Don't ask where people go

Chapter 213 Brother 3

Chapter 213
Fang Zilan walked back to the table and sat down, and gave Awan a look, signaling her to be at ease.Then she looked at Mo Han and said, "I was in such a hurry yesterday that I forgot to ask you if you have brothers and sisters. If you do, we didn't even say hello when we entered the house. It's really rude."

Mo Han was stunned for a moment, although he was surprised that she asked abruptly, but he still replied in a gentle voice: "I do have other brothers and sisters, but they are not in the house, so I didn't tell Sister Lan about them one by one. The family ranks fourth, the eldest sister died young, the second sister got married, and the third brother is in the army, so I am the only junior in the family."

"So that's it." Fang Zilan asked casually, "Your third brother is in the army, is he in the southeast camp?"

"The third brother was indeed in the southeast camp before, but he was transferred back to Mushanguan last year and lived in the army." Mo Han briefly explained, but it seemed to arouse Fang Zilan's interest, "What kind of person is your third brother? "

Mo Han thought for a while, and replied: "The third brother's personality is very similar to my father's. He usually looks a bit harsh and ruthless, but in fact he is cold-hearted and warm-hearted. He is a very principled person."

"Principles?" Fang Zilan chuckled, and Mo Han also smiled, "Actually, for my father and third brother, some things are justified. So in their hearts, there is always a ruler. Once someone crosses that They will never show mercy."

"It's justified?" Fang Zilan repeated the word, and asked casually: "For example, the way of the monarch and ministers?"

Mo Han was silent for a moment, finally nodded, and said: "Yes. In the matter of loyalty to the emperor, I will never change to the death."

"If that's the case, why did you descend to the capital?" Fang Zilan's expression was calm, but Awan's expression changed, "Sister, you!"

Seeing this, Mo Han smoothed things over and said, "It's okay. Since Sister Lan wants to know, there is nothing I can't say. The reason why my father would rather bear the scolding of the world and change his party is because the king in his heart has passed away. , and there is no more loyalty to the emperor. The second is because my elder sister died not long ago, and my mother was so sad that she couldn't bear the stimulation, so he chose to surrender to the capital to protect his family."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan sighed softly, "Sure enough, your father is loyal to King Pingnan, the former Zhenbei General."

"Sister Lan knows?" Mo Han looked pleasantly surprised, Fang Zilan nodded, "It turned out that when I was in the north, I heard a friend mention it."

As she said this, she suddenly thought of Qi Yuming.Everyone in the world knows that the Qi family has been loyal to Zhenbei General Pingnan King for generations, but for the sake of border peace, the Qi family finally chose to surrender to the Li family, and the whole family's honor and disgrace fell on the shoulders of Qi Yuming alone.

"Everyone's way of life is different, whether it's a martyrdom to swear to the death, or a change of direction, it's no big deal, and there is nothing wrong with it." Fang Zilan said calmly, but A Wan was taken aback, "But everyone in the world It's a shame to observe the festival, isn't it wrong?"

"It's shameful to keep the chastity, and you can't hesitate." Mo Han smiled slightly, and said, "No matter what choice you choose, it will eventually converge into the so-called general trend of the world. After thousands of years, it will only be a few pens in the history books. Someone Keeping chastity is to preserve reputation, some people betray to protect others, what is right and what is wrong, posterity will judge."

"Which is right and which is wrong, posterity will comment?" Awan couldn't help opening her eyes wide, "It's the first time I've heard someone say that, it's really fresh." She said and looked at Fang Zilan, "Your cousin is really amazing .”

"Miss Awan praises you." Mo Han lowered his head in embarrassment, while Fang Zilan agreed unceremoniously: "That's natural. Mo Han has read very well since he was a child, so he has extraordinary knowledge."

"You've only known Mr. Mo for a few days, so you know he's good at reading?" A Wan laughed and said teasingly, "I see you, since I met Mr. Mo, how about seeing him? , no one else can compare."

"I don't think you're alright?" Fang Zilan smiled helplessly, and Mo Han chimed in, "Miss Awan is dignified and generous, and Lan Xinhui is naturally very good."

"Forget it." A Wan hurriedly waved her hand, "Young Master Mo, you should stop making fun of me."

"Mo Han is just telling the truth, why are you making fun of me?" Fang Zilan smiled slightly, with a somewhat serious expression.

Seeing that Awan was silent, she was about to say something more, but when she heard a loud bang, a person rolled down the stairs and came straight towards their table.

In the blink of an eye, Fang Zilan quickly pulled Awan past him, and hid her aside.And Mo Han was also surrounded by guards, got up and stood not far from them.

Seeing that Mo Han was safe and sound, Fang Zilan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then glanced at the person who rolled down the stairs and collapsed by the table, it was a tall and thick man.

The man raised his hand to support the table, and the baggy sleeves just fell down with his movements, revealing the trident tattoo on his arm.

It was pirates!Awan was startled, and subconsciously looked at Fang Zilan, but saw that her eyes did not fall on Haikou, but on the stairs behind Haikou.

A Wan followed her gaze, and saw a young man in Tsing Yi standing on the stairs walking leisurely down the stairs, as if he hadn't noticed the movement in the lobby of the restaurant at all.

"You..." The pirate raised his head to look at the young master on the stairs, and saw that he straightened his sleeves in a leisurely manner, "How about it, have you figured it out? It's up to you to choose truthfully or torture."

Mo Han stared blankly at the person approaching in front of him, and called out incredulously, "Third Brother?"

Hearing the sound, the young master glanced at Mo Han, a complex look flashed across his eyes, then he raised his hand and signaled, "Bring everyone out."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a noise from the guest room upstairs, and then several men were escorted out.At the end of the crowd that filed out, it turned out to be Deputy General Cao.

Seeing Deputy General Cao being escorted, Awan's expression changed instantly.She was about to step forward, but Fang Zilan grabbed her arm tightly, and no matter how she moved, she remained motionless.

At the same time, the young master's eyes just fell on Fang Zilan and A Wan, which was very meaningful and cold.

The pirate who fell by the table seemed to have reacted, and spat hard, "Mo Yang, you can kill as much as you want, why are there so many nonsense!"

"Nonsense?" The young master named Mo Yang condescended to examine the embarrassed people on the ground, smiled coldly, and said, "You pirates are used to being greedy for life and fearing death, and you can still say that you can kill if you want. It's really rare."

"You!" The pirate's eyes widened, and he was so choked that he couldn't speak.

The next moment, I saw a dagger lying across the pirate's neck, and the man holding the sword said coldly, "If that's the case, then I will fulfill you."

 Awan: Vice-General Cao was... arrested?

  Fang Zilan: Those who dare to arrest me, are they tired of work?
(End of this chapter)

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