Chapter 149
After Fang Zilan and A Wan sent Wen Ya away, Deputy General Cao came up curiously, "Boss, what did the imperial physician in the palace say?"

"Eat well, sleep a lot, take care of yourself, nothing serious." The person who answered Deputy General Cao was A Wan. Her calm appearance made Vice General Cao look sideways: "Is that what the imperial physician really said?"

"Is that false?" A Wan bumped Fang Zilan with her elbow, and she nodded cooperatively, "It is true."

A Wan nodded in satisfaction, "So should you drink the medicine and go to sleep now? Tomorrow we will move out of the post house when we move the house. It will inevitably be a lot of trouble. You have to keep your spirits up."

Fang Zilan's face collapsed when she heard the medicine, "Then there's no need to drink medicine now, right?"

"Your injuries in the western region are not fully healed, so you can't be careless." Awan said sternly, and Vice-General Cao nodded hurriedly, "Boss, tomorrow's relocation depends on you to take charge of the overall situation, you should listen to Miss Awan .”

"That's all." Fang Zilan waved her hand in resignation, drank the medicine obediently and went back to the room to rest.

Fang Zilan woke up before dawn on the second day, thinking that once she moves to the house today, she can stay in the capital, but she doesn't know how the situation in the north is, after all, she can't let it go.

Thinking about how trivial the matter of moving the mansion is, even though Li Shengxuan sent someone to help, she was still worried, and she was even more afraid that most of the people in the mansion were the eyes and ears of others, and there were not many trustworthy people.

Until Awan knocked on the door and came in, seeing her fully dressed and sitting at the table, she couldn't help frowning, "Why do you get up so early? It's still early, why don't you take a rest?"

"I woke up when I couldn't sleep." Fang Zilan watched A Wan put the medicine and breakfast on the table, then sat next to her, and asked curiously, "Are you worried that something will go wrong in the house?"

Fang Zilan hummed lightly, and A Wan shook her head helplessly, "I said you've been out of your mind since that day's palace banquet, what's going on?"

"It's nothing." Fang Zilan lowered her head, and Awan shook her arm, "If you come, you'll be fine, why should you worry too much?"

"I'm not worried." Fang Zilan still insisted on talking hard, and A Wan simply changed the subject, "Speaking of which, we will be celebrating the New Year in the capital this year, and it will be New Year's Eve in a few days..."

She whispered in Fang Zilan's ear, her tone of voice was full of excited longing, which made Fang Zilan smile involuntarily, she was still a child at heart.

"It's not the first time for Awan to celebrate the New Year in the capital, and you still look forward to it?" Fang Zilan couldn't help but tease, and Awan was not annoyed, "The capital is much more lively than Yanzhou City, so of course I look forward to it. It means that the new year is coming, and all the bad things will pass."

Fang Zilan smiled noncommittally, but Awan pulled her sleeves as if she suddenly remembered something, "But it's already November, why isn't it snowing in the capital? At this time last year, it was already snowing in the north I don’t know how many times it has snowed heavily, but it’s much more fun and beautiful to be wrapped in silver than in the capital.”

"You, you know how to play." Fang Zilan reached out and gently scratched the tip of A Wan's nose, and said with a smile on her face, "It's fine if it doesn't snow. The road is slippery in snowy days, and it's not convenient for us to move to the house."

"That's right." A Wan nodded, "But we don't have anything to bring when we move to the house, the main thing is that people move over."

"Who says it's not." Fang Zilan nodded thoughtfully, "The person sent by His Majesty to help will arrive later, Awan, go and check again."

A Wan nodded in response, and reminded her to eat breakfast and drink medicine before leaving.

She lowered her head and glanced at the black concoction, although she was reluctant in her heart, she still drank it obediently after breakfast, after all, her health was important.

She frowned at the bitterness after drinking the medicine, and was thinking about discussing with A Wan to make the medicine sweeter next time, when she heard A Wan's voice from outside the door, "Young Master Zhuge, why are you here?"

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, thinking that Li Shengxuan actually sent Zhuge Yu over.She hurriedly got up and opened the door, only to see Awan and Zhuge Yu standing in the courtyard.

The two were waiting to exchange greetings, when they heard the creaking sound of the door opening, they both looked over at the same time.

Zhuge Yu smiled lightly and said, "I haven't seen you for a few days, is Sister Lan still okay?"

"I'm fine." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, and walked in front of the two, "Your Majesty sent Ayu here?"

"Your Majesty originally wanted me to come, but King Yucheng took the initiative to invite Ying, so he sent the two of us here together." Zhuge Yu replied, and Fang Zilan smiled: "It's true that I can ask you two to help me move the house. What a big face."

A Wan looked around suspiciously, "Where is your lord, why haven't you seen him?"

"My lord went ahead and went to the new house to wait." Zhuge Yu took the initiative to solve the confusion and asked, "Sister Lan, has everything been packed? If everything is in order, we can set off for the new house now."

"Okay." Fang Zilan nodded, and told Awan to go to Vice General Cao to prepare to leave.

Zhuge Yu left from the front yard with Fang Zilan, and A Wan and Deputy General Cao asked someone to carry their luggage and left the post house from the back yard.

Along the way, Zhuge Yu and Fang Zilan talked about the matter of the northern border, "Your Majesty is interested, Lord Zhuo Wang Quanzhi will take over your position. Let me first say hello to you and ask your opinion."

"His Majesty decides about the appointment of officials. I can have no opinion." Fang Zilan looked at Zhuge Yu leisurely, "I'm afraid that if the Wang family comes up, the Huangfu family will not be reconciled."

"The separation of civil and military affairs in Yanzhou has always been distinct. In the past, Shangguan respected both civil and military affairs. The only exception is the fact that now the imperial family is in charge of military affairs. Compared with the family of officials and ministers who are divided into courts and courts, they naturally want to be a scholarly family." Zhuge Yu is very organized, "Looking at the entire northern border, The most suitable one is the Wang family."

"Indeed, there are three high-ranking civil servants in Yanzhou City. One is Mr. Wang Quanzhi, the other is Mr. Zhong Yao, and the third is Mr. Lu Zhizhang. It's a pity that Mr. Zhong was born in a commoner and has no family background, and Mr. Lu is under the influence of others. It's hard for Lu Tang to stand up..." Fang Zilan changed his voice abruptly in the middle of the sentence, "When I took office, I relied on the military exploits of a general..."

Seeing her involuntarily stunned, Zhuge Yu smiled lightly, "Didn't Sister Lan already guessed it? Back then, the chaos in the Northern Territory was just settled, and the various forces were intricate. Your Majesty didn't dare to appoint civil servants lightly, so he had to let you take the position of a military general." Thunder means to eliminate."

"Sure enough, the city is deep." Fang Zilan sighed, Zhuge Yu didn't hear clearly, "Sister Lan, what did you say?"

"It's nothing." Fang Zilan waved her hand, "Since His Majesty in the Northern Territory has already made arrangements, then surely His Majesty in the capital has already made arrangements?"

 Ding dong~ A new part-time job has arrived, please pay attention to receive it.

(End of this chapter)

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