Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1262 Elimination

Chapter 1262 Elimination

Lieutenant General Cao clenched his fists reluctantly, then relaxed his fists, lowered his head, and whispered yes.

Fang Zilan allowed Deputy General Cao to tie her hands, and said again: "If I can't see Warners, I won't go there."

The man opposite clapped his hands, and another masked man pushed Warners out and stood next to him.

The woman in front of her was tied tightly and her mouth was gagged. Her long brown hair was spread out, covering most of her face, but it still couldn't hide her pitiful pair of amber eyes. Her high nose and deep eyes clearly made her look like someone from the Western Regions.

Fang Zilan turned her head to look at Fang Liren and asked in a low voice, "Is it Warners?"

"It's her!" Fang Liren suppressed the excitement in his heart and stared straight at his sweetheart whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

After confirming that it was correct, Fang Zilan took another step forward and walked between the two parties. "You ask Warners to come over first, and I will go over."

The man refused and said, "Master Fang, come here first, and then I will let Warners pass."

As soon as he finished speaking, many masked gangsters appeared behind the trees in the forest.

Fang Zilan looked around. There were about fifty or sixty gangsters, so they couldn't fight head-on.

"Okay." She immediately stopped hesitating and took two steps forward slowly. Seeing that the gangster holding Warners with a knife relaxed a little, she saw the opportunity and flew to Warners' side.

She kicked away the gangster who was holding Warners hostage, and then slammed sideways into Warners, knocking her several steps away.

But no one expected that at the moment when Fang Zilan knocked Warners away, the man who just spoke had murderous intentions and slashed at Warners with a sharp knife.

In the midst of lightning and flint, Fang Zilan turned her back to block the knife for Warners.

Deputy Cao quickly stepped forward and grabbed Warners, throwing her next to Fang Liren. Together with Duguxin's people, they surrounded the two and waited.

The man's knife split the rope tied to Fang Zilan's body, leaving a deep knife wound.

Upon seeing this, Vice General Cao hurriedly threw the plum sword in his hand and shouted: "Boss!"

Although Fang Zilan didn't feel pain, she knew that the wound was serious. She didn't dare to be careless at the moment. She took the plum sword, drew it out of its sheath, and killed the man behind her quickly and hard with a backhand sword.

The man who spoke was dead, and the gangsters who were surrounded in the forest rushed out one after another, and the shouts of killing were heard all of a sudden.

Fang Zilan nodded, "It's not fate. I asked Ayu to burn incense for me last year before I left Beijing. Have you forgotten about this? I feel that I have been injured this year, and I think I offended some god... …”

Her words of indictment were not very impressive, more like a casual joke.

Zhuge Yu smiled and said: "I certainly remember Sister Lan's request. However, Sister Lan did not tell me what to ask for specifically, so I can only petition as I wish."

"Then what wish did Ayu make for me?" Fang Zilan asked curiously, and Zhuge Yu smiled mysteriously, "It won't work if I say it."

"I think if A Yu has a bandit gentleman, he won't ask for some strange wishes." Fang Zilan said and gave up, but couldn't help but ask one more question, "Could it be that Hai Qing He Yan and the world are at peace?" Zhuge Yu's The smile obviously froze for a moment, and Fang Zilan chuckled, "Is this really true? A Yu is really a man whose family and country are as great as the sky. It is good to be in a prosperous age, but for a person like me who fights on the battlefield, if it is a prosperous age, I will be Feng Jianzang Sheath, there’s no chance of success.”

Zhuge Yu suppressed his smile and looked unusually serious, "Everyone in the world wants peace and happiness, but does Sister Lan want the world to be in chaos?"

"I am also happy to be at ease. It's just that after being idle for a long time, people's fighting spirit is almost worn out." Fang Zilan sighed faintly, "No matter in prosperous times or troubled times, people have to live with a string. If one day , when the string is broken, the person is finished.”

"Sister Lan's words are right." Zhuge Yu nodded lightly, "If you don't have long-term worries, you will have immediate worries. If it is a calm life with no waves and a pool of stagnant water, it will be meaningless."

"Indeed..." Fang Zilan wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

Awan, who was guarding the door, opened it, frowned slightly when he saw the person coming, and raised his voice: "Master Fang, why are you coming here to Master Fang if you don't want to look at your cousin?"

"Miss Awan, I have something to discuss with Master Fang, and I hope Miss Awan will be accommodating." Fang Lihui's voice came from the door, and Fang Zilan raised her voice and said: "Awan, let him in."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Zhuge Yu who was standing aside and said softly: "Ayu, please stay and listen to what Fang Lihui has to say."

Zhuge Yu nodded in agreement and said no more.

Fang Lihui walked into the room. When he saw the two of them, he bowed first, and then sat down in front of them gracefully. His unceremonious look was a bit unruly, "I have to apologize for disturbing Mr. Fang's purity." no."

"Young Master Fang, there is no need to be polite. If you have anything to say, you can just say it." Fang Zilan looked at Fang Lihui calmly. He nodded and said, "Then I'll keep the story short. Miss Sassan will leave for Persia in a short time, and I will also go back to Persia with my cousin. We are returning to the capital together, so I came in advance to inform Mr. Fang."

Fang Zilan's face still showed the usual indifference, but her heart couldn't help but feel cold, "How did Master Fang know that Warners was going back to Persia?"

"I just had tea with Miss Sashan, she said it herself." Fang Lihui's lips curled up slightly, but there was no smile in his eyes.

Fang Zilan tapped the table with her fingers, looking uncertain, "It's a pity, it seems that we are destined to be together after all."

She looked at Fang Lihui intently and said in a deep voice: "Is Young Master Fang satisfied with this result?"

Fang Lihui raised his eyebrows pretending to be confused, "Master Fang, are you asking me or my cousin?"

"Of course it's you." Fang Zilan retracted her hand and took the tea cup in front of her, gently blowing the tea foam. Fang Lihui's calm look made Fang Lihui a little confused and could only say paradoxically: "I was just ordered to bring my cousin. How can we be satisfied if we go back?”

"Really?" Fang Zilan smiled slightly, "But when we were in the corridor before, Mr. Fang didn't seem to mean this."

Her eyes fell on Fang Lihui, and the hidden edge in her gaze made him quite uncomfortable. She asked, "Does Mr. Fang think I am satisfied?"

"It's hard to say." Fang Zilan withdrew her gaze and played with the tea cup in her hand, "If Fang Liren follows Warners back to Persia and Young Master Fang ascends to the position of the head of the Fang family, I think Young Master Fang will be satisfied. If Fang Liren marries Warners If he returns to the Fang family, his position as the head of the family will be indestructible and no one can shake it. I am afraid that it will not satisfy Mr. Fang, but now it is a matter of everyone taking their own place, and it is not clear who will win. "

(End of this chapter)

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