Chapter 1241 Lost

"Since you can guess it even if I don't say it, there's no need for me to say it." Hongtai's expression turned cold, and the smile on Fang Zilan's face faded a bit, "Master, tell me and guess it with me. , is completely different.”

"Fang Zilan, you never planned to let me go." Hongtai almost gritted his teeth, "Do you think that by using me, I can make up for the crime, and the court can forget about it?"

"I am handing over power and resigning, and it doesn't matter what I say." Fang Zilan didn't admit it, but she didn't deny it either. "But King Yucheng has the final say, so I hand you over to him and hope you change your ways."

"Reform?" Hongtai seemed to have heard something ridiculous and laughed out loud, "Fang Zilan, if you say this, do you believe it? I am a prisoner of the imperial court and will never be redeemed. No one will believe me. No one will give me a chance..."

"I believe you." Fang Zilan interrupted Hongtai's next words and whispered, "I know what it feels like to want to pay with your life. I also know the torment of not being able to pay with your life."

She smiled self-deprecatingly, "I've asked myself many times, why wasn't I the one who died?"

Zhen Mier turned her head away, and Hongtai opened her mouth, "Fang Zilan..."

"No matter what, the one who is alive is me and you." Fang Zilan pursed her lips, with a look of determination in her eyes, "Since you are alive, you cannot live in vain."

It seemed like for the first time in her life, she spoke out all the words in her heart, "My parents want the mountains and rivers to be eternal, and I have conquered the four realms, but they have fulfilled their wishes. Mo Han wants to revise the law and bring justice to the world. , I went down to the south of the Yangtze River and flew up to the Lingshan Mountain to collect evidence of evil deeds, and it was not in vain. The ghost gate destroyed Chu Bin and the Jianghu people killed him, so I will eradicate the ghost gate and clean up the rivers and lakes. "

"Lan'er, you..." Zhen Mi'er finally understood that what Cui Hai was selling in Zuiyue Tower was not only the news about his senior brother that he had longed for, but also a favor.

Zhen Mier felt cold all over her body. It was such a good trick and a good plan. When did Fang Zilan not only use herself as a pawn, but also treat everyone as a pawn?

It turned out that at a certain moment that she had never noticed, Fang Zilan finally stepped out of her identity as a chess piece and became the one who holds the piece in the games. However, Fang Zilan herself seems not to be fully aware of this yet...

"Then what do you want?" Hongtai heard his own voice, trembling unnoticeably, but he had to ask.

"I want a place of my own." Fang Zilan's voice faded, filled with a sense of helplessness, "Then, go home."

Fang Zilan's move is aimed at the future. With Cui Hai as his son, Daomen Huo family, Xiaojinghu, Wuliangdian... all Jianghu sects will be drawn into a game called grudges.

No. Treating everyone as chess pieces can only be done by those who hold the chess pieces.

Ever since the mountain bandit killed the first Jianghu person, the two sides were destined to never live in peace. Just like the two sides black and white on a chessboard, it will not end until one side is strangled.

Cong Rong blinked her eyes to show that she understood, and Fang Zilan untied her acupoints and said to Awan on the side: "Just tell me."

"Yes." Awan breathed a long sigh of relief, collected his thoughts and said slowly: "I just found Deputy General Cao outside the mansion. After telling him the situation, I followed him to the outskirts of Beijing. Fortunately, Deputy General Cao was alert and arrived first. We went to the camp on the outskirts of Beijing and borrowed soldiers from Mr. Wei, otherwise with the strength of the two of us, we might not even be able to get through the front door of the head of Qingshui Village."

Fang Zilan was surprised that Wei Subaru would lend his own soldiers to Lieutenant General Cao for such a thing, but he still asked calmly: "Then what is the origin of Qingshui Village Zhuangtou?" Awan continued: "The origin is unclear. , it was quite impressive. At first we said it was Mr. Fang Lihui who sent us to find the Cong family, but they didn’t recognize it at all and turned us away. Then I said it was Mr. Fang who sent us, but they said they had never heard of it. It wasn't until Master Wei revealed his identity that we were able to get in. After entering, we made a forceful search and finally found several corpses in the woodshed, which seemed to have been recently murdered. We identified it with other people in the village and we are sure it is Miss Cong’s family.”

Fang Zilan frowned, "What did the head of Qingshui Village say?"

"The head of the village said..." Awan stole a glance at Cong Rong, who was clutching the edge of the table with tears streaming down her face, and said softly: "He said that the Cong family let their daughter have an affair and secretly formed a betrothal relationship, which ruined the village's atmosphere. Even if they were punished, It’s not surprising to be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.”

"Nonsense!" Cong Rong couldn't sit still after hearing this. She stood up suddenly and knocked over the tea cup on the table next to her. Fortunately, Fang Zilan reacted quickly and brushed it away with her sleeves, which prevented her from being The hot tea is scalding.

"It's obviously Zhuangtou. He drugged me and gave me away..." Cong Rong suddenly stopped mid-sentence.

Seeing this, Awan wanted to step forward and say something, but Fang Zilan pulled her to her side, "Be careful."

Awan looked down and realized that if she had taken one more step just now, she would have stepped on broken porcelain pieces. She immediately did not dare to move any more and stood obediently next to Fang Zilan.

"Qingshui Village Zhuangtou cares about human life, have all the elders of the Fang family heard clearly?" Fang Zilan looked at Fang Lihui with a stern expression. Without waiting for their reaction, she looked at Fang Lihui and said, "Mr. Fang, what do you think we should do?"

Fang Lihui looked gloomy and ordered: "Steward, take people to Qingshui Village immediately and escort the head of the village to me. I will interrogate him personally with all the law enforcement elders."

Several elders who enforced the rules looked at each other with uncertain expressions, and then heard Fang Lihui say in a cold voice: "Uncles, please go to the wing to rest for a while. When the head of Qingshui Manor arrives, I will send someone to invite all uncles over."

After he finished speaking, the housekeeper arranged for a servant to invite several elders to leave. Suddenly, only Fang Lihui, Fang Zilan, Awan and Cong Rong were left in the hall.

"Now that there is no one else around, do you want Miss Cong to hide the father of your unborn child?" Fang Lihui's expression was gloomy, and the cruel look in his eyes was frightening.

Cong Rong was so frightened by him that her legs weakened and she collapsed on her seat, "I..."

"Miss Cong, since they have killed your family, you should understand that their words cannot be trusted." Fang Zilan straightened her sleeves and said quietly: "Now that Mr. Fang and I are still willing to help you, you'd better tell the truth. . Otherwise, if it goes to court, no matter what others do, you will bear the brunt and your reputation will be ruined. "

Cong Rong burst into tears, her eyes red and swollen, "How could I not know..."

She covered her heart with one hand, caressed her belly with the other, and bit her bloodless thin lips fiercely, as if she had made a great determination.

Finally, she closed her eyes tightly and whispered softly: "It's Fang Yuhan."

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