Chapter 1235 Flaw

Fang Zilan chuckled softly, "Everyone in the court can see clearly that Mr. Zuo was between Miluo and Dajing. Even if he is not the culprit who started the war, he is definitely not a good person. If I don't clarify, how can I still be a good person? Wait for Mr. Xie to set up a trap and bury the entire Zhongzheng Palace in it? "

Xie Chen was dumbfounded, "In Madam Shizi's mind, am I such a person with treacherous thoughts?"

"Mr. Xie, you have also seen it." Fang Zilan said frankly: "I tried my best to protect Fang's family, and I was so embarrassed that I almost lost my life. If it happens again..."

She didn't say anything further. Xie Chen was silent for a moment and then slowly said: "However, Prince Zhongzheng's palace is different from the Fang family. If the Crown Prince's wife insists on protecting..."

“Mr. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a life-or-death experience. Therefore, there is no one else in the world who would rather not want the war to rekindle than I do.”

She paused as she spoke, "If Murong Qing has evil intentions and intends to cause trouble in the capital, I will kill him."

Xie Chen was stunned for a moment, then bowed and said, "Please remember what I said today, Madam Prince."

"Mr. Xie, I follow my own path. How about the Xiahou family's way?" Fang Zilan said meaningfully. Can you let me see Awan?"

Xie Chen nodded in agreement and personally led Fang Zilan to the small courtyard where Xiahou Mingxun lived, where Awan was busy.

"Why are you here?" When Awan saw Fang Zilan, she was happy at first, but then she frowned for a moment, "I..."

"No one is giving you a hard time, right?" Fang Zilan asked straightforwardly. Xie Chen heard the words and didn't explain much. He just said goodbye and left.

Awan shook her head, "The Xiahou family is upright and no one makes things difficult for me."

"Is it fair and square to invite you here by means of tricks?" Fang Zilan snorted coldly, and Awan quickly waved her hand and said, "Before I came, everyone in the Xiahou family made it clear to me that I came here voluntarily..."

"I'm not angry." Fang Zilan stopped Awan's words and relaxed her tone, "I'm worried about you."

"I know." Awan pursed her lips, "The situation is urgent and I don't have time to tell you, and General Xiahou said she would explain it to you personally."

Fang Zilan said helplessly: "Okay, even if I raise an army to prosecute, it will only be against the Xiahou family. Why are you so cautious?"

"I just..." Awan hesitated for a while and murmured: "The Gui Sect has been killed, and the head of the Xiahou family was seriously injured..."

Fang Zilan looked at the uneasy man in front of her quietly, "Awan, what exactly do you want to say?"

"The head of the Xiahou family was injured so badly because he was trying to save those Jianghu people." A Wan said, his voice getting lower and lower. "Fang Zilan, do you still have to make those Jianghu people pay for their lives? I know that Brother Chu is... because of them..."

"A Wan, it is only right to kill someone and pay for your life." Fang Zilan's words, which were neither gentle nor serious, extinguished A Wan's hope, "But the Xiahou family never asked you to pay for your life, why did you..."

"I gave General Xiahou a chance, but it's a pity that she didn't take action." Fang Zilan's natural behavior completely angered Awan, "Don't you know why the Xiahou family didn't let you pay for your life, Madam Crown Prince?"

The title of Mrs. Crown Prince was accentuated by Awan, which hit Fang Zilan's heart deeply, but her face remained calm, "I understand, but not everyone will reciprocate with kindness."

"You are... hopeless." A Wan almost gritted her teeth, but Fang Zilan raised her lips, took out a bottle of medicine from her arms, and handed it over, "Take it." "What is this?" A Wan said tightly. Staring at the medicine bottle in front of him, he refused to take it.

Fang Zilan didn't give any explanation, she just kept reaching out and remained motionless.

The two were in a stalemate for a long time, and finally Awan couldn't help but took the medicine bottle. When she opened it and smelled the smell, her expression suddenly changed, "This is..."

"I'm hopeless." Fang Zilan's smile grew brighter, "But at least, you can still save others."

"Lead the way." Fang Zilan held the sword in one hand and held Awan's hand tightly with the other, her tone and figure were extremely calm.

The two strong men came to their senses, one pulled Mr. Liu, and the other didn't wait to pull Fang Zilan, and listened to her: "I can go by myself, you just lead the way."

The strong man who wanted to pull Fang Zilan scoffed. Many people in the world who thought highly of themselves said so. Didn't they end up tripping on the steps going up the mountain and falling with a bruise on their nose and face? But this woman’s skill in snatching the black cloth just now was really good...

"Still not leaving?" Fang Zilan took two steps, the plum sword in her hand was impartial, and poked the strong man's heart, causing his expression to change, and he said angrily: "Just leave, why are you in a hurry!"

"I'm afraid I won't be able to leave if I miss the time." There was something in Fang Zilan's words. The two strong men looked at each other and saw a solemn look in each other's eyes.

Although everyone knows the rules of worshiping at the top of the mountain handed down from Feiling Mountain, few people know the details such as blindfolding and time of day. What is the background of this woman?

Fang Zilan was too lazy to pay attention to other people's thoughts and walked on the road into the mountain without any distractions. It was getting late, and it was especially chilly in the mountains. She felt a little uncomfortable wearing a cloak, and couldn't help but sneeze.

"Are we entering the mountain?" Awan heard a noise beside her and asked in a low voice, but the strong man scolded: "Shut up, I didn't let you speak..."

"Your Excellency, you are so powerful in pretending to be a tiger." Before Fang Zilan finished speaking, he was already standing firmly on the steep steps. Awan, with her support, also stood on the steps.

Mr. Liu, who was following behind, staggered under the pull of the strong man and almost fell.

"You..." I don't know Fang Zilan's details, but both of the strong men dared to be angry but dared not say anything. In addition, they didn't mention anything along the way, but she still made no mistakes step by step, not even a stagger, so she naturally had more respect for her in her heart. fear.

Feeling that the two strong men had stopped, Fang Zilan turned to Awan and said: "Yes, we are entering the mountain. If you hold on for a little longer, we will be there soon."

"How do you know..." As soon as the strong man opened his mouth, he was drowned out by another strong man's cough, "Hurry up!"

Fang Zilan snorted coldly and pulled Awan to walk a few steps quickly. After a while, she felt that the temperature around her had become higher, and there was a blur of light and shadow in front of her eyes, which was much brighter than before.

At this moment, she knew they had arrived.

After standing still, Fang Zilan took out the black blindfold on her own. However, before the black cloth fell, she heard someone sternly saying: "What an unruly woman, please tell me your name quickly!"

"Zixiu." The moment the black cloth fell, there was silence.

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