Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1272 Request

Chapter 1272 Request

"Since the Crown Prince's wife is here, I would like to hear the Fang family's opinion on this matter." Dugu Mingming called Fang Zilan's name, and for a moment everyone's eyes were focused on her.

Fang Zilan calmed down, looked at Dugu Ming and said, "I wonder what the young general Dugu said?"

"It's General Dugu." Dugu Ming's expression was a bit colder. However, after seeing Fang Zilan's face clearly, he couldn't help but frown, "You...Mrs. Crown Prince, have we met before?"

Fang Zilan curled her lips and said, "General Dugu is guarding the Western Territory, but I am hiding in the boudoir of the capital. If not in a dream, how could the general have seen me?"

"Since Madam Crown Prince is a woman, she should know what words should be said and what should not be said." Dugu Ming's tone was solemn, and the smile on Fang Zilan's face became brighter, "General Dugu, now that he knows that I am a woman, should know what words should be said." Ask, what shouldn’t be asked?”

Dugu Ming took a deep breath, "The person who was assassinated in the court before had the emblem of my Dugu family on his body. Does the Crown Prince know about this?"

"I know." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, "I was there at the time."

"Then I heard that the Crown Prince's wife was escorted by Zixiu to Zhongling Temple. Is this possible?" Dugu Ming stared closely at the person in front of her, her expression unchanged, "It is true."

Dugu Ming was thoughtful and asked the last question, "Is there anyone who can witness the trip to Zhongling Temple?"

"General Zhou Lang of the Southeast Camp." As soon as Fang Zilan finished speaking, Dugu Ming snorted coldly, "As expected."

Next to him, Li Qiyou's expression changed. Before he could say anything, Dugu Ming was the first to question him: "Do you know, Mrs. Crown Prince, what is the crime of framing a noble family? What is the crime of mobilizing troops without permission?"

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized that Dugu Ming was talking about Zhou Lang, and hurriedly replied: "I was entrusted by Mr. Xie for the trip to Zhongling Temple, and General Zhou Lang was also entrusted by His Highness King Yucheng..."

"Entrusted by His Highness King Yucheng?" Dugu Ming interrupted Fang Zilan, "Is there any token to prove it? Without a certificate or order, please don't accuse His Highness King Yucheng at will!"

Fang Zilan glanced at Li Qiyou. His lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end no sound came out.

"His Royal Highness King Yucheng." Fang Zilan clenched her hands hidden in her sleeves into fists, looked at Li Qiyou intently, and asked word by word: "According to what General Dugu said, General Zhou Lang deceived people in Zhongling Temple. Me?"

Li Qiyou met Fang Zilan's gaze and uttered the word "yes" after a while.

Fang Zilan felt a stone fall in her heart. She originally thought that Li Qiyou meant that Zhou Lang led the troops to rescue, but now it seems that it is not the case at all. Then she does not need to owe Li Qiyou this favor, but...

Is it possible that the Dugu family is an easy person? Zhou Lang thought it was just a favor in Li Qiyou's name, but in the eyes of the Dugu family, it was just a matter of fighting for power.

No matter what, Zhou Lang saved her, and today she will protect him from the Dugu family.

"I'll ask the prince again." Fang Zilan seemed not to hear Li Qiyou's answer and repeated: "According to what General Dugu said, was it General Zhou Lang who deceived me in Zhongling Temple?"

Li Qiyou was a little at a loss, and Dugu Ming rushed to answer: "Your Highness has already answered clearly, Madam Prince..."

"I'm asking His Royal Highness King Yucheng." Fang Zilan stopped Dugu Ming's words and said in a deep voice: "Why did I go to Zhongling Temple? If I don't go, or I die in Zhongling Temple, what will happen? If Your Highness, If you know it well, you should know how to reply to me." After she said that, she coughed several times.

Hearing the sound, it was like a string deep in his memory was quietly plucked. Li Qiyou seemed to have exhausted all his strength and said: "Yes, I ordered General Zhou Lang to rush to Zhongling Temple. I am willing to bear all the consequences." Fang Zilan said in a deep voice: "What do you two want to compare with Shangguan Min? Why don't you tell me and let me make a judgment?"

"It's up to us?" the challenging soldier asked suspiciously. Shangguan Min nodded and said, "It's up to you to choose what you want to test."

"Okay, since you said so, let's compete in archery!" The challenging soldier's confident look made Fang Zilan chuckle. "Have you thought about it? Shangguan Min is best at archery."

"Master Fang and Shangguan Min want us to decide what we want to compete with, so naturally we have to decide the rules." The challenging soldier spoke confidently, and Shangguan Min said without hesitation: "Tell me, how do you want to compete?"

The challenging soldier raised his voice: "Each of us has three arrows. Let's compare who can hit the bull's-eye more times. The two of us have six arrows, and Shangguan Min you have three arrows. How about it? Do you dare to compete?"

Before Shangguan Min could reply, Lieutenant General Qin scolded him lightly: "You are using more people to bully less people."

Hearing this, another soldier had the courage to ask, "Does Mr. Fang mean to keep his words?"

Fang Zilan spread her hands and said, "I have no objection. What about you, Shangguan Min?"

"I don't have any objection either." Shangguan Min said, taking off the bow and arrow he was carrying and handing it to the two of them, "Come on."

"Shangguan Min, your bow is too heavy, we are not used to it." The challenging soldier did not take his bow, so Fang Zilan ordered someone to get another bow and arrows, "For the sake of fairness, Shangguan Min, just use the same bow as them. "

Shangguan Min nodded without any objection and said: "It's easy to say." The news spread, and the school grounds were quickly surrounded by soldiers watching the battle.

Fang Zilan signaled everyone to be quiet, and then asked the two soldiers on the field to fire arrows.

These two soldiers were good at archery, and six of their arrows hit the bull's-eye, which made Vice General Qin on the side sweat for Shangguan Min.

"It's your turn." Fang Zilan waved his hand without any reaction. Shangguan Min walked to the center of the school field and took the bow and arrow from one of the soldiers.

After Shangguan Min weighed the weight of the bow and arrow in his hand, he said, "I would like to ask Mr. Fang to order three targets in a row, and then add six more targets. Every three targets will be arranged in a row, and the last target in each row will be against the wall." Available immediately.”

"Alright." As soon as Fang Zilan finished speaking, a soldier stepped forward to arrange the targets in order.

Most of the people watching were confused, but Vice General Qin frowned, "This bow is much lighter than what Shangguan Min usually uses. Can he do it?"

The sun was too bright at noon, so Fang Zilan squinted her eyes and said, "If it doesn't work, it will be a lesson. A true master will not be hindered by the weapons in his hands."

Her words were neither light nor serious, but they happened to reach Shangguan Min's ears.

He didn't look back, he just raised the bow and arrow in his hand, aimed and shot without any hesitation. He did it in one go, like clouds and flowing water, leaving everyone around him involuntarily stunned.

I saw that each of the three arrows passed through the first two bullseyes, and finally landed on the third bullseye at the end. The three targets were strung together like candied haws and nailed to the wall.

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