Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1258 Silence

Chapter 1258 Silence

I don’t know who had the courage to yell, "You say you are Zixiu, but then I am still the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace of the Ghost Sect..."

Before he could finish his words, his throat had been cut by the plum sword, and blood spattered three feet.

No one could see Fang Zilan's movements clearly, they could only see her raising her sword and lowering it. In the blink of an eye, she had killed one person, but her expression was as indifferent as if nothing happened.

"I killed the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace of the Ghost Sect." Fang Zilan said softly: "Now the grass on the grave is three feet high."

The more casually she spoke, the more excited everyone was. Earlier, the court had announced that the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace had committed many evil deeds and had been killed by a righteous man. Who would have thought that he was actually killed by Zixiu.

But besides Zixiu, who else in the world can kill the Tenth Palace of Hell by himself?

If you think about it this way, it's very subtle. Did Zixiu kill the Tenth Palace King of Hell because of the order of the imperial court, in the name of a ghost sect master, or because of her own whim?

If it was the order of the imperial court, then did Zixiu come here also on the order of the imperial court? If it's the master of the ghost sect... this is really impossible. After all, the Tenth Palace King of Hell is his right-hand man. Why should he kill the good guy? If Zi Xiu had a whim...then could she be crazy?

"Okay, stop guessing." Fang Zilan looked at the people with colorful expressions with a half-smile, "I won't say anything until your manager shows up."

"Who are you in charge of?" someone spat and said, "If you don't speak clearly, no one will be able to see you!"

"It doesn't matter." Fang Zilan glanced at everyone in the hall, and the corners of her lips curved slightly, "When I kill you all, your managers will naturally want to see me."

"You have such a loud tone!" Everyone was angered by Fang Zilan's words. They waved their weapons and were about to rush forward. At the critical moment, a voice sounded from behind the curtain, "Stop."

Those two words, neither warm nor cold, made everyone stop and remain silent.

"If I am really a member of the ghost sect, I will be punished for attacking the young master." Fang Zilan said, slowly raising her head and looking at Ji Ningtian, with a hint of playfulness in her stern expression, "Is it because the young master is reluctant to punish me? , Are you going to break the rules of the ghost gate?"

Ji Ningtian took a deep breath and listened to her continue before she spoke: "There is no mark on my body, which means that I have never made a contract, and I am not on the list of ghosts. Therefore, you can't do anything to me, but today I will still accept this punishment.”

"Lan'er, you..." Ji Ningtianfu started, but she stopped him, "I was punished to take back something. Back then, I gave the young master three sections of plum branches and promised to do three things for the young master. , now there is only the last section of plum branches left, and I want to take them back."

Ji Ningtian's expression was cold and hard, "Lan'er, what if I don't agree with you?"

My seat? Fang Zilan was stunned in her heart, but she pretended to be deeply affectionate on her face, "Sir, do I do things for you out of love, or do you want to leave even the last bit of love between us?"

"Lan'er, you are the one who shows no mercy." Ji Ningtian stared at Fang Zilan closely, trying to find some flaws in her, but there was nothing. At this moment, he suddenly understood that she came here today to make a complete break with him in the name of asking for punishment.

If Fang Zilan understands the cause and effect and insists on not becoming a member of the ghost family, then the last plum branch will be his final control over her. If he hands it back to her, it will be a clean break and there will be no more relations. However, given her current status, it is much better to take advantage than to break up.

After weighing the pros and cons, Ji Ningtian looked slightly calmer and said, "Lan'er, except Mei Zhi, I can promise you anything."

"I want the Wheel-Winning King." Fang Zilan answered quickly, giving Ji Ningtian no chance to regret it. "In this case, I will take the Wheel-Winning King away today. From now on, he will no longer be a ghost." Man. The last plum branch, I will do the last thing for you."

Ji Ningtian was stunned for a moment, and then smiled. His Lan'er was actually willing to retreat in order to bargain with him. The Wheel King wanted to say something, but Fang Zilan stood in front of him, forcing the words that had reached his lips back.

"I hope the young master will agree." Fang Zilan did not give in, and the smile on Ji Ningtian's face turned bitter. "I can agree, but there is one condition. On the wedding day, Lan'er, you must be present."

"Okay." Fang Zilan responded crisply, and Ji Ningtian raised his voice and said, "Come here, take Zixiu to the dark prison."

Fang Zilan looked back at the King of Wheels and mouthed to him: "Wait for me." It was as if she was not going to be tortured, but to buy a candy cake on the street.

When he was a child, she was the same when he sneaked out of the Prime Minister's Mansion with her and bought candy cakes and preserves with her separately. His eyes were sparkling, as if they were filled with stars.

"Are you Zixiu?" The male voice behind the curtain was a little deeper. Fang Zilan slowly approached step by step, "It's true."

After a brief silence, a male voice sounded again, "Zixiu, what are you doing here?"

"Looking for someone." Fang Zilan said concisely and concisely, "King of Wheels, I want to know where he is."

"Just now you said that the King of Hell of the Ten Palaces was killed by you." The male voice said meaningfully: "In that case, the King of Wheels is no exception."

Fang Zilan unceremoniously opened the curtain with her plum sword, her expression cold, "Stop pretending to be a ghost in front of me..."

She stopped suddenly before she finished speaking, because the face in front of her was very familiar to her.

"Why are you here..." Fang Zilan looked at the person in front of him steadily, his expression relaxed a little, and there was a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

"Is it a surprise?" The man in the curtain stood up, "Compared to me, you are more surprising."

"Fang Lihui." Fang Zilan gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know when you became so capable?"

"Lan Mei doesn't know a lot of things." Fang Lihui chuckled, "Just like I don't know that you are Zi Xiu."

Fang Zilan suppressed the surging emotions in her chest one by one. She felt sober and calm as never before, "Feiling Mountain Bandit Leader, what is your relationship?"

"Business partner." Fang Lihui made no secret, and Fang Zilan suddenly felt as if her heart was falling into an ice cave, "You..."

"Sister Lan, are you sure you want to talk to me here?" Fang Lihui waved the folding fan in his hand, looking like the cynical noble man he always was.

The plum sword in Fang Zilan's hand was pointed directly at Fang Lihui, with no intention of taking it back. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never associate Fang Lihui with the bandits, but now that she had seen it, some things had explanations.

"I'm here to pay my respects to the mountain. Mr. Fang, you don't have to miss the old feelings. Just follow the rules." Fang Zilan looked solemn, and Fang Lihui said thoughtfully, "Okay, since you have made up your mind, then it will be as you wish."

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