Don't ask where people go

Chapter 142 Contest

Chapter 142 Contest
Xiahou Mingxun's expression was cold, "Times have changed, Mr. Fang and Xiahou's family are different after all, so why does King Yucheng compare Mr. Fang with his sister?"

Xiahou Yunzhao turned a deaf ear and poured himself a drink, and Li Qiyou felt a little offended by his deafening appearance, "So what if this king insists on comparing lengths, is Patriarch Xiahou afraid?"

"Afraid?" Xiahou Mingxun smiled contemptuously, and just as he was about to say something, Xie Chen's voice sounded slowly, "Mingxun, Your Majesty, be careful before you."

The clear and moist voice fell on everyone's ears, every word and every word was obvious beating, but it was not known whether the beating person was Xiahou Mingxun or Li Qiyou.

"It doesn't matter." Li Shengxuan on the high seat smiled slightly, "King Yucheng and Patriarch Xiahou are both outspoken people, and General Xiahou wouldn't take such a verbal dispute to heart."

"It really doesn't matter." Xiahou Yunzhao put the cup in his hand on the table, looked up and glanced at Li Qiyou who was opposite, with a proud expression, "Everyone here knows why Xiahou's family came today. King Yucheng doesn't have to Excite me, it is true that the Xiahou family wants to hand over the power, and it is true that His Majesty has appointed someone. But if it is to be handed over to Master Fang, it depends on whether she has the ability to bear it."

Fang Zilan saw a few people coming and going, setting fire to her body, so she couldn't pretend to be deaf and dumb and stay out of it, so she stood up and saluted respectfully, "Your Majesty has not made a decision yet, General Xiahou, don't worry. If Your Majesty really chooses me , How General Xiahou wants to test my ability is up to you."

Li Shengxuan fixedly looked at Fang Zilan, who was neither humble nor overbearing, and Xiahou Yunzhao, who was in a stalemate below, and said lightly: "In this case, General Xiahou will have a contest with Mr. Fang. If General Xiahou wins, the Xiahou family will never allow the right to resign from office in the future." As for the matter, Master Fang is stationed in the Northern Territory and cannot return to Beijing. If Sir Fang wins, he will take over all the authority of the Xiahou family. After that, the Xiahou family will stay in the old Baiyue and will never be used again."

Fang Zilan raised her head abruptly, stared at Li Shengxuan in a daze, "Your Majesty..."

She was interrupted before she could say anything, Zhuge Yu got up and knelt in the hall, "Please think twice, Your Majesty."

"You are not joking." Li Shengxuan looked indifferent, while Zhuge Yu was still kneeling upright, showing no intention of getting up.

Xiahou Yunzhao laughed lightly, "It's just what I want." She stood up, stopped in front of Zhuge Yu, turned her head and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, Zhuge, Your Majesty knows it well."

Zhuge Yu looked up at Xiahou Yunzhao, only to see her walking in front of Fang Zilan, stretching out her hand as a gesture of invitation, "Master Fang, would you like to fight with me?"

Fang Zilan pursed her lips into a straight line, but she couldn't say no, so she simply nodded in response, "Then I won't be polite. I would like to ask General Xiahou for your advice."

"It's easy to say." Xiahou Yunzhao hooked the corners of her lips, and smiled a little naughty, which made Fang Zilan almost think that it was her own illusion. After she recovered, she had already followed Xiahou Yunzhao to stand on the martial arts arena of the Forbidden Army in the palace.

You are not allowed to bring weapons into the palace, so Fang Zilan and Xiahou Yunzhao both use the swords of the guards.

The two stood on the martial arts arena with their swords in hand, and Li Shengxuan and other people off the arena stared at them intently.

Just waiting for an order, the sword blades collided and made a metallic sound, Fang Zilan took a step back involuntarily.

Xiahou Yunzhao pressed on every step, but Fang Zilan retreated steadily.

She was undecided, and she was forced to the sidelines while hesitating, and she would fall if she was not careful.

Xia Hou Yunzhao withdrew his sword sharply, his expression was as cold as ice, "If Mr. Fang doesn't bother to fight with me, you might as well just say it. Being so absent-minded is too contemptuous of others."

Fang Zilan calmed down a little, and stood firm on the sidelines.

She looked carefully at the almost arrogant Xiahou Yunzhao in front of her, but what she thought of was the undecided words of Li Shengxuan in the carriage that night when she went to steal the edict.

Can he bear the weight of that position?At that time, she said that his ascension to the throne meant that every word and deed of Xiahou's family would be watched by people from now on.

Now, Xiahou Yunzhao is right in front of her eyes. If she wins and replaces her, she will be the one who will be stared at forever.

She tightly held the sword in her hand, and Xiahou Yunzhao's voice came over clearly, "Master Fang, are you afraid?"

She didn't answer, an obvious acquiescence.

"If you're afraid, that's fine." Xiahou Yunzhao took a sword flower and put the sword behind her back. "A strong enemy is in front, and he doesn't even have the courage to fight. Such a person is not worthy of being my opponent, let alone my opponent." Take over the position of Xiahou's family."

"I..." Fang Zilan bit her lips tightly, her face paled a little, "So, offended."

As soon as she finished speaking, the tip of the sword pointed straight at Xiahou Yunzhao.

Xiahou Yunzhao didn't dodge, and swung her sword straight to meet her. When the two swords met, she felt the power from the sword, and slightly raised the corners of her lips, "It's not too bad."

Immediately, she didn't leave any room for it, and approached Fang Zilan with every move.

The two returned to the center of the martial arts arena after several rounds of back and forth. Fang Zilan's expression was chilling, while Xia Hou Yunzhao's eyes were determined. The outcome was hard to tell.

Off the court, Xiahou Mingxun stared intently at the two on the court, and sighed softly, "I haven't seen my sister like this for a long time."

"Master Fang is a good opponent." Xie Chen nodded slightly, smiling lightly, "Your Majesty's vision is indeed very good."

Their words fell into Li Shengxuan's ears verbatim, but he didn't say anything, his eyes still fell on the people in the field.

Fang Zilan wore a purple dress with long sleeves and a lightly dancing skirt, like a butterfly dancing among flowers. It lacked the spirit of conquest on the battlefield and added a sense of femininity.

Compared with the ignorant and courageous person she was when they first met, she has also changed a lot. Her every move is calm and grand, just like Xiahou Yunzhao.

Even if she loses, she can afford Xiahou Yunzhao's position.

An almost sudden thought broke into Li Shengxuan's mind like this, at first he was shocked and then he was happy.He didn't want to get to the bottom of it, but he knew very well that he couldn't take his eyes off her.

He watched helplessly as the tip of her sword touched Xiahou Yunzhao's throat by an inch, and Xiahou Yunzhao's sword rested on the side of her neck, and the two of them stopped at the same time.

"Is it actually a draw?" Zhuge Yu looked blankly at the two people in the field, but saw Xiahou Yunzhao put his sword on the ground, and laughed loudly: "Master Fang is superior, I lost."

"General Xiahou..." There was a flash of panic in Fang Zilan's eyes, and Xiahou Yunzhao interrupted him just as he was about to say something, "Master Fang is willing to give me face, and I don't want me to lose ugly. I accept this kind of intention. But , if it’s a life-and-death struggle, no one will show respect.”

 Each flower enters each eye, Xie Chen's eyes are full of Xiahou Yunzhao, and whose eyes are Fang Zilan in?
(End of this chapter)

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