Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1246 Accompanying

Chapter 1246 Accompanying

All the gossip came to an abrupt end at the sound of Fang Zilan's footsteps. She glanced around at the people in front of her with an indifferent expression, "Why don't you say anything anymore?"

The maids remained silent. The brave ones wanted to plead guilty, but Fang Zilan stabbed them in the eye and they were unable to say anything.

"Even if the prince becomes old and sallow when he grows up, what will happen?" Fang Zilan straightened her sleeves and said word by word: "The prince married me not because of my appearance, but because of my surname Fang."

After she said that, she turned back to look at the mama who was coming quickly behind her, kneeling down to apologize, and said calmly: "Mammy, I heard that Miluo's rules are strict, but I never thought it was like this."

"Please forgive me, Miss Fang San." Mammy's body was very low. Seeing this, all the maids knelt down and begged for mercy, "Please forgive me, Miss Fang San."

"The sin cannot be forgiven." Fang Zilan stood up straight, changed from her usual haggard and frail appearance, and said in a deep voice: "Since you love to chew your tongue so much, then cut off your tongue to prevent disaster from coming out of your mouth in the future. It’s not good if it’s life-threatening.”

She spoke calmly, but the maids who were kneeling on the ground turned pale and couldn't stop kowtowing, "Miss Fang San, we didn't mean it, please..."

"Mommy, what are you doing standing there in a daze?" Fang Zilan said loudly with a frosty face, "Aren't you waiting for me to do it myself?"

Mammy's face turned pale, but she still said yes, raised her hand to signal the guards to come forward, and dragged the maids down.

Li Qianning, who had been leaning on the railing upstairs, couldn't help but tremble when she saw this scene, and grabbed the railing tightly to prevent herself from falling.

Fang Zilan looked up and said, "Princess, have you seen enough?"

There seemed to be a pool of autumn water in her eyes, showing an unstoppable coldness, and also mixed with a vague murderous intention, which made Li Qianning unable to help but stare.

In a moment, Fang Zilan walked up to Li Qianning and said, "Princess, if you stare at me like this, if I weren't a woman, I would think you have ulterior motives for me."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Li Qianning frowned slightly, and Fang Zilan chuckled, "It's so unique when a beauty is angry."

Hearing this, Li Qianning raised her hand and was about to slap Fang Zilan, but the other party held her wrist. No matter how hard she struggled, she remained motionless. The feeling of oppression that hit her face made her feel scared, but she still insisted on saying: "Fang Zilan ,Are you crazy?"

Fang Zilan walked to the cell fence, looked at Mo Bin and his wife, and smiled slightly, "Now that the matter is over, I wonder what Lord Mo wants to do?"

"Miss Lan, who are you?" Mo Bin asked straight to the point. The smile on Fang Zilan's face did not change, "This question was made very clear yesterday. Master Mo is still asking me like this now. It seems that You didn’t believe me from the beginning.”

Hearing this, Mo Bin wanted to say something, but he heard her continue talking to herself, "In this case, can I deduce that--what Mr. Mo said yesterday was all lies, and he was just using the so-called feelings of old friends. To gain my trust and use it for other purposes?”

"Miss Lan, every word my wife and I said yesterday is true. What's more, the pair of jade pendants cannot be faked at all." Mo Bin said firmly, Fang Zilan just nodded slightly and said: "Originally, I thought so too. But today Mo Mr. Yang really taught me a lesson, not everything depends on evidence. Even if the jade pendant cannot be faked, so what?" Mo Bin was stunned by what she said, and Mrs. Hu beside him couldn't help but sigh, "Lan. Girl, yesterday I saw that your words and actions were not unreasonable, why are you so different today?"

"I will naturally be reasonable with reasonable people." Fang Zilan smiled and changed the subject: "But if I meet someone who is headstrong and unreasonable, why should I be reasonable?"

"Yang'er is not the willful and unreasonable person you said..." Mrs. Hu was about to try to defend herself, but she heard Fang Zilan say coldly: "I know that Mushan Pass is under martial law. Under the current situation, I would rather kill by mistake. Misplaced. But everything depends on evidence. I cannot accept that Lord Mo Yang tried to convict that man and me with just one word."

She paused, "Not to mention dealing with pirates. This approach of catching one by one is too passive. If we can't figure out the true intentions of the pirates and take precautions before they happen, it will be too late to regret it once something happens."

She spoke so solemnly that both Mo Bin and his wife were stunned. After a while, Mo Bin asked: "Why didn't you tell Yu Yang'er these words?"

"I wanted to tell Mr. Mo Yang, but he didn't give me a chance at all." Fang Zilan explained: "I am a stubborn person, and I prefer soft things to hard words. If Mr. Mo and his wife can speak kindly to me like this, Naturally, I'm easy to talk to. But if someone tries to accuse me indiscriminately like Lord Mo Yang, I won't be happy and I'll go against him."

Hearing this, Mrs. Hu's face softened a little and she said with a smile, "Why are you so childish?"

Fang Zilan did not answer, and only heard Mo Bin say: "Although what you said is not unreasonable, we have always captured pirates who have been unable to find out anything. I don't know whether it is because they are strict in speaking or if they really know what is going on behind the scenes." Didn’t know anything about it.”

"Master Mo, don't worry." Fang Zilan comforted him: "I have a way, you will know after you try it."

Mo Bin couldn't help but ask: "What method?"

Fang Zilan's lips curved into a smile, "If Lord Mo can trust me, now that Awan and I are being held here, and the man I know is being held together with the pirates, it's a good time."

"What do you mean, let the man you know test the pirates?" Mo Bin frowned, and then realized, "If the pirates really don't know anything, they will most likely regard that man as an accomplice. . But if they know the inside story, they will definitely be very wary of that man."

Fang Zilan nodded in agreement, and Mo Bin's brows widened, "The premise of everything is that I can trust you."

"Yes." Fang Zilan's face showed a rare openness. "I did hide something from Lord Mo and Madam Mo, but I never deceived me. I am from the capital. No matter what, I don't want to see foreign enemies coming to cause war." The sight of continuance.”

Finally, she said in a deep voice: "Master and Madam Mo can trust me on this point."

Perhaps because the look in her eyes was too sincere, or perhaps because her words were too true, at this moment, Mo Bin and his wife unanimously abandoned their doubts and chose to believe her.

"Master, I want to believe Miss Lan." Mrs. Hu said and gently tugged on Mo Bin's sleeve. He sighed with relief and looked at the person in front of him steadily, "Okay, I believe you. Miss Lan, don’t let me down.”

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