Chapter 175
"It's a good death." The Empress Dowager looked at Fang Zilan fixedly, with a trace of obvious fear in her eyes.

She thought she would give up her tail to survive and abandon everyone in the northern border.At that time, even if she can escape, she will cause people to talk about her, and she will fall from the high position of public minister, so she will not be afraid from now on.

But she didn't expect that she would have such a tough bone.

It is said that they are here to invite the Empress Dowager to raise their hands, but in fact they are coercing and coercing.

She is willing to go out and is not afraid of the result of her life and death, but isn't the royal family, and even the empress dowager standing behind them, not afraid?

Thinking about it this way, there was actually a little more provocation and demonstration.

The more the empress dowager thought about it, the more annoyed she became, and she yelled in a deep voice: "Fang Zilan, the Duke of Yue, trespassed in the harem and offended the majesty of the royal family. Come here, drag Ai's family down and punish them severely!"

Before the attendants could make a move, they heard Fang Zilan say: "Wait a minute." She was so imposing that no one dared to step forward.

She said in a cold voice: "I enter the palace with the badge of the public secretary, so I am not trespassing. Besides, I am in a high position as a public secretary, and no one can punish me except Your Majesty. The empress dowager scolded me , aren't you afraid of offending His Majesty's face?"

She watched the empress dowager turn blue with satisfaction, and then turned her voice back when she saw it was good, "However, since the empress dowager wants to punish, I will admit it."

After she finished speaking, she ignored the people who were stunned in place, and walked out of Yuzhang Palace on her own, knelt at the gate of the hall, and said loudly: "Everyone in the northern border offended the Empress Dowager, Fang Zilan is willing to be punished on her behalf. The Empress Dowager If the Empress Dowager doesn't calm down for a day, I will kneel here and won't get up."

Her voice was so loud that everyone inside and outside Yuzhang Palace could hear it clearly.

The Empress Dowager was even more angry. When she said this, the incident in the northern border seemed to be her empress dowager's unreasonable trouble, and a major corruption case became a way for the superiors to use their temper. It's really good to be petty.

The mothers and nurses around the Empress Dowager had followed her for a long time, and couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, are you really going to let Mrs. Fang kneel outside?"

"If she is willing to kneel, let her kneel." The Empress Dowager looked gloomy, "Aijia underestimated her before. Since she is going to make a scene, let the world know about it, and make it known to the emperor, and see if the emperor still wants to make a fuss." Can you keep her!"

In the Imperial Study Room at this time, Li Shengxuan heard someone report that Fang Zilan had contradicted the Empress Dowager, and was kneeling in front of the Yuzhang Palace to plead for mercy for everyone in the Northern Territory.

After he finished listening, his complexion involuntarily sank, and Xia Houzhang who was beside him also shook his head and said, "Master Fang is so impatient."

Li Shengxuan dismissed the people casually, and said in a low voice: "It's not that she can't hold her breath, but I'm afraid she has given her heart to everyone in the northern border."

Xia Houzhang's face was full of astonishment, and he dared not say anything: "Your Majesty means..."

"Didn't you hear what she said?" Li Shengxuan's tone was a little more solemn, "Not everyone dares to say that people are dead and famous. Those who occupy high positions are all thinking hard, for fear that one day they will be exalted. If you fall, you will never be able to get back up. Fortunately, she said it so calmly, as if it had nothing to do with her."

Li Shengxuan's words made Xia Houzhang involuntarily stunned, and at the end he felt an inexplicable awe.

For the people of the world, death is easy, and death is not difficult.

But life and death, the weight of these four words together, only those who have tried their best to stand in a high position like them understand that those who dare to speak out must be willing to go all out.

After a long time, Xia Houzhang spoke again: "Your Majesty, aside from everything else, I think Mr. Fang is right about the investigation. It would be more fair to invite a minister from outside the northern border to investigate. It's better than asking the two adults of the Wang family to investigate."

Li Shengxuan didn't speak, but turned his head to look out the window.

Snowflakes started falling outside at some point, and it reminded him of that day in the imperial study——she asked him, does Your Majesty still remember Xia Houyan?
Today's people in the northern border are like Xia Houyan in the past.

At that time, he left Xia Houyan and others in Wind River Valley, not because he didn't think about what would happen, but his involuntary behavior finally made him abandon them.

"Xia Houzhang." Li Shengxuan asked slowly word by word: "Tell me, what if I let go of Fang Zilan today, so what if I don't let go?"

"If His Majesty abandons Fang Zilan, I'm afraid it will chill the hearts of the soldiers in the northern border, and the hearts of the poor children headed by Zhong Yao, and it will even give an old man like Qi Yuming a reason to rebel." Xia Houzhang said every time Sentences were spoken very slowly, as if they had been deliberating over and over again.

Li Shengxuan looked up at him, "From what you mean, I must want to protect Fang Zilan?"

"But if Your Majesty protects Fang Zilan..." Xia Houzhang paused, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead, "I'm afraid that from now on, the court dignitaries headed by the Empress Dowager and King Yucheng will cause turmoil in the court of Dajing disturbed."

Hearing this, Li Shengxuan suddenly smiled slightly and said, "Fang Zilan has handed over the power of choice to me, but how does she know that I will definitely not let her go?"

"Your Majesty, Xia Houzhang is stupid, and he guessed that Mrs. Fang did not believe that His Majesty would protect her." Xia Houzhang's voice trembled, but he did not hesitate, "I am afraid that she entered the palace to meet the Emperor because of the worst plan." The Empress Dowager's. Even if His Majesty cannot protect her, she will protect everyone in the northern region, even if it costs her life or reputation."

Xia Houzhang's words made Li Shengxuan feel a shock in his heart, until now he realized that Fang Zilan's words were never empty words.

From the moment she was appointed as the head coach to go to the northern border, perhaps she has become a puppet under the influence of power.However, even though she was a puppet, she still took her responsibility.

Now, as long as she is not involved in the northern border case, there is always a way to get rid of it.But she stood up and walked to the cusp of the storm, not reckless without knowing the consequences, but lonely and brave after careful consideration.

She said, who in the world has no problems?It's just that she is unwilling.

In fact, why isn't he unwilling?But he, who was imprisoned in the position of emperor, might never be able to let go like her.

He couldn't keep Xia Houyan, but she was desperate to protect everyone in the north.

Such a comparison actually made him a little ashamed, and made him even more decisive.

After a while, Li Shengxuan collected his thoughts, looked at Xia Houzhang and asked, "How long has she been kneeling in front of Yuzhang Palace?"

Xia Houzhang quickly replied, "It's been more than an hour."

"It's almost there." Li Shengxuan smoothed the wrinkles on his robe without haste, and said in a deep voice: "My lord, kneeling in the snow for an hour has already given the empress dowager a face. Let's go, Come with me to see."

After he finished speaking, he got up and left the imperial study room.

 In the dilemma, what choice will Li Shengxuan make?Let's see the decomposition next time~
(End of this chapter)

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