Chapter 171
Zhuge Yu hurried forward to check if Fang Zilan was injured, and Li Qiyou relaxed when he saw that the social drama ended safely.

A few people were about to say something, but saw a small figure rushing over, "Fang Zilan, you scared me to death!"

A Wan hugged Fang Zilan violently, she hugged her so tightly that Fang Zilan couldn't help but patted her on the back to reassure her: "I'm fine."

"You still say..." Before Awan finished speaking, she was overwhelmed by the voices of God Bless Dajing and Long Live the Emperor.

The people on the street knelt down and worshiped sincerely, which made Fang Zilan stunned, "What's going on?"

Li Qiyou raised the corners of his lips, and said with joy in his eyebrows and eyes: "The evil spirits will be eradicated, and the heavens will be auspicious. There will be more than auspiciousness in a good year with moist snow. It's a good omen."

"God bless the capital." With Zhuge Yu's deep words, all the princes and dignitaries present saluted Li Shengxuan on the tower.Even Wei Subaru, who has always been arrogant and cold, is rare and solemn.

Fang Zilan looked around, and the word "prosperous age" came straight into her mind.

At this moment, she suddenly understood what Zhuge Yu said——

"If you can become the jewel in the crown of Dajing, it will be worthwhile even if you are smashed to pieces."

The mountains and rivers are eternal, and the family and the country are in the world. If you can do something for this prosperous age, this life will not be in vain.

The spontaneous arrogance and aspiration followed by the crowd's echoes, and finally came to an abrupt end when Xia Houzhang next to Li Shengxuan said a word from His Majesty.

"Your Majesty has a decree. Fang Zilan, the Duke of the Northern Kingdom, is loyal and righteous. He is resourceful and decisive. He will be named the Duke of Yue. . This is it.”

After the imperial decree was read, Fang Zilan stood there in a daze, unable to recover for a long time.It wasn't until Wei Subaru walked up to her and patted her on the shoulder that she came back to herself as if she had just woken up from a dream.

Wei Subaru took a few steps forward, then turned his head to look at Fang Zilan who was still in a daze, "Master Fang, it's time to receive an order to thank you."

"Here we come." Fang Zilan nodded hastily, walked up the tower with Wei Subaru, and walked in front of Li Shengxuan.

Fang Zilan's red dress was in tatters, and her long hair was disheveled, but she still stood upright with her head held high.Under the envious or contemptuous gazes of the people around, she and Wei Subaru accepted such a reward edict frankly.

After the two of them took the decree to thank them, Xia Houzhang announced the official end of the social drama on Li Shengxuan's behalf.

It was getting late, and the people watching the opera dispersed like a tide, and the streets in the city returned to their original bustling appearance.

The crowd is in twos and threes, some are shopping at the night market and some are meeting to enjoy the lanterns. It is so bustling.

The red lanterns hanging high above the city tower were lit up one after another, reflecting the mist of Zhuwa Market in Miyagi, making it look extraordinarily festive.

Fang Zilan originally wanted to go home first with the excuse of disheveled clothes and improper appearance, so she would not show up for the New Year's Eve palace banquet later.Unexpectedly, before she opened her mouth, Li Shengxuan could see what she was thinking.

When everyone went to Wanfu Palace one after another, he asked Xia Houzhang to take her to the imperial study in the name of tidying up her clothes.She had no choice but to send A Wan and Vice General Cao back to the mansion to wait for her.

The charcoal fire in the imperial study room was as hot as ever, and the room was as warm as a spring day, which made Fang Zilan relax her tense nerves before she had time to check the wounds on her body.

In addition to the fact that her palm was cut by the blade when she grabbed the sword just now, her forearm and leg were also cut in several places by the sword, but the wound was covered by her red dress and was not conspicuous.In addition to the dark sky, no one noticed that she was injured.

While Fang Zilan was checking the wound, Li Shengxuan came in.She quickly pulled up her sleeves to cover the wound, but when she was about to stand up and salute, he grabbed her wrist, "Is the injury serious?"

There was a hint of eagerness in his gentle voice, which made her a little dazed, and she shook her head quickly and said, "It's nothing, it's just a minor injury."

Li Shengxuan didn't believe Fang Zilan's words, he couldn't help but pull away her sleeves, "Let me have a look."

She broke free from his shackles suddenly, put down her sleeves, took a step back and stood still: "Whether a man or a woman kiss each other, what is your Majesty doing?"

Li Shengxuan's hands froze in mid-air, he was at a loss and said dumbly: "I... saw it on the tower, you are seriously injured."

Fang Zilan looked at him with some amusement, the corners of her lips curled slightly, "Your Majesty cares about me?"

Li Shengxuan put his hand down silently, and didn't answer.

Fang Zilan leaned in front of him and said with a smile: "Your Majesty's heart, I know."

"Know what?" Li Shengxuan's face turned cold for a moment.

Although it was only for a moment, Fang Zilan still keenly captured it.

She calmly opened the distance between the two, and said with a smile, "I will know what Your Majesty wants me to know."

"That's all." Li Shengxuan sighed helplessly, "Tired and you were injured, it's my oversight. But the New Year's drama has a lot to do with it. Although the people in charge are King Yucheng and the Ministry of Rites, standing behind them are the Empress Dowager and various officials in the court. Those who are in power. The princes and dignitaries of the families who participated in the show, I can't touch them for the time being, so I can only wrong you."

Fang Zilan froze for a moment, then asked, "Your Majesty invited me here just to say this?"

She regretted it only after she finished speaking, but Li Shengxuan nodded without any reaction, and asked instead: "Otherwise? What do you think I'm going to tell you?"

"It's nothing." Fang Zilan shook her head, "I just think it would be best if His Majesty is willing to make the decision for me and give me justice. Relying on confidence, His Majesty will not stand up for me."

She paused as she spoke, her face lightened a little, with her inherent coldness and rebelliousness, "If this happens again in the future, Your Majesty can't do anything for me and don't need to tell me. After all, I am , I am used to being alone, and I never need others to do something for me. I can solve my own affairs by myself."

"You..." Li Shengxuan was so choked by her that he couldn't speak for a moment, and after a while he opened his mouth and said, "I just..."

He opened his mouth, and the worried words that followed were finally swallowed by him.

Powerless worry is nothing but hypocrisy.

Fang Zilan waited for a long time, but seeing that he had no more to say, she couldn't help asking, "Just what?"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, even she herself found it funny. What was she expecting?

Li Shengxuan remained silent, and she said to herself: "Your Majesty, do you still remember Xia Houyan? Back in the Wind River Valley, when His Majesty's old department died in peace, I understood that His Majesty couldn't help himself. Even if it was the case with Xiahou's family, what's more?" Let alone me?"

 Some words, once spoken, there is no room for change.

  Fang Zilan: I know, but I have to say it.

(End of this chapter)

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