so it is reasonable for people in the Ghost Sect who do not know the truth to be dissatisfied. But with Ji Ningtian's temper, he would always return ten blows to others. He would rather be afraid of others than swallow his anger, and he would definitely not be soft on King Rongan.

Therefore, when King Chu Jiang returned to Beijing, he must have discovered something, and he was probably able to figure out what happened to King Rongan...

"Speaking of which, I also discovered something." Chu Bin's voice brought back Fang Zilan's thoughts, "These days, I often follow General Zheng in and out of the Royal Post House. Since Princess Rongan rarely goes out, I go there secretly. I went to observe her room and found that her personal maid had a very strange attitude towards her."

Fang Zilan asked: "What kind of weirdness?"

Chu Bin thought about it and said: "The maid seemed to have the utmost respect for Princess Rongan, but her words and deeds were full of discipline, as if she was afraid that Princess Rongan would do something extraordinary and lose her status."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan couldn't help but frown. Several seemingly unrelated things were all related to Princess Rongan. King Rong'an came to the capital this time to choose a son-in-law for her, but at this juncture, King Chujiang also brought a woman to the capital. Is it possible...

She calmed down, took a deep breath and said, "Do you know what King Rong'an's weakness is?"

"Weakness?" Xiao Xuan'er frowned slightly and said without thinking: "Of course it is Princess Rong'an. The princess is the only daughter of King Rong'an, and King Rong'an values ​​his daughter much more than his own life. "

Yes, there may be thousands of reasons for King Rong'an, but there is only one weakness from beginning to end, and that is Princess Rong'an.

Ji Ningtian will not use King Rongan's excuse as a threat, just because King Rongan's biggest excuse - his collusion with the underworld, is related to him, and he will not be stupid enough to shoot himself in the foot.

Since there is no handle, only by grasping the weakness can we have absolute leverage to suppress the opponent.

In other words, the woman that King Chu Jiang brought to the capital was most likely the real Princess Rongan, and the one in the royal posthouse was an imposter. In this way, there is an explanation for why Princess Rongan never appeared in front of others.

It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I can’t. Especially when you enter the palace to pay respects, if you are discovered by others, you will be deceiving the emperor and neglecting your superiors, which is an unforgivable crime.

It's like a cat-and-mouse game. Ji Ningtian is the cat grabbing the rat's tail, and King Rongan is the rat, running around anxiously in every possible way, but still unable to escape the cat's control.

When the cat lets go, no one knows whether the rat is facing a trap or an escape route.

Unless...the real Princess Rongan returns to the Royal Post House and everything returns to its place.

"Master Fang, you are suspicious..." Xiao Xuan'er did not dare to say any more. Chu Bin also looked solemn. It was obvious that they had guessed this possibility. Only Awan still looked confused, "What are you suspicious of?"

"It's nothing." Fang Zilan calmed her expression and changed her voice, "Awan, are you going back to the Ghost Gate soon?"

"What are you going back for?" Awan asked back, and then realized, "You don't want me to go back to the ghost gate to inquire about the news, do you?"

Fang Zilan wrote lightly: "No need to inquire, just see if King Chu Jiang has returned to the ghost gate, and whether the woman he brought into the capital is in the ghost gate."

"Isn't this called prying?" A Wan's face fell instantly, "Fang Zilan, I think you think my life is too long."

Fang Zilan said softly: "It's okay if you don't want to, I'll just find another way."

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