Don't ask where people go

Chapter 217 Detention

Chapter 217 Detention
A Wan suddenly stopped in the middle of her words, but Fang Zilan knew what she meant, "So we need to find out the truth as soon as possible."

"I have prepared the medicine." A Wan quietly took out a medicine bottle from her arms and stuffed it into Fang Zilan's hand, "This is Migu."

She paused while speaking, and said hesitantly: "But the antidote, I haven't had time to make it yet."

Fang Zilan put away the medicine bottle calmly, and said softly: "Since we are all imprisoned, there is no need for antidote."

"That's true." A Wan nodded, pulled out a hairpin from her head as if remembering something, and waved it triumphantly in front of her, "I also prepared this."

"Mixiang?" Fang Zilan watched Awan unscrew the beads inlaid on the hairpin, revealing the incense sticks underneath, "Yes, it is enough to bring down a few jailers."

"More than enough? It's more than enough." Fang Zilan chuckled helplessly, "There is so much mist, even if you want to bring down an elephant, it is enough."

"Be prepared." A Wan wanted to say something more, when Fang Zilan suddenly took the hairpin in her hand, pressed the beads back on, and said in a loud voice: "It's all right, why is the hairpin tilted? Come on, I Put it back on for you."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a sound of footsteps, and Awan couldn't help feeling vigilant.She took a closer look and found that it was Mo Bin and his wife who came.

"Miss Lan." Mrs. Hu's voice was somewhat hesitant, "I heard Yang'er said that you have an affair with pirates?"

"He's not a pirate." Fang Zilan calmly fixed the hairpin for A Wan while talking.However, she was not very satisfied with the hairpin a few times. In the end, A Wan took the hairpin back from her hand and said angrily, "I'll do it myself."

"Okay." Fang Zilan nodded, then turned to Mo Bin and his wife, walked to the fence of the cell, and said with a slight smile: "This is the end of the matter, I don't know what Master Mo wants to do?"

"Miss Lan, who are you?" Mo Bin asked straight to the point, but Fang Zilan's smile remained unchanged, "I made this question very clear yesterday. Master Mo still asks me like this now, it seems He didn't believe me from the beginning."

Hearing that Mo Bin wanted to say something, she heard her continue, "In this case, can I deduce that what Mr. Mo said yesterday was all lies, but it was based on the so-called old friend's feelings. Gain my trust and use it for other purposes?"

"Miss Lan, what my wife and I said yesterday is true. What's more, the pair of jade pendants cannot be faked at all." Mo Bin said firmly, Fang Zilan just slightly nodded and said: "I thought so too. But today Mr. Yang really taught me a lesson, not to pay attention to evidence in everything. Even if the jade pendant can't be fake, so what?"

Mo Bin was taken aback by what she said, and Mrs. Hu beside her couldn't help but sigh softly, "Miss Lan, I saw your words and deeds yesterday, and you are not an unreasonable person. Why are you so different today?"

"With reasonable people, I am naturally reasonable." Fang Zilan smiled, and changed the subject: "But if you meet someone who is headstrong and unreasonable, why should I be reasonable?"

"Yang'er is not the headstrong and unreasonable person you say..." Mrs. Hu was about to try to explain a few words, but Fang Zilan said coldly: "I know that Mushanguan is under martial law. Under the current situation, I would rather kill by mistake. Misplaced. But everything is evidence-based, Master Mo Yang wanted to convict the man and me with just one mouth, forgive me for not accepting it."

She paused, "What's more, to deal with the pirates, this method of catching one by one is too passive. If you can't figure out the real intention of the pirates and prevent problems before they happen, it will be too late to regret if something happens."

She said every word with seriousness, which made Mo Bin and his wife stunned.After a while, Mo Bin asked, "Why didn't you tell Yu Yanger these words?"

"I wanted to tell Mr. Mo Yang, but he never gave me a chance." Fang Zilan explained: "I am a stubborn person, and I am stubborn. If you talk nicely to me like Mr. Mo and his wife, Naturally, I'm easy to talk. But if I'm accused of being indiscriminate like Lord Mo Yang, I'm naturally not happy, so I want to confront him."

Hearing that Mrs. Hu's face softened a little, she said with a smile: "You child, why are you so childish?"

Fang Zilan didn't answer, just listened to Mo Bin's interface: "Although what you said is not unreasonable, but all the time, the pirates we have captured can't interrogate anything. Know nothing about it.”

"Your Majesty Mo, don't worry." Fang Zilan said soothingly, "I have a solution, and I will know it once I try it."

Mo Bin couldn't help asking: "What method?"

The corner of Fang Zilan's lips curled up into a smile, "If Master Mo can trust me, A Wan and I are locked up here now, and it is a good time for the man I know to be locked up with pirates."

"You mean, let the man you know to test the pirates?" Mo Bin frowned, and then reacted, "If those pirates really don't know anything, they will probably regard that man as an accomplice .But if they know the inside story, they will definitely be very wary of that man."

Fang Zilan nodded in agreement, Mo Bin's brows relaxed, "The premise of everything is that I can trust you."

"Yes." Fang Zilan's face is rare and upright, "I did hide something from Mrs. Mo and Madam, but I never cheated. I am from Dajing, and no matter what, I don't want to see foreign enemies come and make wars. The everlasting view."

At the end, she said in a deep voice, "Master Mo and Madam can trust me on this point."

Maybe it was because the look in her eyes was too sincere, or maybe it was because what she said was too sincere. At this moment, Mo Bin and his wife unanimously abandoned their doubts and chose to believe her.

"Master, I would like to believe Miss Lan." Madam Hu said and tugged Mo Bin's sleeve lightly, he sighed as if relieved, and looked at the person in front of him firmly, "Okay, I believe you. Miss Lan, don't let me down."

"Lord Mo and Madam, don't worry." Fang Zilan bowed respectfully, Mo Bin and his wife didn't stay long, turned and left.

It took a long time after they left before she straightened up.

"Fang Zilan." A Wan walked to her side and said in a low voice, "It's good, we don't know how long we're going to stay here."

"If you want to get close to the pirates, staying here is the best way." Fang Zilan couldn't see any expression on her face, and Awan couldn't help asking: "Then when shall we act?"

 The truth of the next chapter is about to surface, so stay tuned~
(End of this chapter)

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