Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1269 Distress

Chapter 1269 Distress

"I can't defeat my family personally. Everyone wants to control people in their own hands. The Fang family is like this, and the Sasan family is the same." Fang Lihui shook his head with a smile, "The Fang family wants Miss Sasan to come over, and the Sasan family wants me. Cousins ​​are getting married. One is the only daughter of a wealthy Persian family, and the other is the head of the Fang family, so they naturally have to give up. "

"Is there any hope for this matter?" Fang Zilan spoke slowly, with a complicated look in his eyes.

Fang Lihui still just shook his head, and she asked: "Is there really no room for change?"

"Unless one party is willing to give up everything." The person who answered her was Zhuge Yu.

He looked deep and said word by word: "But after this incident, can't Mr. Fang still see it? No matter who it is, you can't protect anyone if you give up your identity, let alone make a promise."

Fang Zilan lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking.

After a while, she raised her head again, regained her usual indifference, and sighed softly, "That's all, you can't force it."

"Master Fang, if there is nothing else..." Fang Lihui was about to stand up and leave, but as soon as his words came out, he was interrupted by a bang.

"What are your plans, Master?" Wu Qing asked tentatively. Ji Ningtian suddenly smiled, "Wu Qing, have you ever heard of a trapped beast still fighting?"

Wu Qing did not dare to answer casually because she did not understand what he meant. She just listened to what he said, "If you want to kill a trapped animal, you will not surround it with nets on all sides. You must leave one alive so that the trapped animal can live." hope, we won’t fight to the death.”

Wu Qing asked cautiously: "Young master, you mean that Li Shengxuan seems to be the living creature, but is actually the last net for the trapped beast?"

The smile on Ji Ningtian's face grew brighter, but there was no smile at all in his eyes. "She thought Li Shengxuan was a good person, but she didn't know that he could sit in the position of the Lord of the World. How could he be so kind? It won't be long before she sees clearly. If you know Li Shengxuan’s true face, you will naturally come back to me in despair.”

"My subordinates will send someone to keep an eye on her." Wu Qing said firmly, but Ji Ningtian suddenly said coldly: "No need. At least now, she doesn't dare to openly disobey me."

"Young Master..." Wu Qing wanted to say something more, but when Ji Ningtian waved his hand, indicating that she could go down, she immediately stood up and left without daring to stop.

A few steps after Wu Qing walked out of the door, she met Awan's master Wen Ya. He looked Wu Qing up and down and said with a smile, "Did you just go to see her? Is my little apprentice okay?"

"Everything is fine with Awan." Wu Qing said hastily and turned to leave, but Wen Ya grabbed her sleeve, "Wu Qing, how is she?"

Wu Qing lowered her head and glanced at Wen Ya's hand, then shook it off and said in a cold voice: "Since you two care about her so much, why not go and take a look for yourself to feel at ease."

"Wu Qing, you know very well that she is the sharpest sword in the ghost sect and cannot make any mistakes." Wen Ya brushed his sleeves with a solemn expression, "Besides, the young master has feelings for her."

"You don't need to remind me, I know how important she is." Wu Qing looked even colder and walked away. However, before leaving, she couldn't help but leave a message: "She doesn't look good. I don't worry about Awan because she is still young. You If you have time, go take a look for her."

Awan bent down and came closer to Fang Zilan. Looking at the unnatural blush on her face, she reached out and touched her forehead, "It turns out she has a fever. Why are you so crazy in the cold weather..."

She muttered as she tried to pull her up from the ground. However, she was not strong enough, so she could only shout to Deputy General Cao next to her: "Come and help me."

"I don't have a fever." Fang Zilan glared at Awan displeasedly and allowed her and Deputy General Cao to drag her into the house.

Vice General Cao helped Fang Zilan to the main seat. Awan hurriedly poured a cup of hot tea for her, and then asked condescendingly: "Tell me, if you don't have a fever, what are you laughing at in the courtyard just now? And what else? What happened to your hand?"

The three of them looked at the place where the sound came from, and saw Fang Liren standing at the door in despair. The sound just now was caused by him breaking in.

"Cousin?" Fang Lihui hurriedly walked up to Fang Liren, only to see Fang Liren silently slap a piece of paper on his chest. Before he could take the paper and take a closer look, he heard Fang Liren say loudly: "Lihui Hui, I’ll leave the Fang family to you.”

"What did you say, cousin?" He looked at the person in front of him blankly. This person who once valued the Fang family more than his life actually used such a piece of flimsy paper to give up everything that should have been in his heart. The Fang family.

Ignoring Fang Lihui's reaction, Fang Liren walked directly in front of Fang Zilan and Zhuge Yu, "Master Fang, Master Zhuge, I have thought clearly and want to go to Persia with Warners."

Before Fang Zilan and Zhuge Yu could say anything, Fang Lihui walked quickly to Fang Liren and threw the paper on him, "Fang Liren, are you crazy? Give up the Fang family for a woman?"

Fang Liren stood upright and let the piece of paper fall to the ground without even blinking. "I am here to say goodbye to you two adults. You two adults have helped me a lot, which Fang Liren will never forget."

Considering that Fang Zilan and Zhuge Yu were present, Fang Lihui couldn't help but snap out of his temper. He gritted his teeth and growled: "Fang Liren, what are you doing?"

"What to do?" Fang Liren looked at Fang Lihui, looking relieved, "Lihui, the Fang family will be left to you from now on. You are more suitable than me for the position of head of the Fang family."

"Who cares?" Fang Lihui sneered, "Fang Liren, I don't need your charity."

"I gave everything for the Fang family. I'm tired." Fang Liren raised the corners of his mouth, his eyes were full of indescribable fatigue, "Now, I want to live for myself once."

"Okay, okay, it's really good!" Fang Lihui held his hand with a folding fan, applauding with an almost resentful look.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan was about to speak when Zhuge Yu grabbed her sleeve. He tugged on her sleeve, signaling her not to come forward and to let them resolve it themselves.

"Fang Liren, are you leaving the Fang family?" Fang Lihui held the folding fan in his hand tightly, his shoulders shaking slightly, revealing his sullenness, "You can leave just as you say, how can it be so cheap? The Fang family gave birth to you and raised you, you How much kindness we have received from the Fang family, and how much benefit the Fang family has received from you, let us calculate it clearly today. "

Fang Liren looked at Fang Lihui in front of him, who had never seen him lose his temper before. He was silent for a moment, and finally nodded and said: "Okay."

Seeing Fang Liren agree, Fang Lihui turned around and bowed his hands to Fang Zilan and Zhuge Yu, and said in a deep voice: "Today, I ask Mr. Fang and Mr. Zhuge to be witnesses. When the liquidation is completed, both the person and the money will be cleared, and our Fang family will no longer have anything to do with Fang Liren. "

(End of this chapter)

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