Chapter 151
Fang Zilan understood, she clicked her tongue and said, "No wonder Fang Lixing suddenly fell ill. If you want me to say this kind of role, you have to find an upstart martial artist to play it. Why bother with a son of a civil servant..."

While speaking, she caught the fleeting look of disgust in Zhuge Yu's eyes, so she suddenly stopped halfway through her words, and suddenly understood, "Could it be intentional?"

"All the upstarts participating in the show can choose their own roles, but when they arrive at Fang Lixing, they suddenly have no choice. What do you think, Mr. Fang?" Zhuge Yu snorted coldly, and Li Qiyou's complexion couldn't help turning pale, "Casting Young Master Fang arrived late that day, so..."

Fang Zilan couldn't listen anymore, and interrupted him, "Does the prince also believe this kind of excuse?"

Li Qiyou clenched his fists tightly, and said displeasedly: "This king is also forced to be helpless. New Year's Eve is just around the corner. If we can't find someone to replace us and mess up the New Year's social drama, not only will this king lose his face, but it will also attract people. Rumors have messed up Dajing Guozuo."

"My lord?" Fang Zilan repeated Li Qiyou's changed self-proclaim lightly, and gave him a sideways glance.

Li Qiyou's complexion turned even paler, "Lord Fang, that's not what I meant..."

"If the lord is coercing you as King Yucheng, I can't refuse the power to force me." Fang Zilan said as he took the flower paper in Li Qiyou's hand, no longer looking at his pale face, "I will do it for Fang Li Yes, my lord, please go back."

"Master Fang..." Zhuge Yu wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Fang Zilan's eyes.

Li Qiyou looked at her determined back, hesitated to speak, and finally left.

After Li Qiyou left, Zhuge Yu couldn't help but sighed, "Sister Lan, why is this? Even though King Yucheng has a noble status, after all, there is no real authority that can issue orders to you."

"In the Battle of the Northern Territory, I saw King Yucheng acted frankly and honestly. I thought he was a good friend, but I didn't think that everyone in the royal family was a generation of tigers and wolves." Fang Zilan looked sad, "It's my wishful thinking."

"That's all." Zhuge Yu shook his head, and put on a light smile on his face again, "Since Sister Lan has already agreed, then consider it to be my company."

There was obvious surprise in Fang Zilan's eyes, "Ah Yu, you also participated in it?"

Zhuge Yu asked without answering, "Didn't King Yucheng just say that? Every year, the social operas are performed by upstarts from Beijing and China. Am I not a nouveau riche?"

"Yes." Fang Zilan nodded, and asked one more question as if thinking of something, "But according to what King Yucheng said, social opera is not as simple as standing on the stage and singing a few lines, can you do it, Ayu? "

"Sister Lan's role is naturally not simple, but mine is different, but it's just showing her face." Zhuge Yu said, "The New Year's Opera is to pray for peace and prosperity in the coming year, so the content of each year is the same. , all of which are about expelling demons and warding off evil spirits."

"No wonder King Yucheng just said that if he messed up the New Year's social drama, it would cause rumors to mess up the Dajing Guozuo." Fang Zilan couldn't help but interjected, and Zhuge Yu nodded, "Because it is related to the national fortune in the coming year, so the New Year's social drama will be normal." They are all in charge of the royal family, and King Yucheng has been in charge of them for the past two years."

Fang Zilan heard it fresh, and wondered: "Then in previous years, there were also people who fell from the high platform? If so, wouldn't there be no one willing to play this role every year?"

"No." Zhuge Yu shook his head and said, "Although the contents of social dramas are similar, the forms are being updated every year. In order to attract attention, this plot was added this year."

Fang Zilan's face was full of disbelief, "Ayu, are you sure you didn't add it on purpose to torment Fang Lixing?"

"No." Zhuge Yu said firmly, "The Fang family also participated in the social drama last year, and there were no accidents."

"Okay." Fang Zilan shook the paper in her hand helplessly, "Ayu, I'm going to pretend to be a demon, and the people watching will not throw things at me, right? Like rotten eggs or something?"

"No." Zhuge Yu still denied it simply and neatly, "The high platform is high enough, ordinary people can't throw things so high."

Fang Zilan's vermilion lips pursed into a straight line, her voice also complained a lot, "Ayu, what should I do if I fell from the high platform?"

"By Sister Lan's skill, it won't be a serious problem if you fall. As for whether the common people will hit you..." Zhuge Yu pretended to pause, smiling like a little fox, "Of course not. The New Year's Society drama focuses on the ceremony, and the common people are not so deeply involved in the drama."

"Seriously, Ayu, you didn't lie to me?" Fang Zilan stared at Zhuge Yu suspiciously, but he still just smiled, "How dare I lie to Sister Lan? Most of the libretto and costumes of the New Year's Opera come from ancient books, and people only care about the excitement. I can really understand, Sister Lan, just relax."

"Okay." Fang Zilan was reluctant, and the expression on his whole face almost collapsed.

Not far away, Awan saw the two talking, ran over in three steps at a time, took the flower note in Fang Zilan's hand sharply, and asked curiously, "What is this?"

"Invitation for the New Year's social drama." Fang Zilan responded unhappily, but Awan was very pleasantly surprised, "What do you want to pretend?"

"Yaoxie." The simple two words were run over by Fang Zilan's lips and tongue, and he gritted his teeth.

"That's right, Yaoxie's clothes and mask are very nice, and he is a very powerful character." Awan praised again and again, Fang Zilan was skeptical, "Awan, have you seen the New Year's Society drama?"

"Why haven't you seen it? This is the main event on New Year's Eve every year." A Wan's small eyes were incomparably terrified, "Do you think everyone is like you, so they don't like to be lively?"

Fang Zilan was choked speechless by her, and angrily snatched the flower paper from her hand, "You think it's so good, I'll just go."

"You have accepted this invitation, even if I think it's not good, can you still not go?" A Wan spoke provocatively, and she didn't forget to ask Zhuge Yu after speaking, "Young Master Zhuge, am I right?"

Zhuge Yu nodded with a smile and said: "Miss Awan is right. Sister Lan keeps her word, so she won't break her word."

"Ayu, I went because of you." Fang Zilan's tone was inexplicably resentful, "I gave up my life to accompany the gentleman. Not only did you say nothing, but you even came to watch my excitement with Awan?"

"Before Sister Lan agreed, she didn't know that I was also involved, so why would she lay down her life for me to accompany a gentleman?" Zhuge Yu's tone was extremely innocent, but the smile on his brow and eyes was teasing that couldn't be concealed.

Fang Zilan raised the corners of her lips and smiled bitterly: "Ayu, are you really so ruthless?"

"Reciprocate, since Sister Lan has spoken." Zhuge Yu smiled even wider, "Then, can you leave me a position in the government office?"

 Fang Zilan: All right, for the sake of the evil spirits, let's do it. (Self-comfort.jpg
  A Wan: If you're not good, don't you want to act? (provocation.jpg
  Fang Zilan: ...Can you not tear me down!

(End of this chapter)

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