Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1256 Atonement

Chapter 1256 Atonement

The whole garden was in an uproar, but they heard Fang Zilan say in a cold voice: "Madam, what are you doing? Everyone saw clearly just now that I was the one who made the move. Why do you embarrass Second Miss Fang?"

"I..." Mrs. Pei was stunned for a moment as she was robbed. At this moment, Fang Zilan pushed Fang Zitong and asked her to change her clothes before coming back.

"You..." Mrs. Pei saw Fang Zitong leaving, and Fang Zilan stood in front of her and refused to give an inch, and said angrily: "Why are you stopping me?"

"Isn't this lady going to investigate whether your son is injured?" Fang Zilan deliberately pretended not to know Mrs. Pei and Pei Xuanchang, and said casually: "I said it was me who did it. If you don't hear clearly because of your bad ears, I I don’t mind demonstrating it again so you can see clearly.”

Mrs. Pei was so angry that she said, "Master Fang, do you still want to take action while I'm here? It's enough to say that you don't know Chang'er, but don't you even recognize me?"

"Madam, what you said is so ridiculous." Fang Zilan sneered and said: "There are so many officials and noble people in the capital, why do I have to recognize you?"

"I..." Mrs. Pei was choked by her words. She took a deep breath and said, "I just went to Mr. Fang's house during the first month of the year when all the houses held banquets. Mr. Fang forgot about me?"

"The first month? This happened a few months ago, how could I remember it?" Fang Zilan laughed out loud, "Madam, you haven't heard a sentence - How often do noble people forget things?"

Mrs. Pei looked at her in disbelief, and then said sternly: "Excellent, Mr. Fang is acting like this to take care of this matter to the end?"

"This madam is really interesting." Fang Zilan suppressed a smile and raised her voice: "Everyone here today can make your own comments. My action against this little boy is true, and this madam's concern and accountability are true, so I stand here. You have never escaped, so why am I in charge now? I dare to ask this lady, what is my business?”

"Master Fang, you don't know what you are meddling in?" Mrs. Pei said angrily: "Okay, then I will tell Master Fang that you are meddling in other people's own affairs. Mrs. Pei and the Fang family have already been engaged, and Miss Fang is Chang'er's future. Mother, what's wrong with Chang'er calling her mother? It's your turn as an outsider to tell her what to do?"

Before she could finish her words, she received a loud slap in the face. She was stunned and said in a daze: "Master Fang, how dare you hit me..."

The maid who was following her immediately took a step forward, only to see a flash of silver light. Zheng Yan appeared beside Fang Zilan at some point and revealed his weapon.

"I remembered, you are Pei Pening's wife." Fang Zilan blew on her red palms and her expression became cold, "Not even Duke Guo Guo would dare to be so presumptuous in front of me. Mrs. Pei, what do you mean? Do I dare to hit you?"

Mrs. Wang, who came to the side after hearing the news, originally wanted to offer some words of advice, but when she saw Zheng Yan standing with a sword in his hand, she immediately fell silent.

"I..." Half of Mrs. Pei's cheeks were swollen, and the corners of her mouth were broken. She was so aggrieved that she was about to cry.

Fang Zilan glanced at her and said slowly: "First, if your children are not well-disciplined, don't blame others for meddling in other people's business, lest something happens one day and you will regret it. Second, is there any issue about Pei's engagement with the Fang family? Proof? If there is no proof, Mrs. Pei, you are spreading rumors to destroy the Fang family's innocence. I can take you to Jingzhao Yin Mansion for questioning. Thirdly, Mrs. Pei performed well today, but others are not fools. "

As soon as she said this, everyone in the clouds and fog suddenly became enlightened. Rumors about the two Pei brothers and Miss Fang have long been spreading in the capital, but they have yet to hear about their engagement. Now that Mrs. Pei has made such a fuss, she probably wants to use Pei Xuanchang's mouth to force Miss Fang to marry.

However, although the people watching the excitement can figure out these twists and turns, they don't want to get into trouble. After all, it was the Pei family on one side and the Fang family on the other, so it was hard to offend anyone on either side. What's more, the Duke of Guo Guo and the Prime Minister have been at loggerheads in the court recently. Who dares to interrupt casually? Is it because he has a long life?

On the other hand, the Duke of Yue had a hot temper and was favored by the Holy Spirit, so he had no scruples about getting involved. Mrs. Pei's face turned pale, and she turned around and left. On the contrary, Pei Xuanchang was still standing there, looking at Fang Zilan curiously, "Auntie..."

Fang Zilan flew over with a glare, and Pei Xuanchang quickly changed his words: "Sister, isn't she my mother?"

"No, she is also a sister." Fang Zilan softened her tone and squatted in front of Pei Xuanchang, "Listen, there is only one mother. You must not admit your mistakes, otherwise your mother will be sad. You don't want your mother to be sad, right? "

"I don't want to!" Pei Xuanchang's little head shook like a rattle. Fang Zilan stroked the top of his hair and said warmly: "My sister was also wrong about what happened just now. She was too reckless. I apologize to you."

"It doesn't matter." Pei Xuanchang waved his hand, "I also did something wrong. I shouldn't call people randomly."

Fang Zilan looked at the well-behaved person in front of her and wanted to say something else, when she saw Mrs. Pei turning back and trying to take the person away angrily.

However, Zheng Yan's knife was still standing upright, and Mrs. Pei did not dare to step forward, so she had to shout: "Chang'er, let's go!"

Pei Xuanchang nodded, waved goodbye to Fang Zilan, "Goodbye, sister."

Fang Zilan straightened up and waved to Pei Xuanchang, signaling Zheng Yan to put away the knife.

Seeing that there was no threat of force, Mrs. Pei immediately reached out and grabbed Pei Xuanchang and dragged him away.

"Master Fang..." Mrs. Wang walked over with a sneer and said hesitantly: "There are some refreshments prepared in the front hall. Do you want to go over and use some?"

"Okay, could you please Mrs. Wang to lead the way." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, and then took Awan, Xiao Xuan'er and Zheng Yan to the front hall with Mrs. Wang.

On the way, Mrs. Wang stopped talking several times, and Fang Zilan said calmly, "I disturbed the flower party today, will Mrs. Wang blame me?"

"Master Fang, what are you talking about? The Flower Club is very good, very good..." Cold sweat broke out on Mrs. Wang's forehead, thinking that the generals around her even showed their weapons, killing people without any scruples. Be casual, who dares to say anything else?

"Since Mrs. Wang said this, I'm relieved." Fang Zilan looked at the stiff-looking Mrs. Wang with a smile but not a smile, and only heard her say: "It doesn't matter, Sir Fang, don't worry."

A Wan next to her might have laughed out loud if she hadn't been caught by Xiao Xuan'er. After finally reaching the front hall, she saw Mrs. Wang leaving, so she leaned into Fang Zilan's ear and said, "Why is Mrs. Wang so afraid of you?"

"Who knows." Fang Zilan replied in a low voice, then calmly took the tea cup at hand and took a sip.

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