Don't ask where people go

Chapter 210 Purpose

Chapter 210 Purpose
While thinking about it, A Wan continued to speak, "Also, it is unlikely that General Xiahou will be deceived. After all, her husband is Xie Chen, who used to be famous in Baiyue. Such a shrewd person, How could you allow General Xiahou to be deceived?"

Hearing the words, Fang Zilan said in a low voice: "Since these speculations are untenable, let's infer from the most essential purpose."

"What do you mean?" Awan asked curiously, only to hear her say: "No matter who did this, his essential purpose is only one—to eradicate the Mo family. Therefore, whoever wants to eradicate the Mo family the most will have the most Might be behind it."

A Wan's eyes widened involuntarily, "Who could it be?"

Fang Zilan's expression turned cold, "I do have a suspect in my heart, but I can't confirm until I have seen those detained pirates."

"Are you going to meet those imprisoned pirates?" A Wan looked at the person in front of her incredulously, but she nodded calmly, "Mo Han will help, and I will be able to help you in two days." See them. So Awan, you have to help me prepare the Migu and the antidote for me in these two days."

Hearing this, A Wan asked in confusion: "I can understand that you want Migu, why do you need an antidote?"

"The fact that I went to meet those pirates can't be discovered by anyone." Fang Zilan's expression was a bit serious, "No matter what, we can't cause trouble for Mo Han."

"Okay." A Wan slightly nodded her head to express her understanding, then patted her chest to assure her: "I'll take care of the medicine."

Only then did Fang Zilan relax, feeling unspeakably exhausted, she staggered and slammed onto the table, shaking violently.

"Fang Zilan!" A Wan whispered, and quickly caught her pulse, her brows were full of worry.

"I'm fine." Fang Zilan shook her head, pushed Awan's hand away, and said softly, "Awan, have a good night's rest. We will meet Lao Cao tomorrow."

"You..." A Wan's eyes suddenly turned red, and Fang Zilan forced a smile, "A Wan, I promised you that I would live a long life. As long as I have one more breath, I will not let you down."

"Okay." A Wan nodded emphatically, "Don't worry, I will make a new medicine in the past two days, and it will never let your Gu poison flare up. Whatever you want, just let go and do it."

"Awan, thank you." Fang Zilan leaned on the table and bowed.

A Wan stretched out her hand as if wanting to help her, but after a moment of hesitation, she withdrew her hand, "If you really want to thank me, you should take a good rest."

She turned and left, feeling a little more worried. It was the first time that Fang Zilan thanked her so solemnly.

What A Wan didn't know was that Fang Zilan was just lucky, glad that she was still alive, and even more glad that she survived to meet Mo Han.

Sure enough, as long as people are alive, good things will always happen.

Fang Zilan looked at A Wan's back, the corners of her lips slightly raised.For some reason, she gradually relaxed.

In the past, she always wanted to return to the original world one day, but now she only hopes to live well every day in this world.As for whether to go back, it seems that it has become less important.

She simply tidied up and rested. After many days of running, she was really tired, so she fell asleep as soon as she touched the pillow.Until A Wan knocked on the door the next day, she was still asleep on the bed.

Awan pushed the door open and entered, only to see Fang Zilan still lying on the bed, her eyes closed tightly as if she was still asleep.She tentatively walked to the bed and softly called Fang Zilan's name.

Fang Zilan frowned slightly, and murmured, "Awan, I'm awake."

"Why don't you get up when you wake up?" A Wan sat on the edge of the bed, reached under the brocade quilt, caught her pulse, and said with surprise: "The previous abnormality has disappeared. I don't think Cong Rong has the guts to give it to you." You are poisoned."

Fang Zilan opened her eyes and sat up, "Cong Rong is alone and has nothing to rely on. If she poisons me to death, what good will it do her?"

Awan frowned slightly, and asked, "So you never really doubted Cong Rong?"

Fang Zilan coughed lightly, her voice still a little hoarse, "Knowing is one thing, doubting is another. I know she has no reason to harm me, but it doesn't mean I don't doubt her."

"That's right." A Wan curled her lips helplessly, "You are as suspicious as the young master, how can you trust someone completely? Even if Cong Rong has no reason to harm you, if she is used by others... "

"Awan." Fang Zilan interrupted her indifferently, "Who told you that I, like the young master, cannot trust someone completely?"

"Isn't it?" A Wan looked suspicious, "My master said that all the time, could there be any mistakes?"

"Wen Ya is really..." Fang Zilan sighed lightly, pretending to be disgusted and dragging his tongue, "I don't teach well."

"You are not allowed to call my master!" A Wan glared at her angrily, pulled the brocade quilt and said aggressively: "Get up quickly, take the medicine after breakfast, don't delay the time..."

"Sister Lan?" Mo Han's voice came from the door, interrupting A Wan's words.

It was only then that A Wan remembered that she had pushed the door in just now and hadn't closed it, so she couldn't help but lower her tone, "Well, I'll go out and get rid of him first, and come out after you pack up."

"No need." Fang Zilan shook her head and said, "Mo Han is very polite, without my permission, he wouldn't just come in."

"You really trust him." A Wan stood up, "Then I'll go talk to him and bring your medicine over."

"Okay." Fang Zilan got up and said to her while picking up the clothes: "You tell Mo Han, please ask him to accompany me out of the house later."

"Aren't we going to see Deputy General Cao?" A Wan was startled, "You want to take Mo Han with you?"

"Mo Han knows who I am." Fang Zilan put on her clothes neatly, her expression lightened a little, "Besides, there are some things I need to let him know. Based on his reaction, I can then consider my next actions."

A Wan still wanted to say something, so she heard her say: "You go, don't let Mo Han wait outside the door."

"Okay, I'll go." A Wan dragged out the ending angrily, turned and left.

She walked to the door and gave Mo Han a hard look, quickly repeated what Fang Zilan said just now, and then warned: "She trusts you so much, if you dare to do anything to hurt her, I will never forgive you .”

"Miss Awan, don't worry." Mo Han saluted politely, and asked politely: "I passed the kitchen just now, and the cook told me that Miss Awan cooked a medicine by borrowing fire early in the morning. I wonder who it was for?"

A Wan pursed her lips, and her expression became a little more guarded, "I was in poor health when I was young, and I am a sick child who cannot live without medicine."

 In this chapter, A Wan: I just can't trust Mo Han!
  A few chapters later, Awan: Mr. Mo is so kind!

(End of this chapter)

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