Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1276 Slip away

Chapter 1276 Slip away

"In the third year of Tai'an, the mountain bandits were wiped out by the fire on Feiling Mountain. After that, the young Hong brothers and sisters mixed in with them. After years of hardship, they finally became the bandit leaders. With their restraint, the mountain bandits could be considered to be well-behaved in those years. However..."

He paused for a moment, "That year, Mr. Su Che of the Su family became an official. When he was passing through Fengyu County, he encountered bandits and the whole family lost their lives. However, the bandits used the gold and silver they had robbed stained with the blood of the Su family. Cai Bao bribed the petty officials in Fenyu County and even bribed people under King Rong'an through connections to bring the case to Fei Lingshan."

Fang Zilan's expression turned serious, "But I remember that the case of the murder of Mr. Suche's family was finally settled."

At that time, she returned to the capital from the southeast. She could not forget the death of Su Yuexi for a long time, so she took advantage of her position to find the records of the case. She only said that the robber was difficult to find. After a few years, she was abandoned. The back of my head.

After all, more than one or two people die at the hands of bandits every year. Although there are many cases, most of them have no results. Even if the victims are the Su family, it is no different.

"The reason why it is nothing..." Yin Quanzhang's voice brought back Fang Zilan's thoughts. He let out a long sigh and said, "It's because the Hong brothers and sisters have seen the reality clearly. If they want to truly gain a foothold, they can only cooperate with the government. "

Fang Lihui said sternly: "There are relevant instructions for blind exit before entering, and you can only enter if you agree. Since you are here, it means that you know and accept blind exit."

The implication of his words was obvious. He emphasized the rules repeatedly before and after entering the venue, and the subtext was a huge risk. If you cannot accept it, you should not enter the market in the first place. If you accept it and have entered the market, the rules should no longer be an issue.

But he didn't expect that Fang Zilan would give instructions to the shopkeeper and add a rule that no one was allowed to leave before the transaction was completed. In this way, no matter what happens tonight, no one outside will know.

For some reason, Fang Lihui felt uneasy. He looked at Fang Zilan and heard her say: "The form of blind exit is really new. You distinguished guests don't want to be the first to eat crabs. I can understand that."

Hearing this, Fang Lihui was stunned. Without waiting for anything to cooperate with Fang Zilan, she continued on her own, "Therefore, I can reveal a little more information, hoping it will be helpful to all of you distinguished guests."

She raised her lips and said, "These three pieces of news about tonight's transaction are inextricably linked. Each of them is infinitely close to the truth, but..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted, "Miss Zhen, aren't you forcing us to buy all three messages?"

"Whether you want to buy news or not, it is your choice to buy one, two, or even three." Fang Zilan smiled and said coldly: "What I mean is that putting them together may not be the truth."

Everyone was confused after hearing this, and Fang Lihui also had a look of doubt in his eyes, not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in Fang Zilan's gourd.

However, Fang Zilan's words seemed to be a reassurance, making the cautious bidders eager to give it a try. After all, who doesn't want to buy just one piece of news and be able to deduce the complete truth?

Fang Zilan roughly went through the documents on the case, and then assigned them to different people to handle. It was already past noon when the work was completed. She felt hungry in her belly and was about to go out to eat something when she saw Zhuge Yu walking in with lunch.

Seeing this, she couldn't help but sigh, "Ayu, you are so considerate."

Zhuge Yu put the lunch on the table while listening to her sigh: "I thought that the youngest son in the family like A Yu would be treated as a treasure and raised with incomparable wealth. I never thought that he could be so good at taking care of others. "

"In my generation, apart from my elder brother, I am the only one of the Zhuge family in the capital." Zhuge Yu looked indifferent, "My elder brothers are often away from home, so naturally I can only take care of my grandfather and elders at home. As time goes by, I get used to it." Fang Zilan He was keenly aware that he might have said something he shouldn't have said, so he was silent for a moment, and then changed his voice again and said: "Speaking of which, these days when I have been closed down, there is a lot of official work backlogged in the government office. I'm afraid it will be busy for a while. ”

Zhuge Yu didn't say anything, he just looked at her steadily until her hand holding the chopsticks stopped, "A Yu?"

"Sister Lan, do you really want to keep Mo Han in the capital?" Zhuge Yu asked suddenly. Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment and whispered: "That kid Mo Han has always had good ideas, I'm afraid he can't help me."

A flash of astonishment flashed in Zhuge Yu's eyes, "Can't you help me?"

"Yes." Fang Zilan smiled and said helplessly: "He relies on me to pamper him. He has been like this since he was a child. As long as he opens his mouth, I can't do anything to him."

"Since childhood?" Zhuge Yu repeated the word, and Fang Zilan looked a little more nostalgic, "We grew up together since childhood, but unfortunately we got separated later. Now that I find him again, I can't bear to push him away. "

"The land of tigers and wolves is not suitable for a white rabbit to live." Zhuge Yu looked away and said coldly: "If he stays, he will die without a burial place."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan murmured as if to herself: "I'm here, can't I protect him?"

Zhuge Yu glanced at her and shook his head gently, "If you continue to break up, you will suffer." After saying that, he turned and left.

Fang Zilan finished her lunch without any taste, stood up and planned to go for a walk in the courtyard, when she heard reports from subordinate officials that the verification part had been completed.

She checked it again, made sure there was nothing wrong, and left for the Ministry of Finance. The current Minister of Hubu was originally a disciple of the Pei family. He entered the Hubu when he first entered the officialdom. He was promoted by Pei Juqing, Duke of Jui.

Although the Pei family is standing behind the Secretary of the Household Department, he is not rigid and strong. On the contrary, he has a smiling face and is surprisingly easy to talk to. No matter what Fang Zilan says, he nods in agreement, but when the topic comes to the topic, he looks away from him.

After a whole hour, Fang Zilan was so thirsty with him, but he still smiled and handed her tea and water to persuade her not to get angry. His smile was like a friendly lucky cat, which made her lose her temper. Losing his temper, he could only go home in the end.

Zhuge Yu was not surprised to see her return without success, but comforted him: "The Minister of the Ministry of Finance is a smooth man, and it is not easy to deal with him. This matter cannot be rushed, and must be discussed in the long run."

Fang Zilan thought that she really couldn't deal with someone who was as slippery as a loach. He immediately put the documents back and said exhaustedly: "Ayu, I'll be here today. You can let everyone go. I'll think of a solution tomorrow."

Zhuge Yu agreed and after dismissing everyone, he saw Fang Zilan walking out of the government office alone, dragging a long shadow. He thought for a while but didn't catch up after all.

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