Chapter 196
"If King Rong'an is really involved in this matter..." Fang Zilan didn't continue, Li Shengxuan knew it in his heart, "I know this is strange, even if King Rong'an wanted to rebel, he would not be so blatant. But Mo Bin's rebellion must Be flat."

"Mo Bin, I have heard a little bit about him. I heard that he was also the former subordinate of King Pingnan, who later surrendered to Dajing." Fang Zilan said carefully, "His rebellion..."

"It's also very strange." Li Shengxuan interjected: "If Mo Bin was loyal to the previous dynasty, it was enough to show his ambition by death. Why should he submit to Dajing? Now, if the dynasty rebelled, it would be like hitting a stone with an egg. In addition to paying for the lives of his family , no more benefit."

Fang Zilan's complexion was gloomy, Li Shengxuan looked down at her, "Fang Zilan, are you afraid?"

She didn't answer, and her lowered head was more like tacit consent.

"You can go at ease, General Xiahou and Xie Qing will not just sit idly by. With them helping you hold the line, no matter what the situation is, you can go ahead." Li Shengxuan's voice was a little lower, and he said gently: "It's really not possible, and I support you. I can handle the mere King Rong An and Mo Bin."

Fang Zilan raised her head to meet his eyes, and murmured in a weak tone involuntarily: "King Rong His Majesty's uncle."

"So what?" Li Shengxuan looked haughty, "If he relies on the old to sell the old and endangers the country and the country, I will not forgive him."

He said every word in a dignified and solemn way, "Fang Zilan, listen carefully. Between the people of the country and the world and the rich and powerful, my choice will always be the former."

"I understand." Fang Zilan responded deeply, knelt on one knee and said: "The Duke of Yue, Fang Zilan, is under orders to put an end to the chaos at Mushan Pass. Your Majesty, please wait for the good news."

"Okay." Li Shengxuan bowed and helped her up, "Mo Bin's rebellion, the whole Mo family doesn't have to stay."

Fang Zilan nodded in agreement, Li Shengxuan said as if thinking of something again: "I order Zhuge Yu to go with you."

"That's unnecessary." Fang Zilan refused: "Mr. Zhuge is not in good health, and he should not be tired. He has worked hard enough to fight against bandits in the northern border and the western border. This time it is just a small Mushan Pass. If you can handle it, you don’t need to bother him. Besides, Mo Bin’s rebellion has not yet spread, if there are more people going, it will be easy for those who are interested to take advantage of the loopholes, which is not good.”

"That's fine." Li Shengxuan didn't insist, he saw her strength in his eyes and kept it in his heart, he knew that she could be alone.

But he still couldn't help admonishing a few more words, "Remember to conceal your identity along the way, and don't startle the enemy. When you arrive at the southeast camp, there will be people from me to meet you. At that time, you can hold the white jade tiger talisman and order the three armies to quell the chaos. .”

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I have a measure." Fang Zilan cupped his hands and said goodbye, "If Your Majesty has nothing else to do, I will take my leave first."

"Fang Zilan, be careful in everything. I'm waiting for your safe return in Qiankun Palace." As soon as Li Shengxuan spoke, he felt a faint regret in his heart. Such lingering concerns should not have come out of his mouth.

"I know." Fang Zilan raised the corners of her lips and said to herself, "Your Majesty can trust me in fulfilling my duty."

Li Shengxuan was slightly stunned, so she remembered everything he said.It's just that his thoughts for her, how could he be able to express clearly with the words "fulfilling his duty"?

He suppressed all expressions and whispered: "You go."

Fang Zilan turned and walked out of the imperial study, and saw Vice General Cao waiting for her at the gate of the palace, "Boss, what happened?"

"Let's talk when we go back to the mansion." Fang Zilan looked vigilant, and Deputy General Cao didn't dare to say anything for a while, so he left with her.

As soon as the two returned to the mansion, they entered the inner room. A Wan followed them in with a serious face, "Your Majesty called you into the palace, but what happened?"

"Mo Bin, the gatekeeper of Mushan, rebelled, and His Majesty wants me to quell the rebellion." Fang Zilan's concise words made Vice General Cao and Awan panic.

"Rebellion?" A Wan was dumbfounded, and Vice General Cao looked serious, "Why hasn't there been any news from Beijing?"

"This matter is strange, and I can only know the inside story when I go to Mushan Pass." Fang Zilan sighed softly, "It hasn't been spread yet, so we can't startle the snake. It's not too late. I will take Lao Cao to the southeast camp tomorrow."

"What about me?" A Wan grabbed her sleeve, "I want to go with you."

"Ms. Cong is at the house and will give birth in two months. You can stay here to take care of me." Fang Zilan said it as a matter of course, but Awan was reluctant, "I've already helped her find a doctor, why do you still have to take care of her?" Do I stay and take care of her?"

"Be obedient." Fang Zilan held Awan's hand, "I don't know how long it will take to go to the mountains and rivers. What's more, the chaos is dangerous. If you stay in the capital, there will be..."

She stopped talking, forcefully swallowed the word Wen Ya back into her stomach, and said softly: "I am also relieved that someone from the family will take care of you."

"No." A Wan shook off her hand, "I'll stay, who will take care of you? What if..."

"It's nothing in case." Fang Zilan interrupted her, "Awan, as I said, we will all live a long life."

A Wan looked at her firmly, and said heavily: "Okay. Fang Zilan, if you don't come back alive, I will die with you. Even if you are a ghost, I will not let you go."

She spoke every word so harshly that even Vice-General Cao couldn't help feeling chills down his spine when he heard it, and calmed him dryly, "Miss Awan, don't worry."

"And you." A Wan looked at Vice General Cao, "I have to come back alive, I'll wait for you at the mansion."

Fang Zilan raised the corners of her lips, "With little Awan thinking about it, we will return safely."

A Wan turned her head away, her expression darkened a little, and she muttered, "You said you would go to the suburbs of Beijing to enjoy flowers with me..."

"Chunhua can't be appreciated." Fang Zilan turned her head, and gently scratched her nose, "But there are Xiahe, Qiugui and Dongmei, and the future will be long. Awan, wait for me to come back."

A Wan was silent for a while, then reached out and hooked Fang Zilan's finger, "It's done, I'll wait for you to come back."

Fang Zilan hummed solemnly, "I'll go see Miss Cong and talk to her."

"At this time, Miss Cong is probably asleep, right?" Awan frowned slightly, and Fang Zilan raised her brows lightly, "Who knows, I'll go and have a look. If Miss Cong is asleep, you can only tell her tomorrow, and then I will let you go." Said that I went to the village outside the city to deal with some things, and it would take a while before I came back."

A Wan nodded, and said, "Okay."

Fang Zilan frowned and thought, and added, "Awan, you go to see Ayu at Zhuge's house tomorrow, and tell him that I will clean up the Zhuangzi outside the city, and it will take a while before I can return to Beijing, and he needs to pay more attention to the government affairs. .”

 A Wan: You don’t take me with you, you’re angry!

(End of this chapter)

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